Torah and Jewish Idea > Torah and Jewish Idea


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Jews will face attacks from immigrants, whites in general will.  Because Jews tend to be rich and successful, they will probably face attacks out of proportion.

Re:  "...Because Jews tend to be rich and successful, they will probably face attacks out of proportion..."

You're missing the key element as to why Jews living in Exile are the first to be attacked wherever and whenever a social order unravels:

Savage barbarians always know that the Jew is the easiest of prey.

Jews prefer family, intellectual growth, sobriety, and hard work ... making the world a better place for their children than it was for themselves; and have always despised weapons, violence, and uncivil behavior.

Add to this the fact that Jews are feared and held in suspicion by the non-Jewish majority in their host nations, whose spiritual level is incapable of understanding how it is that Jews prosper and advance far out of proportion to their small numbers, and irregardless of whether or not their host country affords opportunity to its citizenry.

These Jewish characteristics are the real reason criminals and barbarians of every ilk have always known that when they go to attack the Jew they will be attacking an unarmed, civilized people with none to stand in their defense.

Ultra Requete:
In traditional anti-semitism the Jews were despise becouse of their sucsess rate or their religion; ironicly low lewel sporadic persecution and discrimination helped Jews maintain  their unique identity; But for nazis and their oh so eager disciples nazi muslims every Jew must be killed; In Poland there were many hardworking but poor religius hasidic jews; unlike their assimilated brothers from big cities they were left alone by Poles; But nether the less the German Nazis Ocupiers rounded and killed in Sobibor, Blezec and Treblinka gass chambers 90% percent of them (Birkenau was for European Jews) all Polish Jews; secular and religius; assimilated and chasidic; judaist and converted to christianity; That's why Israeli Haredim and NK types are in error;  claiming not to be zionist and not supporting Jewish state will not save them. 


--- Quote from: Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim on September 19, 2007, 10:42:28 AM ---
--- Quote from: Ultra Requete on September 19, 2007, 07:16:55 AM ---The Napoleon's laws lead to simillar resulsts like in America; The french Jews are educated. law abiding French citisens; but they're still atacked by neo-nazis and mainly by "youths" muslim rubble the socialist voted by Jews in eighties brought. The American reformed Jewry will be first on target list of swartza and wetbacks; depite all of this support they gave to ACLU and ADl andother liberal pro imigration agenda.

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But today's French Jews are mostly Traditional because most French Jews today come from North Africa, from the former French colonies, the same place French Muzzies come from.

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I thought the Jews in Northern Africa were the ones who Rabbi Kahane advocated for them to go to Israel?

Ultra Requete:

--- Quote from: RationalThought110 on September 20, 2007, 07:12:35 PM ---
--- Quote from: Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim on September 19, 2007, 10:42:28 AM ---
--- Quote from: Ultra Requete on September 19, 2007, 07:16:55 AM ---The Napoleon's laws lead to simillar resulsts like in America; The french Jews are educated. law abiding French citisens; but they're still atacked by neo-nazis and mainly by "youths" muslim rubble the socialist voted by Jews in eighties brought. The American reformed Jewry will be first on target list of swartza and wetbacks; depite all of this support they gave to ACLU and ADl andother liberal pro imigration agenda.

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But today's French Jews are mostly Traditional because most French Jews today come from North Africa, from the former French colonies, the same place French Muzzies come from.

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I thought the Jews in Northern Africa were the ones who Rabbi Kahane advocated for them to go to Israel?

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They're still sizable Jewish comunity in Marocco.


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