Greetings, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
I wanted to tell about myself. My name is Chaim azulay and I am an avid supporter of the Jewish Task Force and of Chaim Ben Pesach and I intend to convey a message to the Jewish people in my run for the Knesset as a true rightist. I am less in favor of a halachic state, but in favor of the State of Israel being a Jewish state before a democracy. I am currently a student at Ariel University as an industrial and management engineer and I have clear intentions to run for the Knesset a few years after receiving the diploma. I am now a member of Moshe Feiglin's "Identity" party and I am really willing to do everything in my power to make Chaim Ben Pesach come to Israel and run as a representative of the Jewish Task Force for the Knesset in the upcoming primaries for "identity." I am also in favor of encouraging mass Arab emigration from the Land of Israel. Only if a small minority of Arabs accept the State of Israel as a Jewish state and serve the state in national service (yes, as a Knesset member, I intend to enact a law that will enlist compulsory service for those who can not serve in the IDF) Against the State of Israel. If so, we will also expropriate compensation for them. I am also in favor of establishing a lobby for hilltop youth who do holy works to ensure the existence of the State of Israel in Judea and Samaria. I am also in favor of requiring many chairmen and CEOs to accept people with many disabilities (including the disabled, the blind and the deaf) for various jobs. If they do not receive these people, they will be required to pay a high fine, and if they do not receive them, it will not be due to their disabilities, but because of other reasons, including their first place of work, etc.
If you would like to hear more about me, call me at 052-8823383
Or by email:
Chaim azulay