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Hiring Affirmitive Action morons

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Ever notice jobs that have a high Affirmitive Action idiots the job never gets done?

Example: The post office... You are waiting online to get stamps or a money order and there are post tellers 3 blacks, one Asian and one white.  The Asian and white are both working handeling customers, the 3 blacks huddle in the corner bsing.

Example: How manytimes on the news caught on camera an MTA employee late at night who happens to be black in the subway booth are caught sleeping on the job.  If you do this on your job you are fired.

Example: Again MTA Rodger Tousant the MTA Union president this babboon that held an entire city hostage and cost this city almost a billion dollars for having an illegal strike just about everyone that was on the picket lines were either blacks or hispanic. 

Example:  Con Edison screw up in parts of Queens last month during a black out that some how by having morons had this black out lasting for over a week with people having no power at all.

How come when whites are on the job the job gets done?

you know, we got the same problem here with arabs in Israel. negligence and laziness is the definition for most arab workers here.
*for example- my father's boss, who happens to be christian arab from nazareth, the dude's a "mechanical engineer" so called, "finished" my university (the Technion, and by the way i also study this field of engineering). now, the guy is an imposter, and poorly does his job and my dad actually gets often paid for finding his mistakes.

*another example- arab garage workers- got my car to a garage to fix a leaking air conditioner. the arab "mechanic" takes a look and then asks me in confusion:"but what causes it??" yeah i know what causes it, thats why i gave you the car to look and pay you for something i already know. and no, the leak wasnt fixed.

however, i must say there are many cases i know in which Jews (most the cases i know relate to the morrocan Jews somehow) dont do their job either.


--- Quote from: NeverMore on August 24, 2006, 12:49:20 AM ---another example- arab garage workers- got my car to a garage to fix a leaking air conditioner. the arab "mechanic" takes a look and then asks me in confusion:"but what causes it??" yeah i know what causes it, thats why i gave you the car to look and pay you for something i already know.
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LOL! That's messed up.

We should start a thread of arab jokes... how many arabs does it take to screw in a light-bulb? None. Arabs just sit in the dark and blame it on the Jews.


--- Quote from: MasterWolf1 on August 24, 2006, 12:12:56 AM ---How come when whites are on the job the job gets done?

--- End quote ---
Oooo! Oooo! Me-me! Mr. Wolf! I know, I know!
"Because the white man qualifies?"
Do you think it's time to whip out our .45s and start solving the problem at it's root?

The katrina victims are complaining about the response from fema. The fema, on the ground workers are mostly black and latino. It is another do nothing job for completely unemployable creatures. The irs, post office, subway system, the 911 lines, all civil service workers are a haven for the primitives. The teachers union is full of these affrimative action nitwits. There is no end to this. Just wait till the fire dept. hits 'critcal mass' with these affrimative action idiots. Do really think that these primitives have the brain power to put a fire out in a chemical factory, I DON'T THINK SO. We are doomed if we let this continue. With the new mix of immigrants that refuse to learn english, how will the arny function, the civil service function (as if it does already), emergency services and who knows what else? We have here a festering 'tower of babel'.


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