Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia



So called KLA who was unfortunately supported by western powers and especially USA (during the Clinton administration) is nothing but a classic terrorist organisation which includes (as its members) the most vicious criminals,drug dealer's & smugglers,murders and sex trafficking bosses.Albanian mafia was and still is connected with this terrorist organisation.
If USA continues to support independence of so called "Kosovo" (correct term is Kosovo and Metohija) it will make a colossal mistake and inflict a catastrophic blow to Serbs and Serbia and seriously endanger the international law system.

UCK in quotations

"Ten years ago we were arming and equipping the worst elements of the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan - drug traffickers, arms smugglers, anti-American terrorists…Now we're doing the same thing with the KLA, which is tied in with every known middle and far eastern drug cartel. Interpol, Europol, and nearly every European intelligence and counter-narcotics agency has files open on drug syndicates that lead right to the KLA, and right to Albanian gangs in this country."
former DEA agent and author Michael Levine
Quoted in the New American Magazine, May 24, 1999

"[The] United States of America and the Kosovo Liberation Army stand for the same human values and principles ... Fighting for the KLA is fighting for human rights and American values."
Senator Jo. Lieberman, quoted in the 'Washington Post', 28 April 1999

"American intelligence agents have admitted they helped to train the Kosovo Liberation Army before NATO’s bombing of Yugoslavia".
Tom Walker and Aiden Laverty, ‘CIA Aided Kosovo Guerrilla Army’, Sunday Times, 12 March 2000

About "KLA":

Serbian Cetnik (šumadinac):
It would be ironic if the Serbs who revolt against the siptars call their army "Kosovo Liberation Army" hahahha because that is actually what they would be doing. the siptars could call their "kosovo harassment army"

NAZIALBANIANS call Serbian Kosovo Polje: "kosova"...
which means absolutely NOTHING in NAZIALBANIAN !!!
How ironic.
How pityful.




in Serbian:

Field of the black birds
(a species of crow, in fact,
but I do not know the english name of it).



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