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Hello, I come from Germany.
Goldfasan, welcome to JTF. You know, I'm reading a fabulous book right now by a very good Christian Conservative English Author: Dr. Paul Johnson called "A History of Christianity". From your earlier posts dealing with J. Calvin and Lutheranism etc. I feel you will very much enjoy this read.
It is a sad thing what is happening to Germany today. This continual drifting to the Socialist/Fascist/Nazi Left, not only in Britian but even in Israel, of all places, is truly a blight to both Humanity and the world. Don't keep silent my friend argue with all of these "politically correct" indoctrinated ignorami.
I was in Germany a few years back. It is a beautiful country. Sadly, it is becomming infected with Muslim and African filth; like almost every 1st world nation.
I belive you will like the books by Dr. Antony Sutton. Check him out on Amazon. As you mentioned America re-building Germany after WW2. He documents how America and wealthy people in Canada and Britian built re-built Germany after WWI and brought both Hitler, Lenin and kept all other Communist leaders in power or brought them to power. Very good reading....
Welcome aboard.... ;) Gunten tag...
White Israelite:
Welcome to the forum. I do not blame you for what Nazi Germany did then. You are your own person, you should not be held responsible for Nazis actions and you have made a good decision to be as supportive as you are. My mother is originally of German background who is now Jewish and my father is also Jewish. I know that when my parents originally married, many of the family was unhappy due to her being German. It is still difficult because I feel some regret that I do have some German background. While nothing will ever be able to replace the deaths of the 12 million people killed in the death camps, it is good that Germany recognizes and is at least trying to fix the problems as evidence proves to you. Germany while being a ruthless nation at the time has been helpful to Israel as of late (The dolphin subs donated) and trying to make things right. I find Germany to make some of the finest cars and weapons out there. I cannot dispute that, but I do understand why many forum members would dislike German products or Germany because of the holocaust. I would hope that other members would be able to treat a person based on who they are and not where they were born.
My mothers family is originally from Hamburg. They moved to Wisconsin and they are about 3rd generation in the US.
On a side note, Germany was not the only one to commit attrocities on Jews, almost all of Europe at the time was against Jews to some degree or another. I also do not sympathize with Germans who were killed during World War II. However, Mr Schindler at least from what I know seemed like a righteous person for saving many Jews.
--- Quote from: AussieJTFer on September 19, 2007, 08:33:38 AM ---How can you promise it? How do you know that one day he's not going to start crapping on about how germans were killed in dresden (not enough unfortunatley) for example and how not all the germans supported the nazis etc?
In my opinion (whatever that's worth), the germans should publicy renounce their nationality, their heritage of barbarism and forfeit the usage of their disgusting sounding, ugly, nazi language as the first step in being considered warm blooded humans and not psychopathic serpents.
Also remember that the germans purposely allowed their muslim nazi friends to kill the 11 Jewish athletes only a few kilometers from dachau and continue to wholeheartedly support the arabs as an extension to the holocaust.
My dream is for a Kahanist government to send an entire squadron of bombers to drop nukes on every major german city and finally end WW2 the way it should have ended.
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If German is a nazi language than yiddish is a nazi language either .
And you are completly wrong, go to Goldfasan's forum and you'll see a whole section about supporting israel :
--- Quote from: AussieJTFer on September 19, 2007, 08:33:38 AM ---How can you promise it? How do you know that one day he's not going to start crapping on about how germans were killed in dresden (not enough unfortunatley) for example and how not all the germans supported the nazis etc?
In my opinion (whatever that's worth), the germans should publicy renounce their nationality, their heritage of barbarism and forfeit the usage of their disgusting sounding, ugly, nazi language as the first step in being considered warm blooded humans and not psychopathic serpents.
Also remember that the germans purposely allowed their muslim nazi friends to kill the 11 Jewish athletes only a few kilometers from dachau and continue to wholeheartedly support the arabs as an extension to the holocaust.
My dream is for a Kahanist government to send an entire squadron of bombers to drop nukes on every major german city and finally end WW2 the way it should have ended.
--- End quote ---
I dont know if that will ever happen but Rabbi Kahane zt'l didnt let German reporters into his press coferances and he vowed to cut all ties between Israel and Germany the day he came to power. I dont see how we can do any less.
Did you go to the very pro Jewish forum that Golfasan showed us yes it's very pro Jewish and Israel they have videos from Chaim that are well liked
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