Author Topic: Arab MK Heba Yazbak Who Endorsed Gantz Insists Her Goal Is Dismantling Israel  (Read 1768 times)

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Arab MK Heba Yazbak Who Endorsed Gantz Insists Her Goal Is Dismantling the Zionist/Jewish State
March 18, 2020

MK Heba Yazbak (Joint Arab List) last week told an Arabic radio channel that her political program “opposes and fights state Zionism and advocates the removal of the state’s Jewish and Zionist essence, while maintaining our national identity without giving up full citizenship and civil rights.

She also said, in another interview: “We want to fight with all our might against racism, apartheid and Zionism. We will push our project of a state of all its citizens (meaning not a Jewish state – DI) with all our might.”

Taken on its own, Yazbak’s agenda is consistent with her Balad party’s historical platform, which opposes the idea of Israel as a solely Jewish state, and advocates recasting it as a binational state. And as long as this agenda enjoys only limited support even inside Israeli Arab society (Balad has only 3 out of the Joint Arab List’s 15 MKs, even though there are 4 parties in the union), then it can be considered the price of Israel’s being the only real democracy in the region.

But this week, MK Heba Yazbak alongside the rest of the vehemently anti-Zionist (which is a kind way of saying anti-Semitic) members of the Joint Arab List told President Reuven Rivlin that they endorse Blue&White chairman Benny Gantz to form the next government, thus completing the 61 votes he needed to receive the presidential nod.

Mind you, the Blue&White leadership as well as every single party spokesperson spent the months leading up to the March 2 election repeating one mantra, also with all their might: We will never accept the Joint Arab List in our coalition government, not inside the coalition and not as outside supporters. But as soon as the votes had been cast, the Blue&White mantra was altered to read: in a democracy, every vote is equal to the others. Meaning, we deceived our voters, and we hope they’ll forget this fact when the next elections roll around.

Before the March 2020 elections, several parties demanded that Yazbak be banned from running because she had openly supported Israel’s enemies when referring to Lebanese terrorist Samir Kuntar as a martyr in a post on Facebook. In 1979, Kuntar led a terrorist squad that murdered a Jewish family and two policemen. The High Court of Justice, which banned several Otzma Yehudit members from running because they believed in the late Rabbi Meir Kahane’s teachings, reversed the Yazbak ban, because it’s what the high court does.

Here’s the catch, though: the Knesset Central Election Committee voted 28 to 7 in favor of banning Yazbak, and Blue&White was right there alongside Likud, Yamina, Shas and Labor, insisting that someone who rejoices in the murder of Jews should not be warming a seat in the Knesset.

That was then, and this is now: MK Heba Yazbak is good enough for cobbling together a Gantz government, which would have to reverse a slew of Arab-related laws, many of them reasonable and even critical to the well being of Israeli Arab society – because the Joint Arab List would condition its support on killing those laws.

MK Ofer Shelah, who’s been Yair Lapid’s right hand at Yesh Atid since 2013 and is considered one of the dominant voices in Blue&White, told Reshet Bet radio this week: Heba Yazbak did indeed support terrorist. Friends of mine were the ones who captured Kuntar. We voted against letting her stay in the Knesset – but the court decided otherwise. But the Joint List, whose voters gave it 15 seats, should not remain outside the coalition game. It’s not the same thing. You can’t do a total rejection.”

And this is the level to which Blue&White is prepared, nay, happy to sink in order to replace Netanyahu at the helm. It’s not illegal, it’s well within the rules of Israel’s democracy. But it is nevertheless disturbing, and the Israeli voter will probably punish them next time around.

Offline Dan193

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How crazy is Ganz to want to create a governent in Israel with Palestinian terrorists.
We need Chaim in Israel to stop this.
Arab Joint List to Support Blue & White Minority Govt Only with Ban on Jewish Access to Temple Mount
By Benjamin Brown, March 10, 2020

The chairman of the Arab-majority Joint List, Ayman Odeh, has named his key demands for supporting a Blue and White-led minority government.

In a Facebook broadcast, Odeh demanded Blue and White faction chairman Benny Gantz stop Jews from visiting the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, and cancel all unilateral steps in the adoption of US President Donald Trump’s “Deal of the Century” Middle East Peace Plan.

“We have a position on the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the cessation of extremist settlers entering the Al-Aqsa Mosque,” Odeeh said.

“This has happened during [Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu’s time and we want to restore the status quo. Al-Aqsa is a place of worship for Muslims, and East Jerusalem should be the capital of the Palestinian state. We will focus on the Al-Aqsa Mosque at this stage.”

Jews are currently banned from any form of prayer on the Temple Mount — one of the holiest sites in the Jewish faith — and any attempt to do so by a Jew is promptly thwarted by the Islamic Waqf Authority that controls the Temple Mount, and Israel Police. Such an attempt can also end with the arrest of the Jewish worshiper.

Similarly, Jewish presence at the holy site is heavily restricted to just a few hours a day.

In January, Israeli activists advocating freedom of Jewish worship and prayer on the Temple Mount welcomed President Donald Trump’s unveiling of the Deal of the Century, lauding it as “a major step toward fulfilling the Jewish destiny at the site of the Temple.”

The plan, titled “Vision for Peace, Prosperity, and a Brighter Future,” calls for Jerusalem’s holy sites to “remain open and available for peaceful worshipers and tourists of all faiths.

“People of every faith should be permitted to pray on the Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif, in a manner that is fully respectful to their religion, taking into account the times of each religion’s prayers and holidays, as well as other religious factors,” the plan states.

Meanwhile, Blue and White’s ‘number two,’ Knesset Member (MK) Yair Lapid, has stated that cooperation with the Joint List would only incorporate the Joint List voting for a Blue and White-led minority government, after which all coalition cooperation between the two would cease.

Lapid was responding to Blue and White MKs Tzvi Hauser and Yoaz Hendel who had threatened to oppose their party in the Knesset if they cooperated with the Arab Joint List.

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57% of Arab Israelis say Islamic Movement represents them
Survey shows 42.2% of Arab citizens support or are activists of outlawed pro-terror group, 18.2% of Muslim Arabs say ISIS isn't terror.
By Ari Yashar
First Publish: 11/17/2015

Offline Dan193

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How sick is Ganz and Blue and White to want Palestinian terrorist supporters in their government.
Heba Yazbak in the coalition? Blue and White's Shelah doesn't rule it out.
MK Heba Yazbak praised the "martyrs" of the Al-Aqsa Intifada and terrorist Samir Kuntar in posts on Facebook.

MK Ofer Shelah, a senior member of the Blue and White party, does not rule out the participation of MK Heba Yazbak, who is a member of the Balad faction of the predominantly Arab Joint List party, in a future coalition.

In an interview on Kan 11 News, MK Shelah said, "Heba Yazbak did indeed support terrorists. My friends are the ones who caught [Samir] Kuntar. We voted against her staying in the Knesset - and the court ruled the opposite."

"But the Joint List, which has 15 elected seats, should not be outside the coalition game. It's not the same. It is impossible to make a total disqualification," he claimed.

Yazbak called Samir Kuntar, who carried out the terrorist attack in Nahariya in 1979, a hero and a “shaheed” (martyr -ed.). In the fall of 2019, she praised the Al-Aqsa Intifada and the “shaheeds” of that intifada.

On September 30, 2019, Yazbak posted a message on Facebook in which she wrote, "I urge everyone to participate in the central procession tomorrow to mark the anniversary of the Second Intifada [Al-Aqsa Intifada] and the October uprising [in the Arab sector in Israel] at 4:00 p.m. in Kafr Kanna. We do not mark the memorial day just to remember it, but the basic purpose is to express the future we want. Glory to the shaheeds."

On October 1, 2019, Yazbak posted photos of the mass rally to mark the Al-Aqsa Intifada in which she participated. Alongside the photos, Yazbak wrote, "In Kafr Kanna. The 19th anniversary of the Second Intifada [the Al-Aqsa Intifada] and the Al-Quds and Al-Aqsa insurgency. Glory and eternity for our pure shaheeds and disgrace for the heartless criminals."

1,056 Israelis and 50 foreign citizens were murdered and 8,022 people were wounded during the Al-Aqsa Intifada which took place from September 2000 to February 2005. During the Al-Aqsa Intifada, hundreds of terrorist attacks and suicide bombings were carried out.

Offline Dan193

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The fact that Blue and White doesn't mind a Palestinian terrorist apologist in their government who supports Samir Kuntar shows how radical and deranged they are. 
Samir Kuntar and his terrorist team broke into an apartment building in Israel and kidnapped 31-year-old Danny Haran, and his 4-year-old daughter, Einat.  They took them to a nearby beach where Kuntar shot Danny to death at close range, and then killed the girl Einat by smashing her skull against the rocks with the butt of his rifle. 
Newsweek states that the details of Kuntar's attack are "so sickening they give pause even to some of Israel's enemies 

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ZOA Condemns Gantz & Lieberman for Violating Pledge to Not Form Government Backed by Anti-Zionist Arab Party  

Offline Dan193

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Nothing new here, only the collaboration of Blue & White and the Labor-Meretz faction with the Joint List. They have full knowledge of the goals and policies of the Joint List but are joining them anyway, like Marshall Petain did in 1940. Only France was defeated by Hitler (partly due to its own defeatism) and Gantz & company are collaborating with Palestinian Jihadists without a military defeat and only because of their overwhelming desire for power at all costs and their hatred of Netanyahu. This is beyond disgusting!

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I shouldn't be surprised, but I'm surprised that this news in no way shocks me. I have come to expect the left to always lie about everything and only do the most evil thing possible in every situation.
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