Traditional food is hungi.....pork and native sweet potato cooked over hot rocks buried under ground.
Modern maoris probably eat KFC & Mc Donalds. Hungi food is still popular at events and celebrations.
PS: Between all this pork, plus the grubs & reptiles of the aborigines, I don't think any Jew will have much luck with the 'traditional' native foods in this part of the world. 
LOL Newman where did they get Pigs from, when New Zealand has no Native

First it was.........
It was fish, shell fish and birds ( kiwi and Moa at the time), and of course back then human, yams, kurma, green bananas.

And trying buying a pig in New Zealand now, thats one of the most exspensive meats there is.
Hungis are now few and far between, but the main Pa's have kitchens.
BBQing is still high on the list tho.