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Ahalan le Kulam - Hi everyone
Ultra Requete:
Welcome on board.
Gam Bashan veGam Gilad:
Welcome to the forum. :)
Just wondering: Why did you leave Israel?
I'll let her get into the details but I'll just say that if I'm not mistaken she didn't really have a choice...
Gam Bashan veGam Gilad:
--- Quote from: OdKahaneChai on September 08, 2007, 09:54:54 PM ---I'll let her get into the details but I'll just say that she didn't really have a choice...
--- End quote ---
Oh, it's okay, she doesn't have to. :) It was just a thought that glimpsed over my mind, that's all. It's a blessing to have new JTFers on board.
Hi and welcome to this wonderful forum!!!
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