I agree with you but when one looks at the bare facts of the overwhelmingly disproportionate criminal debauchery that directly stems from that specific group of people how else is one to note it? I see it as people just calling a spade a spade.... Whatever grouping or label for the group will, in the end, reflect the ethnic/racial minority...no? I agree with you but I think in some cases it is very difficult to separate the different sub cultures within a major group especially when the subcultures are either so small or so large negating the aforementioned premise. The adage "one rotten apple spoils the basket" comes to mind here but in this case it is "the rotten basket spoils the one good apple."
I understand what you are saying but when one is totally overwhelmed with dispicable representatives of any given groupings...be it black, Asian, Arab or White...it adds an entirety to a new dimension I should think...

Just my opinion..
For example, here in Canada the Blacks, who commit the vast majority of our crime and have full advantage of purely racialist programs that no others receive are demanding their own "All Black School". Now this, in my mind, is the start for the demanding of segragation all over again comparable to the days of pre and post slavery America. In my mind, if they wish to have their own all black this or all black that (which applies to any "minority") it should be totally funded by that/their community and not get one penny from my tax dollars or they are free to take this willful segragation back to Cameroon or Botzwana.
If this same arguement for separating the Races (which I think is logical in most case totally due to culture, value, moral and ideological differences) came from the Whites there would be accusations of "Racism" from coast to coast and in the international media....but because it is from the "visible minority" it is seen as rightous, pro-African Canadian, ethnic pride, multi-cultural etc. etc.