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Ask JTF For Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan, Sunday, October 22.
I read somewhere that you were hired to host the early public access shows in Manhattan when it first started. Is that true or not, and if so, who hired you?
Hello Chaim, I know you have a lot on your hands,
So I'll try to keep it short this week
1.Did you ever consider making aliah or join the israeli army when you turned 18 ?
2. you spent a lot of time with Rabbi Meir kahane זצ"ל
did he ever use bodyguards or wear a bullet-proof vest?
wasn't he aware of all the evil nazi Muslims that could kill him?
3. A question from our Hebrew Forum,
some of our hebrew speaking members were discussing this "rumor"
that Meir kahane kicked Baruch marzel out of the movement for whatever reason,
none of us actually know for sure what happend
But we guessed that you might know, so is it true? or just a false rumor...
Chaim thank you for your efforts and sacrifice,
in these sad times for jews, you are an exemplary
of a true Zionist and a true rightwing leader.
P.S - I LOVE your Ebonics!! that stuff is hilarious
you should do it more often, I haven't laughed like that in ages!
and as you probably know, making people laugh is a mitzva :)
ושימחת לב אנוש
Yacov Menashe adds: Will there be an Ask JTF for the Hebrew forum?
Shalom Chaim:
Is David on the forum?
Chaim no question however I would just like to say both JTFs shows this week were just wonderful. You responded to that evil beast from the Daily News in a manner that leaves her with very little to say other than lies and distortions. Its very easy to see why news papers like this loose more and more of the readership each day. I am sure that that article bought many new viewers and web listeners to the JTF shows. As for the decenters they would be decenting anyway.
Until Shiloh Comes:
Hello Chaim, and good day to you.
Some critics argue that you take Rabbi Kahane's HY"D fiery delivery to an extreme. That Kahane never spoke about the Arabs and Muslims as vociferously as you do. How do you respond to this criticism?
As I learn more about Judaism I'm learning that balance plays a central role in a Jew's life (and feel free to correct me at any point). G-d gave us all emotions, desires, wants, and needs and although you shouldn't give in to all of them, you also shouldn't shun them completely -- they're there for a reason. Neither too hot, nor too cold, not too much to the left, not too much to the right. One should always strive to keep a balance, and remain right in the middle. The dire situations in American and Israel seem to trouble you within to no end. You're love and concern for the destiny of your people and of the world has enveloped your life. You've said in the past the you have virtually no spare time, and rarely have a moment to relax and that concerned me. It's in this context that I ask my question: Do you feel you work towards and maintain that balance required by a Jew?
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