Author Topic: Why are NeverTrump Rinos referring to Bannon as antisemitic, white nationalist?  (Read 8003 times)

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Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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I gave you a very decent list of legit conservative Never Trumps.

Let's talk about you again.
I much prefer talking about ideas than people but fine lets entertain this anyway.
You have always been one of the best JTFers;
now you sound like a talking doll for a little kid.
  What does this even mean?  I type out my own thoughts not someone else's.  I'm a free-thinker and always have been.  You may not always like my thoughts or agree with them.  But if I'm wrong simply show me the facts.

What the hell happened man?

Nothing happened, see previous answer.  If you cannot debate me without resorting to ad hominem it probably affirms I was right.  Jtf will not grow its brand this way.

Offline Zelhar

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Richard Spencer, a white supremacist and jew-hater, is attributed with coining the term Just a quick look at this site shows you how he promotes the worships Trump, prmote the "alt-right", and festers deep antisemitism, for example look at the articles tagged under "zionism":

So not everyone associated with alt-right is a racist or jew-hater, this groups just happens to contain allot of that elements including its founders. This is similar to the populist right wing organisation in Europe such as the BNP, FN, and AfD. 

Offline Lisa

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Richard Spencer, a white supremacist and jew-hater, is attributed with coining the term Just a quick look at this site shows you how he promotes the worships Trump, prmote the "alt-right", and festers deep antisemitism, for example look at the articles tagged under "zionism":

So not everyone associated with alt-right is a racist or jew-hater, this groups just happens to contain allot of that elements including its founders. This is similar to the populist right wing organisation in Europe such as the BNP, FN, and AfD.

This was the individual I was referring in my last thread.   

Offline briann

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Glen Beck   :::D

Is he a legit conservative now?
You value his opinion?,77450.msg642239.html#msg642239

He spent a great deal of time and money supporting a losing candidate.
Only to have that candidate support Trump in the end.
He has become unbearable in his bias.

Glen Beck is NOT a RINO, Glen Beck is a full-fledged Democrat.  He fully endorsed Hillary, and told others to vote for Hillary; which distinguishes him from the other never-trumpers, who genuinely hated Hillary as well.  Beck is a pathetic disgrace.

I am embarrassed to say I was initially supporting him, until he became completely unhinged.

Offline briann

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I can't believe I have to defend Breitbart against the stupidity and Jew-hatred of the media.  According to their logic, Chaim should be a Jew-hater and a Nazi.

Lets follow the Leftist Jew-hating media logic.

1) Alt-Right = conspiracy nuts who often are Jew Haters   (I mostly agree with this)
2) Media tells everyone: Breitbart = Alt-Right. (at this point in time, 99% of people never heard of the term)
3) Hence: Breitbart = Jew haters.

Problem with this retarded analysis created by Jew-haters

1)  Breitbart was founded by Andrew Breitbart (RIP), a JEW who loved Israel.
2)  Breitbart was co-founded by Joel Pollak, a JEW who loves Israel.
3)  Breitbart was conceived BECAUSE OF ISRAEL, to combat Leftist Israel hating (This is well documented)
4)  Every Jew that has ever worked at Breitbart (And there are tons) is Pro-Israel

Again, Andrew Breitbart had always said that he conceived the idea of Breitbart to COMBAT the anti-Israel bias of the media.
During a stay in Israel, Andrew Breitbart conceived of the idea of founding Breitbart News Network, with "the aim of starting a site that would be unapologetically pro-freedom and pro-Israel. We were sick of the anti-Israel bias of the mainstream media and J-Street."

Again... the Jew-hating media searched through every article of Breitbart to try to find something anti-Jew.... there are thousands of them.... and the ONLY ARTICLE THEY COULD FIND to support their propoganda was written by David Horowitz (A jew), condeming Bill Kristol because he supported Hillary... and who's policies supported Jew-haters such as the Muslim Brotherhood.  They didnt even read the article... they just saw one single article called 'renegade jew', and they decided that it could be used to fool people into thinking Breitbart was a Nazi.

I can personally attest to Breitbart's staunch support of Israel.  I read it daily, and I've never read a single article that wasnt pro-Israel.  I honestly think that their authors are plagiarizing content from Chaim.  Even Leftist Jews are starting to get offended by equating Breitbart with Jew-hatred.  Its completely absurd.

Offline Zelhar

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Glenn Beck had said he wouldn't vote to neither Trump nor Hilary. There was no endorsment. The Blaze also run allot of "exposes" on the Clinton scandals and shady connections. Also some of the other top figures in "The Blaze" very loudly supported Trump.

Glen Beck is NOT a RINO, Glen Beck is a full-fledged Democrat.  He fully endorsed Hillary, and told others to vote for Hillary; which distinguishes him from the other never-trumpers, who genuinely hated Hillary as well.  Beck is a pathetic disgrace.

I am embarrassed to say I was initially supporting him, until he became completely unhinged.

Offline briann

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Glenn Beck had said he wouldn't vote to neither Trump nor Hilary. There was no endorsment. The Blaze also run allot of "exposes" on the Clinton scandals and shady connections. Also some of the other top figures in "The Blaze" very loudly supported Trump.

Initially that was the case.  And again, early on, I was supporting his cause.... but he got worse and worse, and then this came out:

Saying that Hillary Clinton is the moral and ethical choice can't be spun any other way.... and it just got worse from there.

Offline Zelhar

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Respectfully, I think you misunderstood what he said, and the headline is wrong as well. Read the quote of what Beck says. He doesn't say vote for for Hilary. He says IF Hilary gets elected as a consequence of you not giving your vote for Trump, it is still per Beck the ethical choice.
Initially that was the case.  And again, early on, I was supporting his cause.... but he got worse and worse, and then this came out:

Saying that Hillary Clinton is the moral and ethical choice can't be spun any other way.... and it just got worse from there.

Offline nessuno

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Respectfully, I think you misunderstood what he said, and the headline is wrong as well. Read the quote of what Beck says. He doesn't say vote for for Hilary. He says IF Hilary gets elected as a consequence of you not giving your vote for Trump, it is still per Beck the ethical choice.
Beck was so over the top in his hatred for Trump.  And he became demeaning to the members of his audience that didn't agree with him.  I know, I listened right up to the election.  Election night I had to turn him off.  I was looking for an unbiased look at the election.  It was tough to find.  Essentially, saying that Hillary is less detrimental to the country is an endorsement of sorts.
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.

Offline Chiram

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Newt "The Grinch" Gingrich: Bannon worked in finance, so not anti-Semitic

Defends against charges of links to alt-right, saying he spent time in Hollywood and at Goldman Sachs


Offline Lisa

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I find it hard to believe that high up at a site founded by a Jew (Andrew Breitbart) with a Jewish CEO (Larry Solov) with Jewish writers like Joel Pollack and Aaron Klein, and with pro-Israel articles is anti-Semitic. 

As for the alt-right, a prime example is Richard Spencer formerly of Taki magazine who had web site called, and who now runs something called Radix???  If Breitbart is supposed to be hub for the alt-right, then how come there are no articles by Kevin MacDonald, who writes that Jews are genetically predisposed to undermine white European societies?  Or how about stuff about how JOOOs are the real problem since they push for open borders, and run the media, blah blah blah.  That is a more accurate description despite what the clown Milo Yianopolous says.

I forgot to add that Ben Shapiro, who is also Never Trump has denied Bannon's supposed anti-semitism and racism as well.  And he's now the editor in chief of The Daily Wire.  Rabbi Shmuley Boteach (sp??) and ZOA have also come out in Bannon's defense. 

Anyway, I don't think Hillary Clinton is out of the picture yet.  Her master George Soros is funding these anti-Trump protests.  I think there's pressure building up to make the Electors switch their votes from Trump to Hillary. 

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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I find it hard to believe that high up at a site founded by a Jew (Andrew Breitbart) with a Jewish CEO (Larry Solov) with Jewish writers like Joel Pollack and Aaron Klein, and with pro-Israel articles is anti-Semitic. 

My thing is, even so that could be possible, but based on what. ?  The people who are making this claim what are they basing it on?  Where are they getting it from?   Are we going to give the media and politicians that much tyrannical power that they can just decide someone is "racist" or "antisemite" one day based on nothing and then that person is blackballed from jobs, social media, etc?  Why?   According to these sample people this entire website is "racist."   Even though it's not.  So why believe them on this?

As for the alt-right, a prime example is Richard Spencer formerly of Taki magazine who had web site called, and who now runs something called Radix???  If Breitbart is supposed to be hub for the alt-right, then how come there are no articles by Kevin MacDonald, who writes that Jews are genetically predisposed to undermine white European societies?  Or how about stuff about how JOOOs are the real problem since they push for open borders, and run the media, blah blah blah.  That is a more accurate description despite what the clown Milo Yianopolous says.   

Does Yianopolous talk/write about Jews?  He was a prominent writer on that site.

Offline briann

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Respectfully, I think you misunderstood what he said, and the headline is wrong as well. Read the quote of what Beck says. He doesn't say vote for for Hilary. He says IF Hilary gets elected as a consequence of you not giving your vote for Trump, it is still per Beck the ethical choice.

I guess this is tomAYto, tomAHto, but I read it as him preferring Hillary.  Also his love-fest with Michelle Obama before the election angered me as well.

Also, his arguments were counter-productive.  While intelligent never-trumpers gave very logical reasons not to support him (weak conservative, waffler, no experience, immature, bad temperament), Beck was making a fool of himself, calling Trump the anti-christ, and putting his face in a bowl of cheetos.  Beck showed that he was just as immature as Trump was.... even moreso.

And for me, this was a tough realization.  If you look back at my older posts, I used to always defend Beck, while many others called him a kook... and this includes when Beck defended Ron Paul, and would push Paul's neo-libertarian wackyness on his show.

But I continue to have respect for many of the other never-trumpers.  Many are very hard-core conservatives who were sick of wishy-washy fake conservatism. 

Offline Lisa

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My thing is, even so that could be possible, but based on what. ?  The people who are making this claim what are they basing it on?  Where are they getting it from?   Are we going to give the media and politicians that much tyrannical power that they can just decide someone is "racist" or "antisemite" one day based on nothing and then that person is blackballed from jobs, social media, etc?  Why?   According to these sample people this entire website is "racist."   Even though it's not.  So why believe them on this?

Does Yianopolous talk/write about Jews?  He was a prominent writer on that site.

Yianopolous is a flaming homosexual who admits to having a thing for black men.  Other than that, he's anti-feminist, and he's been going on this "Dangerous Faggot" tour where he speaks on college campuses against political correctness.  He claims to be Catholic and wears a cross. But other times he's said his maternal grandmother was Jewish.  Plus he's very anti-Islam.  After the bombing of that gay Orlando nightclub, he came to Florida and gave a press conference about how America should be careful not to become like Europe.  At the end of his speech, he mentioned the Jewish slogan "Never Again" and how he admired the Israeli army.  He then said gays should have also have a similar saying after what happened in Florida. 

« Last Edit: November 15, 2016, 11:14:23 PM by Lisa »

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Beck was making a fool of himself, calling Trump the anti-christ, and putting his face in a bowl of cheetos.  Beck showed that he was just as immature as Trump was.... even moreso.


Lol, this is why it was difficult to ever consider beck as more than a clown.  Perhaps useful clown, but clown nonetheless.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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I'm reading this national review article on this topic, and they are saying Bannon is most definitely NOT a nazi and NOT a white supremacist.   They are however saying that he built up the readership by "catering to the altright."   I'm not sure what they mean by that or how he did it, and they provide no examples.    If he catered to the altright, wouldn't that mean he did dabble in antisemitism?   But they are saying he didn't.   They aren't making sense.

They also cite the "renegade Jew" article regarding Bill Krystol, but that was written by David Horowitz, including the headline he selected.  I still don't understand how that article came to be used to paint breitbart as antisemitic, but they seem to accept that characterization even as Bannon did not pick that language.    They also cite using a Harambe meme in connection with birtherism story , as if Breitbart was portraying Obama as gorilla.   Not only a silly criticism but socially and culturally myopic.  Harambe is literally everywhere.   That's what a meme is.  Were they living under rocks?

The only thing remotely connecting Bannon to alt-right is where they quote him saying to Mother Jones that Breitbart is the platform of the alt right.    But how is that so if they don't push the alt-right's philosophy or agenda?   Was he perhaps confused about what mother jones referred to when they asked him about alt right, just as I have become confused because the media is conflating all non-establishment pov from the right as as alt right?   I would need to understand what he meant and how it can be consistent with how his site has operated which is clearly not as an outlet of the altright or WN's.

But this is by far the most sensible attempt at analysis and they clearly say Bannon is not racist or antisemitic.   So what gives?   And how do they at the same time argue that breitbart became an altright cesspool?   It doesn't add up.

I think the article also makes the mistake of conflating all types of ethno-nationalism with the very worst form espoused by WN's.  It doesn't have to be racist/hateful like plastic man or like the european far-right.   It would be ironic for us to make that same mistake the article makes because obviously Judaism is based on an ethical form of ethno-nationalism.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2016, 02:09:34 AM by Kahane-Was-Right BT »

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Also there is another way to think about this issue.  If in fact the alt right believes bannon is their leader, while he really isn't, smearing and purging him like this will allow them to claim him as a martyr for their cause and likely only increases its popularity.  Because it's more censorship and PC policing by the highly resented media/left/establishment coalition against American patriots.   I dont think it will marginalize their cause to strongarm Trump into ditching this guy, and given that he doesn't espouse their cause, I don't see how it helps anyone in either case to keep him out.

Offline briann

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I'm reading this national review article on this topic, and they are saying Bannon is most definitely NOT a nazi and NOT a white supremacist.   They are however saying that he built up the readership by "catering to the altright."   I'm not sure what they mean by that or how he did it, and they provide no examples.    If he catered to the altright, wouldn't that mean he did dabble in antisemitism?   But they are saying he didn't.   They aren't making sense.

This is what I've been saying from the beginning! This is entirely being perpetrated by ultra-leftist Jew-haters... not the never-trumpers and not even the RINOS. The never-trumpers, (Except the POS Glenn Beck) are horrified by this.

They realized that this whole Alt-Right thing was engineered by the Left-wing.  Nobody at Breitbart or National Review had even heard of Alt-Right until Hillary's think tank dug it up.

Hillary planned this for months.... They did research to find something nobody had heard of, that had its roots in Jew-hatred, but could still sound like it was 'right-wing'.... and thats how they discovered, and decided to use this as their propoganda mechanism.

Then Hillary announced to the media (which she has complete control over), that Breitbart and Drudge (along with a few other loonies) were officially part of this newly discovered 'Alt-Right' that nobody had heard of.

The never-trumpers initially liked this idea, because it distinguished true conservatives from Breitbart which was trump-populism.  They could say... Hey... the Alt-Right believes in protectionism, isolationism, and is not sensitive to immigration and women. 

But now that the media is using this to their final resolution... saying Breitbart = Nazis.

However... by doing this... its completey back-fired.  Never-trumpers are all horrified by all of this.  Honestly... even many leftist Jews, Like Alan Dirshwitz, are horrified by this.  Calling Breitbart Jew-hating is so absurd.... you might as well call the JTF jew-hating.    Breitbart was created by Jews for the sole purpose of being pro-Jew and Pro-Israel.  Andrew Breitbart was very specific about this.  I'm glad that they are suing against this... its the most pathetic, baseless character assasination I've seen in a while... and it really goes to show you how powerful the leftist/media is.

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to me "catering to X" means that one party/organisation tries to appeal to the demographic of consumers of another organisation. They make a conscious decision to produce content that appeals to that specific demographic (of course not necessarily exclusively). I think Breitbart tries to appeal to the public of the alt-right and maybe to Alex Jones fans too.  That alone doesn't make them antisemitic. Fox news caters to antisemites by bringing in Pat Buchanan as a supposedly respectable conservative commentator. It doesn't mean Bill, Megyn et-al are themselves jew-haters.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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to me "catering to X" means that one party/organisation tries to appeal to the demographic of consumers of another organisation. They make a conscious decision to produce content that appeals to that specific demographic (of course not necessarily exclusively). I think Breitbart tries to appeal to the public of the alt-right and maybe to Alex Jones fans too.  That alone doesn't make them antisemitic. Fox news caters to antisemites by bringing in Pat Buchanan as a supposedly respectable conservative commentator. It doesn't mean Bill, Megyn et-al are themselves jew-haters.

Hmm, very good point.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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I think I understand now.

Ben Shapiro gives a good summary and this actually fits with a lot of what I've seen on social media. 

I think I even fell for some of their anti Shapiro propaganda at one time God forbid.  I can see why he is their number one target.  Smart, Jewish, true conservative, and knows Exactly what they are doing.

It wasn't so much about Breitbart but about lack of censorship in breitBart comment section. I never read the comment sections there.  Purposeful by Bannon and also Milo y giving the creepy weirdos of alt right credibility.  He'd be the first they'd execute.
« Last Edit: November 24, 2016, 07:33:52 PM by Kahane-Was-Right BT »

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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What say you briann? 
Are there 4chan losers spamming the Breitbart comment sections with antisemitic memes from mama's basement and Bannon decided it might help trump win so he'll allow it?

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I think Milo Yiannopoulos is very dishonest. He authored that one big piece of garbage about alt-right ( Reading this text it strikes me like a mirror image of hallucinuous leftwing rags.  He "forgot" to mention the antisemitism of THE FOUNDER of the alt-right. He brings into discussion an assortment of insane/weirdo/racist/evil ideas and tendencies , giving them pseudo scientific names to make these look serious, for example: "masculinism", "Natural conservatives", "the conservative instinct", "Neoreactionaries" (these are people who claim to think like machines, believe that democracy and equal opportunity is for losers, and promote the return to absolute monarchy).

So alt-right per Milo is ok because it's not just nazis and racist (albeit THE FOUNDER who coined the term is), it's an assortment of weirdo as divers as your average BLM/Occupy WS mob.

Offline Rational Jew

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I think Milo Yiannopoulos is very dishonest. He authored that one big piece of garbage about alt-right ( Reading this text it strikes me like a mirror image of hallucinuous leftwing rags.  He "forgot" to mention the antisemitism of THE FOUNDER of the alt-right. He brings into discussion an assortment of insane/weirdo/racist/evil ideas and tendencies , giving them pseudo scientific names to make these look serious, for example: "masculinism", "Natural conservatives", "the conservative instinct", "Neoreactionaries" (these are people who claim to think like machines, believe that democracy and equal opportunity is for losers, and promote the return to absolute monarchy).

So alt-right per Milo is ok because it's not just nazis and racist (albeit THE FOUNDER who coined the term is), it's an assortment of weirdo as divers as your average BLM/Occupy WS mob.

Milo Yiannopoulos is a fag pervert.
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NeverTrump aren't Rinos, we aren't rinos.

Banana is alt-right commie-populist trash that tried to molest Dana Loesch, and the ADL are commie Jewish antisemites.

The fear of the L-rd is the beginning of knowledge