"You didn't offend me, Yacov. Continue to be angry because I'm on the positive side and you're on the lose/lose side."
I believe that I'm on the positive side. Isn't it positive to find a way to cut down on the crime rate while simultaneously benefiting the black community?
"Do you have any by the way?"
No I don't have any children but when I do I'm going to make sure that I raise them with a strong set of morals, and I'm going to make sure that I'm in a good financial and family situation at that point because I want to ensure that I raise the child in the best possible way. I think it's a duty of the family to raise a productive, moral and beneficial member of society so I won't choose to raise a child until I'm sure that I will be able to raise him in the best way possible.
My name's not Yacov, and I'm not angry. Giving a child encouragement doesn't do anything to change the environment he grows up and lives in. Also, how do you know the child is going to get encouragement in this sort of an environment? So you do this, what's to say anyone else is going to? People have the choice of how to raise their children and it's just a fact of reality that there are going to be parents who aren't going to give their children any encouragement. You can't force people to do this. Sadly, it is very hard to overcome the negative effects of growing up in these environments, and "positive encouragement" is a nice sounding concept that doesn't hold up in the real world.
"How could you and I agree about the majority of crimes being comitted by blacks, but then disagree when there are people who don't comitt crimes at all?"
I don't understand what you mean here. I don't disagree that there are people who grow up in these environments who don't commit crimes at all, but the odds are stacked up against them.
"Remember you and Newman said that all black babies need to aborted."
Please point to where I said this. Neither of us have EVER said this. I just think that women that are likely to raise their children in criminally conducive environments should seek to get abortions if they can't properly take care of their kids, or in the case of a mother who already has too many children as it is, I think abortion is a good option.
"Aren't you interested at all in finding ways to combat all of this unnecessary crap? Why do you frown on people who want to make a difference?"
I am VERY interested in finding ways to combat all this stuff. That's why I posted the thread to begin with. I don't frown on people who want to make a difference. Both newman and I want to make a difference. I do frown on people who provide unrealistic or infeasible ways to make a difference.