Author Topic: Governor Spitzer supports crime  (Read 2542 times)

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Offline Barach Velvel ben Lazer Eliazer

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Governor Spitzer supports crime
« on: September 22, 2007, 10:21:33 PM »
All of you must've heard about New York Governor Elliot Spitzer supporting the right for illegal aliens to obtain driver's licenses. Did we not just have an incident a few months back where an illegal Mexican maniac ran over a little girl? Not only is Spitzer and his cronies criminals, but now he's actually supporting the criminal acts' of others. All of you who voted this evil man into office, I hope God punishes you. Voters knew absolutely nothing about this man when he was up for election and they voted him in anyway. Damn the democrats. Every single one of them wants to make America into a third world country. Very scary.

Offline Hail Columbia

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Re: Governor Spitzer supports crime
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2007, 10:31:27 PM »
Governor Elliot Spitzer is a traitor to the United States of America, and to the state of New York.  But since New York is such a liberal state, it is unlikely that he would be impeached for his treason.

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In thy power Almighty, trusting,
Did our fathers build of old;
Strengthen then, O Lord, their children
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That the heritage they gave us
For our children yet may be:
Bondsmen only to the Highest
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As our fathers trusted humbly,
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Guard our land and guide our people
In Thy way to do Thy will.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Governor Spitzer supports crime
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2007, 10:32:14 PM »
Velvill:  "...Damn the democrats. Every single one of them wants to make America into a third world country..."

Sure is a good thing we have the true Conservatives in power!

Those like George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, Congoleeza Rice, and most other Republicans, who are selling the NASDAC to Arab Sheiks, already sold the only company repairing American jet planes to Arab sheiks, just let the Arab sheiks buy into The Carlyle Group, and attempted to "slam-dunk" giving total oversight of all American ports over to the same Arab sheiks who handled the money used to attack us on 9/11.

Now, with such great leaders of Conservative Family Values in power, we need not fear the dangerous liberal Democrats.

This, in spite of the unbelievable fact that THE ONLY person in Washington who spoke out against the ports deal, and the only person in Washington speaking out against the stock exchange deal, is none other that Chuck "The Schmuck" Schumer, the liberal NY Democrat!

Offline Barach Velvel ben Lazer Eliazer

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Re: Governor Spitzer supports crime
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2007, 10:54:33 PM »
Velvill:  "...Damn the democrats. Every single one of them wants to make America into a third world country..."

Sure is a good thing we have the true Conservatives in power!

Those like George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, Congoleeza Rice, and most other Republicans, who are selling the NASDAC to Arab Sheiks, already sold the only company repairing American jet planes to Arab sheiks, just let the Arab sheiks buy into The Carlyle Group, and attempted to "slam-dunk" giving total oversight of all American ports over to the same Arab sheiks who handled the money used to attack us on 9/11.

Now, with such great leaders of Conservative Family Values in power, we need not fear the dangerous liberal Democrats.

This, in spite of the unbelievable fact that THE ONLY person in Washington who spoke out against the ports deal, and the only person in Washington speaking out against the stock exchange deal, is none other that Chuck "The Schmuck" Schumer, the liberal NY Democrat!

President doesn't know a single thing about the Christian bible. He has no idea what our founding fathers wanted this nation to be. We haven't had a president in a long time who fully understands what great men like Lincoln and Jefferson wanted this country to stand for and fully understands the importantance of truly comprehending the US Constitution. That document was meant to be America's survival guide. During the last few decades, most have utlizied its sheer grandeur to the degree of a plye of toilet paper.

America was meant to be a country of Americans! Real Americans! It says nothing about mixing in the drek of third nations, especially those who aren't even supposed to be here! What would Thomas Jefferson say today if he saw Mexicans laboring in the fields, instead of Americans, the people he once help lead to achieve true American patrism.

With the dark cloud of "urban culture" infecting society and Anti-American laws like Affirmative Action in place, we are in a position where most America has become a place of zero morals. In fact most people don't even follow their religions and don't even believe in God! Instead, we have a country full of people who idolize murder and rapist black rappers and white thrash pop stars and actors.

Heck, people don't even know how to properly feed themselves in this country, and as a result, we have the largest obesity rate in the world.

Today's generation are just complete failures. And the worse thing is complete failures are going to have babies that are also going to be complete failures. Most of those people having the babies aren't even legal, either.

I have hope for this country. I have faith in JTF. I just hope a big change is made quick, because this world is getting rather unpleasant.

Offline RationalThought110

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Re: Governor Spitzer supports crime
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2007, 02:54:29 AM »
A lot of people probably don't understand that there's a difference between different levels of government.  So people who were angry at the Bush administration and voted for the Democrats to be in the majority of both branches of Congress, probably did the same at other levels of government. 

Bad mistake. 

I don't think Pitaki made decisions this bad.  I think he sort of left the Republicans in disarray as I think they had trouble finding someone to run against Spitzer and I don't believe Pitaki was any help. 

Offline RationalThought110

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Re: Governor Spitzer supports crime
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2007, 02:56:03 AM »
Velvill:  "...Damn the democrats. Every single one of them wants to make America into a third world country..."

Sure is a good thing we have the true Conservatives in power!

Those like George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, Congoleeza Rice, and most other Republicans, who are selling the NASDAC to Arab Sheiks, already sold the only company repairing American jet planes to Arab sheiks, just let the Arab sheiks buy into The Carlyle Group, and attempted to "slam-dunk" giving total oversight of all American ports over to the same Arab sheiks who handled the money used to attack us on 9/11.

Now, with such great leaders of Conservative Family Values in power, we need not fear the dangerous liberal Democrats.

This, in spite of the unbelievable fact that THE ONLY person in Washington who spoke out against the ports deal, and the only person in Washington speaking out against the stock exchange deal, is none other that Chuck "The Schmuck" Schumer, the liberal NY Democrat!

Which company are you referring to?

Offline Barach Velvel ben Lazer Eliazer

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Re: Governor Spitzer supports crime
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2007, 03:42:08 AM »
Spitzer has done NOTHING for the state of New York. This is his first significant act, and it's a crushing blow to New York.

Remember when Chaim says don't elect Jews? He's right. Most Jewish polticians are self-hating Jews, who rather support third world people than their own.

Offline Barach Velvel ben Lazer Eliazer

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Re: Governor Spitzer supports crime
« Reply #7 on: September 23, 2007, 04:09:15 AM »
It's all about paying low wages. The whole thing about an illegal having a child on American soil automatically makes them both legal is just a loophole. Politicians say it would be inhuman and just plain mean to separate a child from their mother, but true Americans know it's all a ploy, because big business bastards love to immigrants, because they're stupid and will work for close to nothing, and their kids are going to be stupid and work for close to nothing, as well.

But nobody gets deported, anyway, so this law is pretty unnecessary, now that I think of it, because deporting people is mean, too, and we don't want to mean, because being mean is wrong, and nobody is going to like a nation of mean people.

When you really look at the logic of the law it is so obviously flawed. The baby was born on American soil, so what? It came from a mother, who is illegal. Therefore that parental bond means that the baby should be illegal, too. Would it be so inhuman to send them back to their own country?

In Spain, it is legal to deport illegals in straightjackets, and they have none of this nonsense about an illegal's baby being a legal citizen. In the US we won't even touch our illegals, instead, we give them driver's licenses, welfare and jobs!

Offline cjd

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Re: Governor Spitzer supports crime
« Reply #8 on: September 23, 2007, 05:58:28 AM »
All of you must've heard about New York Governor Elliot Spitzer supporting the right for illegal aliens to obtain driver's licenses. Did we not just have an incident a few months back where an illegal Mexican maniac ran over a little girl? Not only is Spitzer and his cronies criminals, but now he's actually supporting the criminal acts' of others. All of you who voted this evil man into office, I hope G-d punishes you. Voters knew absolutely nothing about this man when he was up for election and they voted him in anyway. Damn the democrats. Every single one of them wants to make America into a third world country. Very scary.
The entire campaign the Republicans ran for the Governors seat last year was lacking to say the least. Spitzer might as well have run unopposed. If the Republicans would have had a decent candidate and put some effort into the campaign they would still have control of the statehouse.
The first thing that always comes to my mind when I see Spitzer on the TV or in the paper is how did this bar fly get to be governor. He may not drink a drop however he looks like the old lushes that the bartender has to toss out on the street at closing time because they are to drunk to get up and leave on their own. Come the next day they are still walking around in yesterdays rumpled clothing. Spitzer looks and acts rumpled!
The fact that this man wants to enact laws that would give illegals a drivers licenses shows just what sort of agenda he has in mind for New Yorks people. Some years back I saw some guys I knew get into a heated argument. One of them was an illegal. The illegal told the other fellow that he was an alien and that if he persisted in causing him problems he would kill him and get into his flying saucer and go back to where he came from. If Spitzer puts people like this on our roads and they cripple  someone and they have flimsy insurance coverage that still leaves them responsible for more money do you think they are going to stick around and pay off the judgment. They will get into their flying saucer and go home leaving whoever to pick up the tab. Also by giving people like this documentation they are legitimizing them to some extent and any chance that this entire illegal situation could be controlled will be tossed out the window.
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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