Author Topic: The Humiliation of Haman  (Read 2200 times)

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The Humiliation of Haman
« on: August 31, 2016, 01:45:50 AM »
(a)   (Rava): "Nothing was done for him" - they said this out of hate for Haman, not out of love for Mordechai.
(b)   (Beraisa): "He prepared (a gallows) for him" - for himself!
(c)   Achashverosh: "Do so to Mordechai."
1.   Haman: Which Mordechai?
2.   Achashverosh: "Ha'Yehudi"!
3.   Haman: Many Jews are named Mordechai.
4.   Achashverosh: "Who sits in the king's gate."
5.   Haman: It is enough to give him (rights to collect taxes from) a village or river!
6.   Achashverosh: Give him that also - "Don't omit anything you said."
(d)   Haman found Mordechai teaching Hilchos Kemitzah. When Mordechai saw Haman coming, he thought he had come to kill him. He told his Talmidim to leave, and he prayed. Haman sat by the Talmidim until Mordechai finished praying.
1.   Haman: What were you learning?
2.   Talmidim: When we have the Temple, one who brings a Minchah offering takes a handful of flour and gets atonement.
3.   Haman: A handful of your flour overcame my 10,000 silver talents.
4.   Mordechai: Rasha! If a slave acquired things, he and his possessions belong to his master (it is not your money)!
(e)   Haman: Put on these garments and ride the horse. This is the king's desire.
(f)   Mordechai: It is not proper to use the royal garments before I go to the bathhouse and cut my hair.
1.   Esther closed all the bathhouses and barbers, so Haman had to bathe him and cut his hair. Haman sighed.
2.   Mordechai: What's wrong?
3.   Haman: Someone who was more important to the king than all the nobles, must serve as a bathhouse attendant and barber!
4.   Mordechai: Rasha! You used to be a village barber!
i.   (Beraisa): Haman was the barber in the village of Kartzum for 22 years.
(g)   After Haman cut his hair, he dressed him in the garments. Haman told him to get up and ride.
1.   Mordechai: I can't, for I am weak from fasting.
2.   Haman bent down, so Mordechai could step on him to mount the horse. As he did so, he kicked him.
3.   Haman: Aren't you commanded "Do not rejoice in the fall of your enemy"?
4.   Mordechai: That applies to an enemy who is a Yisrael. Regarding you it says "And you will step on their high places."
(h)   While Haman was leading Mordechai, he passed by his own house. His daughter saw them from the roof; she assumed that Haman was riding, and that Mordechai was in front. She threw a Kli of excrement on her father. When she saw that it was her father, she fell to the ground and died.
1.   (Rav Sheshes): "Haman hastened to his house mourning" - over his daughter; "his head was covered" - over his disgrace.