Author Topic: Ask JTF For Motza'ei Tzom Gedaliah, September 16.  (Read 13112 times)

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Offline RationalThought110

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Re: Ask JTF For Motza'ei Tzom Gedaliah, September 16.
« Reply #25 on: September 16, 2007, 09:16:06 AM »
Dear Chaim,

    Someone on the forum mentioned that you consider Mike Huckabee to be one of the better candidates. 

    I don't believe this to be the case.  However, if it's true, then you should be know the following:

    In past years, Huckabee gave speeches to illegal alien lobby groups in support of amnesty.
Huckabee supported the "comprehensive immigration reform" plan in 2006.  If he didn't support the recent one, it's probably because he realized what happened after McCain and some other senators like Lindsey Graham were so quick to support it.   

     Huckabee's rhetoric is similar to that of the pastor from the Alaberto United Methodist Church in Chicago that gives sanctuary to illegal aliens. 

      Duncan Hunter and Tom Tancredo are the only candidates I trust.  In comparison with Tancedo, I think Hunter is more  well-rounded and is better at arguing his points and in getting things done.  For example, Hunter is able to cite accurate statistics and actually made sure that a border fence was built in San Diego. 

       I think Hunter is against an open-ended policy of having US troops in Iraq.  He knows that the military will need to be ready for potential future conflicts and that an open-ended policy in Iraq would not accomplish that.  He views Iran as an imminent threat and would have a rational strategy of what to do.  I don't fault him for voting for the war in Iraq as the intelligence reports tried to claim that Saddam's government was a bigger threat than Iran's regime.

However, he wants to make sure the military, including the marines, get the necessary equipment that they need.  He's done good work for the Armed Services committee, via the House of Representatives, over the years. 

       I think Hunter might be best candidate in more than the past 100 years.  He's a true conservative who has had tough battles against those who don't have the courage to stand up for conservative principles.  Over the years, he's voted to cut funding for excessive bureaucracies and has tried to welfare.

       Hunter is retiring from the House of Representatives.  So this is the time for voters to nominate him for president or else the American people will have lost one of their best--if not the best of the current ones--politicians. 

       Especially due to the fact that the primaries have all been bumped up sooner, rather than being pushed back much closer to the dates of the party conventions, there isn't a lot of time left.  Hunter's support increases as voters learn more about him but it's been difficult for people to reach Republican primary voters.  Hunter won a straw poll in Texas a few weeks ago (Giuliani, Romney and Thompson didn't show up so they'll all use that as their excuse)  and of course, the media never discussed it.  But when Romney won the straw poll in Iowa a week or two before then, the media gave him good exposure.

     Since it's the new year, I don't want you to bash Huckabee right now on this show.  Simply, I think you and others should be informed about him and how he shouldn't be trusted. 
Duncan Hunter is the politician who I trust and who I think others should also trust.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2007, 10:39:56 AM by RationalThought110 »

Offline imaknick

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Re: Ask JTF For Motza'ei Tzom Gedaliah, September 16.
« Reply #26 on: September 16, 2007, 03:09:58 PM »
Shana tova,

 Why do Jews do tashlich and kaparot to symbolically get rid of our sins? shouldn't doing one thing be enough?  Also, Is kaparot in the Torah, or is it a custom and do you think its cruel to the chickens?  I know the rambam was against the practice of kaparot and is said to be a pagan ritual.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2007, 03:19:51 PM by imaknick »

Offline Gam Bashan veGam Gilad

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Re: Ask JTF For Motza'ei Tzom Gedaliah, September 16.
« Reply #27 on: September 16, 2007, 03:26:40 PM »
Hello dear Chaim,

  First of all, I would like to thank you for the lovely warming words that you've said about me on the last program. That was really touching and unforgettable, and I was flattered deeply. :)

My question this week:

  With your permission, I am forwarding the same subject from the last week:

So according to you, the Cold War hasn't ended yet. Russia's secret wish was and still has been to see America bombed by nuclear missiles and millions of American citizens dead. In fact, the whole "peace agreement" between Russia and the United States is a joke and a farce that isn't worth the piece of paper it's written on.

I have to add on this point that this picture remarkably resembles to the situation between Egypt and Israel. Egypt, too, is supplying weapons and ammunition to Israel's enemies "behind her back", although there's supposed to be a "peace agreement" (or so they say) between both countries...

Anyway, there still is a major difference: America is supposed to be the strongest nation in the world! How come Bush and his government don't stand up and say loudly to Russia "enough is enough!", before it is too late? What do they fear? If America, the strongest nation in the world, allows herself to show appeasement and weakness when it comes to her own existence, then I think it's safe to say we have pretty much to be worried about!

I see you've decided to take from US some surviving lessons.  Well Jee... thanks for the compliment, but –
what a pitiful misfortunate choice to make.. :-\

Thank you Chaim, as always,
and Gmar Chatima Tova! ;)

Gam Bashan veGam Gil'ad.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2007, 09:03:55 PM by Gam Bashan veGam Gilad »

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Re: Ask JTF For Motza'ei Tzom Gedaliah, September 16.
« Reply #28 on: September 16, 2007, 03:29:44 PM »
Shalom Chaim, I hope you are well. I'm posting this question on behalf of Joe Gutfeld, he would like your opinion on a problem that has arisen.

"This week, I am also involved with a forum that a board member of my co-op started.  The board election is next week and I started a post about which board member should be voted off.  One of them once made a statement that he will throw out all Jewish and elderly residents.  He was elected 5 years ago.  I haven't been kicked out yet, but I told a person who compained that I put his name down and why I hate him.  I put down why and the person called me a "racist" aganist a "good christian" man.  This person also threatened me by posting all over the co-op what I posted.  I said, "go ahead".  I was banned from that forum.  I feel that I need JTF's help in my situation.  Can someone help me?  Please have Jimmy or Chaim answer this post.  Maybe we can have a protest against this person."

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Re: Ask JTF For Motza'ei Tzom Gedaliah, September 16.
« Reply #29 on: September 16, 2007, 03:38:54 PM »
You bring up an interesting point about s*xuality. Obviously anyone who expects his girlfriend to be like a porn star will be disappointed. And of course anyone who has casual intercourse can get an STD or impregnate a woman (which can, God forbid, lead to an abortion of one's own child!). But if I (being a bachelor) keep all of this in mind and then masturbate to relieve my s*xual urges, then the main problem facing me would be guilt. And so if I accept that s*xuality is alright, then I have nothing to worry about (so long as it is in the privacy of my own bedroom). Now I'm sure you'll disagree since you're a fundamentalist therefore my question for the week is: If masterbation is so awful, then why have fundamentalists made up lies about it (e.g. the old wives' tale about masterbation causing hairy palms)?

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Re: Ask JTF For Motza'ei Tzom Gedaliah, September 16.
« Reply #30 on: September 16, 2007, 06:27:13 PM »
Umm, is Hidden Author FOTL?  :o