I think Don Imus should sue those nappy headed hoes for causing him to lose his job over nothing.
I'm going to post pictures which I'll probably get bashed for here because I think that the distinction between a nappy head and one that ISN'T nappy has been overlooked.
When I first heard about Imus' comments about the Rutgers basketball team, I was offended to the n'th degree. I was disgusted at the thought that this rather 'wire-haired' white man had the NERVE to make fun of black girl's hairstyle... and then, to call them 'ho's', which means a woman who sleeps around for money. So what I took from it was that Imus isn't a racist, he's sexist because for a man to call a woman or a group of women whores without knowledge that they are whores is really low and quite unmanly. He isn't a racist because he used the word nappy headed..he's ignorant for not knowing the difference between nappy hair and relaxed hair. So here are my pictures to show you a couple of examples.
This is me at 23 with relaxed hair....

And this is a closer view of my naps...

This is me just last week after I'd gone natural...or (nappy) Naps are tightly coiled curls that gather at the scalp. There is nothing bad about that.

And this is just for Imus...because this style is similar to what some of the players were wearing when he called them out...
BRAIDS aren't naps...they're braids.

Any questions?