General Category > Introduce Yourself

Hello, I come from Germany.

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--- Quote from: Dexter on September 09, 2007, 12:13:20 PM ---Welcome  :)
Can you tell us a bit more about yourself ?

Party you support in ...
Belief ...
Age ...

I ask all JTFers, please welcome him nicely ...

--- End quote ---

I was born in Hamburg. Now I live in a small county named Friesland in northern Germany. My belief is christian. I was baptized lutherian, but i read a lot of scriptures from Johannes Calvin and i think that he was right. But i tolerate other confessions, but no muslimes, because that is an ideologie, like others we well know from the century, and no religion. My age is 29 and i support no political party. Most near are my position to the German conservatives called CDU. They are like the Republicans in the USA. It is good, that they don't hate the USA and Israel, but on the one hand are in this Party some politicians who want to catch votes from people who see Germany at the end of WWII in a role as victim too, on the other hand they go to the insane Museldirt and make a islamconference, where they tell us that islam is a part of Europe. In my oppinion it's not and will never. When you see this German victim politically position, you can catch votes, there is no doubt, but you ruine the future with this.
First because its not true and second because the muslims thought too that they are victims of Americans and Jews, without reflecting their own behavior. So this can cause alliances between this mislead group of Germans and the murdermuslims. This is a great danger for Europe.

serbian army:
Welcome, tell us more about recent terrorist attacks in Germany :o :o :o

Welcome to the forum.  Make sure Islam doesn't take over your country.  We hope you'll post more in the future. 

The terrorists are muslims, that are following the saudian way of islam, wahabismus. One was a ethnic turkish man, the two others are etnic germans. They have the goal to kill mainly americans in Germany.

The names of the three are:
Fritz G., Daniel S. und Adem Y.

They go to a german muslim club that named "Multi-Kultur-Haus" (muliculture house), there they learned the real islam. The bavarian home secretarian Beckstein closed the multi-culture-house, because they agitate against Americans and Jews. Now they go to the IEZ (islam information center) in the same town named Ulm.

This is a picture of the front of IIZ:

You can see that on the door is a sticker where stand "Islam ist Frieden" what means Islam is Peace.

Fritz G. the leader of the murdermuselgang has a friend named Dr. Youssef. He helps Fritz, Daniel and Adem to hire by a terrorist organization named "Islamische Dschihad Union". This Organization sits in Usbekistan, but the terrorcamps are in Pakistan. The three Musels traveled now to Pakistan and lerned how to kill christians and Jews. When they came back to Germany they get their orders directly from the "Islamische Dschihad Union". And the order was to kill Americans.

They bought twelve barrels of hydrogen peroxide totally 730 kilogramm, with a concentration of 35 percent. They have planned to reduce it to a higher grade of concentration and than pruduce explosive material with it. German experts said, that the force of the detonation were like 500 kilogramm TNT.

I heard that foreign agencies give the BKA (bundes kriminalamt like FBI) Tips, because they have heard their mobilephone talks and seen them in Pakistan. So the Police catched the murdermuslims, before they can bomb american facilities in Germany.

All of the three murders lived from social care, how it is common for every muslim.

Welcome very good to hear you


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