Save Western Civilization > Save America

Hiring Affirmitive Action morons

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Hatred for the two Jamaicas. If you want to get harrassed,ripped off witness illigitemacy,pedophilia,rape probably incest
 illiterate idiots and a kaotic dump visit Jamaica, WI, Jamaica, NY or any other schwartze place that has the plurality(majority).

They are not responciable for their simian ( primitive skulls) like appearence and low I.Q.
But, they are accountable for their behavior.

Having an attitude because their black is understandable.However, for no real reason is inexcusable.
I think hispanics are worse.

Why anyone would vacation on the Island of Jamaica  with rampent crime and unrest is beyond me. There are many nice islands in the Dutch west Indies however even there safety is questionable because of the recent publicity of tourists disappearing. Bermuda and the American Virgin Islands I am led to believe are expensive however much safer.

Everywhere around the world not just in Africa (by the way the africa series on the jtf site is absolutly fantastic) But anyways, look at the crap hole called Haiti, or Jamaica.  Look at places where they still live in Papua New Guinea.  And blacks in this country seem to hold on strong to primitive roots by acting primitive.  And look in certain areas around the city where is ghetto out.  They all look alike,  corner stores after corner stores where in the back they buy their drugs and guns to kill innocent people and police officers.  The few chicken fast food places.  A pawn shop where the drunk bum lives most of the day and shooting dope in their veins.  The black heavy mama with the 10 kids all from diffrent fathers and is pushing over 300 lbs and they say welfare don't pay enough.  And then companies hire these mutants to actually hold positition for their color not cause of job qualification and taking employment away from well qualified people who do want to work and hand it over to lazy bums.

Now I ask you does this picture look like someone that seems qualified??

Chaim tells funny stories about his Post Office experiences complete with spot-on baboon vocal impressions. I love it when he digresses into telling of his everyday run-ins with these incompetent morons. With all due sympathies they are hilarious!

yephora its so true Its a riot.  My favorite was when he told about the bank on Queens Blvd. I believe supposedly the bank manager was changed and they had a new black manager who refused to put out pens since customers might steal them. Also another time he was having computer problems and the black repair man loused up his computer system and broke the front porch on his house. Both shows were to funny for words. I only wish I was able to see the programs on TV. I have to settle for the audio.


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