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Ask JTF For September 23 Broadcast

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Shalom Chaim,

Hope your fast went well.

I think Iran's president being invited to the UN, which is on US soil, is to remind Jews that any government is capable of being an enemy of Jews.  It should definitely be a reminder to Israel that it needs to act independently (no briberies of government foreign aid) and not take orders from a government that would allow Iran's president on its soil.   

Do you know if Saddam Hussein was ever invited to the UN?  If not, then why would Iran's president be invited to do so?  This seems like hypocrisy. 

Since before WWII, Jews always wanted to feel more accepted by the elitists in the US.  The elitist colleges like Columbia, Harvard, Princeton and Yale set quotas to limit the percentage of Jews who were allowed to enroll, regardless of the academic qualifications of the Jewish applicants.  Many of the Jewish alums of these schools probably donate alumni contributions to them.  Now that Columbia has invited Iran's president to speak at its school, do you think Jews who have donated money to them in the past or who consider doing so in the future, will now re-contemplate the consequences of their actions and instead start donating to noble organizations (hopefully JTF would be one of them) as well as to Israel? 


What do you think of presidential hopeful Mitt Romney?


What are your views on stem cell research?

How do you think one is supposed to react when insulted? For example, if someone makes an anti-semitic remark to a Jew or insults ones mother is it morally justified to assault that person? Do the consequences of legal action or getting beaten up and having your pride further insulted make it worth it?

Dear Chaim

               What do you think of J------ witnesses and those ppl in Israel trying to convert Jews and Ben Noah?{Noahides}.They sem ignorent of the facts and rude.How would you address these missionaires?


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