General Category > Internet Only JTF Shows Archive
Baruch HaShem, 4 New Videos From David And Chaim (09/12)
(What The Candidates Should Be Saying)
(We Create, Muslims Destroy)
(Muslims Taking Over America)
(Why The Surge In Iraq Can't Work)
Please rate, favorite and comment on the videos. Doing so boosts the videos' position on youtube bringing us more viewers.
This batch of videos is exceptional I think. Keep up the good work!
It takes too long for You Tube videos to load for me. Could someone please summarize in a sentence or two (more if you'd like) what Chaim discussed in the videos. This thread has been viewed many times so some of you must have seen the videos.
For example, with the video "What the Candidates Should be Saying", what are the main points/topics that he mentioned?
Why isn't anyone willing to share the information, briefly, with those who are unable to view the Youtube videos?
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