Guns and Self-Defense > Guns/Firearms
Rudy Giuliani is ANTI-GUN (Videos)
Rudy Giuliani is too crazy for me he is like a neo con i'll vote for someone else rather then rudy giuliani and anti gun person he is like bush on steriods. sorry i won't vote for him. i wouldn't vote for fred thompson because he is lazy.
Matthias Corvinus:
--- Quote from: warlord2080 on October 17, 2007, 07:36:07 PM ---Rudy Giuliani is too crazy for me he is like a neo con i'll vote for someone else rather then rudy giuliani and anti gun person he is like bush on steriods. sorry i won't vote for him. i wouldn't vote for fred thompson because he is lazy.
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What if your alternative is Hitlery Clinton or Obama bin Laden?
--- Quote from: Winged Hussar 1683 on October 22, 2007, 07:30:17 PM ---
--- Quote from: warlord2080 on October 17, 2007, 07:36:07 PM ---Rudy Giuliani is too crazy for me he is like a neo con I'll vote for someone else rather then Rudy giuliani and anti gun person he is like bush on steroids. sorry i won't vote for him. i wouldn't vote for Fred Thompson because he is lazy.
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What if your alternative is Hitlery Clinton or Obama bin Laden?
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well Hillary has been a snooping history on all the other candidates that makes her even less popular. she had a good history of being a porn star world that doesn't fit into the category of being president. she showed cleavage while doing a speech about children's healthcare,and by these statement she has very little chance to become president unless someone rigged the votes for her. The reason why people would vote for her is because of her cleavage and the stupid and irrationality of presidential candidates of posting ads on TV telling to vote for them. she is a CFR member(CFR been here for about 57 years)
Now we move on to barack obama's category i used to be a supporter of Barack Obama until he said we need to "change" sounded scary. The other thing is we don't know much about him and he is running in a CFR member category(another CFR member) which sounds more scary because Bush is in the CFR(Communist of Free Raid oops i mean council of foreign relations). Now i don't think Barack Obama doesn't know much how the system works. Even more scary is he is gonna change democracy(get real). he said in his intelligence that if Musharaff doesn't act we will(now USA doesn't invade other countries because a terrorist is there the president talks to the congress to make that decision and other things before going there Pakistan does not want tyranny in the country). I wouldn't care if he smoked but he has less information of what the people want. in his books he stated he did drugs which sounds more communism to me. a lot of people thinking that Barack Obama is talking from his heart i say"where is his heart his heart is not there in his speeches"
from the point of view i wouldn't vote for either of them why... is because one is not intelligent and the other one is a whore who doesn't have a right to be in the election. I think the war in Iraq is false and i would vote for democratic nor anyone who is in the CFR for that matter.
America, lose your guns-lose your freedom!
I can understand why they ban guns in America....look at all the school shootings.
I think only Jews should be allowed to carry guns.
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