Author Topic: pathetic- 18 months for Azeri. Video: These self hating pukes make me sick.  (Read 1084 times)

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Offline Aces High

  • Ultimate JTFer
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Everybody in Israel should send this kid $100.00 and make him a multi millionaire  over night.   I would contribute right now if there was money pool for him.   Just to say FU to all the people responsible  for the grief they already caused him, and the grief they are going to cause him with imprisonment.

Matter of fact JTF, could start the ball ball rolling- get his family to start up a donation line and get big publicity out of it!  Everybody benefits!

Azeri's  whole family should benefit, too.  They've been through hell.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2017, 05:52:16 PM by Aces High »