Author Topic: FINALLY!!! A real Facebook alternative!!  (Read 3546 times)

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Offline Israel Chai

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FINALLY!!! A real Facebook alternative!!
« on: December 07, 2017, 02:27:30 AM »

The site is better, no info grabs to lag you, there are group chats in every group, and they don't have commie hunters looking to ban conservatives. Full of FB refugees, I think it would be wise to make a presence there now that their numbers are shooting up, and establish JTF as a serious contender there.

Imagine Zuckerburg writing an article with G-d given right in it, this seems like a good man and a better site than crappy fagbook.

Are you a Facebook subscriber? According to the company’s third quarter report, 1.55 billion of you are monthly active users. That’s a lot of people. But in reality that number’s a lie. That’s because whether you know it or not, we all are part of Facebook, every single one of us who’s online. That’s not an exaggeration or some crazy conspiracy theory. It’s a simple fact. Whether you are a Facebook subscriber or not, you are under the watchful eye of Mark Zuckerberg.

Here’s the proof. This month, the European Court of Justice, the European Union’s highest court, handed down a ruling that stops Facebook from collecting digital information about non-Facebook users. Wait, what? Yes, Facebook collects information about the online activities of users and non-users alike. Any site that has a Facebook “Like” button plays peek-a-boo with your private information. According to Facebook, that button along with the “Share” one are on almost 10 million websites and used 4.5 billion times every day.

So how do they get your information? They use digital cookies that latch onto your computer, tablet, smartphone―basically any device you use―and track your movements. Kind of sounds like a plot point in a James Bond movie, doesn’t it? Facebook doesn’t deny any of this either. In fact, the company used it as part of its defense, claiming it had been using cookies for five years without complaints so it should be able to continue now. Basically that’s like saying you’ve been robbing banks for five years so why are you getting arrested now? The simple response to Facebook is: “because it’s wrong.” Just because no one complained before doesn’t make it any less wrong. Facebook knowingly took invasive actions against your privacy and rather than get into a debate about the morality of its actions, decided to rest its defense on the fact that it got away with it in the past. That has little to do with your right to freedom, privacy, and the pursuit of happiness. Those rights are yours as is the decision to defend them.

How does Facebook gets away with it? Well first of all, in Europe it doesn’t. Europe has data protection rules that we lack over here. Ask Google and Microsoft about that amongst others. Those rules place privacy on the same pedestal as freedom and democracy. Here in the states, we also hold these same truths to be self-evident, but we lack laws to support the ideology.

Second is the sneaky way Facebook goes about its business. Facebook doesn’t tell you they’re collecting your information or that they own rights to the 400 million photos shared daily. There’s no “just so you know” email or pop-up warning you of its actions. It’s not bragged about at stockholder meetings. Everything the company does happens in the background, luring you into a false sense of safety.

There are 1.5 billion searches made daily on Facebook. The company keeps all of that information, but all you see is a search that leads you to find something. You never see anybody collecting your data. No one knocks on your door or takes control over your computer. There’s no impact in speed or reliability of your Internet service. So you visit your sites, do your odd and random searches, and peek into places sometimes that you’d rather not have anyone know about. That’s your business in the same way as should be choosing who gets to see the pictures you post, the stories you share, and the “Like” buttons you click when so inspired. That’s fun. You’re connected to the world, the people you care about and love. But you’re also connected to Facebook. They’re a third party looking over your shoulder when you’re online. Whereas your friends and family use social media to stay in touch, Facebook uses its wares to make money. There’s nothing wrong with making money mind you, but there is if the means to the end are immoral and creepy. Granted your life is not in danger, just all of your private information and actions.

Finally, there’s the fact that we continue to allow companies to get away with such actions. Facebook, Google, and others do what they do because it’s profitable and no one stops them. But that doesn’t mean we like it or have to accept it. Even those companies can see the writing on the wall concerning privacy. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has evolved publically from declaring privacy dead to making it a core component of his interviews and stockholder meetings.

When Apple CEO Tim Cook warns us about losing our humanity in losing our privacy, he means it. Nothing Facebook has done to date shows the same passion or honesty. Sure, Facebook claims it will take steps to stop collecting online information about non-users in Belgium, but with the company’s track record, why should we believe them?

The solution I offer is simple. Getting there is not. We need laws that protect our God-given right to privacy. We need to stop silently endorsing sites that betray our privacy by the mere fact of our using them. We need to support companies that support our freedoms. They are out there. For example, my company, MeWe, was specifically designed to offer social media under the protected umbrella of privacy. There are many other options out there. I think all of us can agree that social media has transformed our world. Now we need to transform online privacy so that the safety we believe we have with these services becomes a reality.

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Offline Israel Chai

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Re: FINALLY!!! A real Facebook alternative!!
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2017, 04:21:02 AM »

Facebook’s Evolution From Freedom Champion to Content Censor
Mar 31, 2016Mark WeinsteinMark's Corner0


Social media was heretofore in the censorship business only as a means to self-regulate and remove haters, stalkers and law-breakers. Something is changing, and it behooves us to pay close immediate attention.

We live in politicized times where media titans regularly exercise their rights to slant the messages their empires publish. Simply the mention of outlets like CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, or even the New York Times causes frowns or raised eyebrows from the right or the left.

Now there is a new face in the politically slanted content game, Facebook. In recent weeks Facebook decreed that gun owners and medical marijuana groups would no longer enjoy the freedoms of speech that our constitution provides them. And just last week Instagram (a Facebook-owned company) announced that it will be using deep tracking mechanisms and algorithms to store data on their members and decide what their members see in their feeds, and in what order. New eyebrows should be raised.

On the censorship front, when the largest free-speech network in the world politically regulates what law-abiding citizens can and can’t say and do, the betrayal is of core American ideology. Instead, censorship is empowered, along with an over-the-top spying on and blacklisting of law-abiding users. Is it a stretch to suggest early warning signs – regarding the possibility of building the online equivalent of last century’s McCarthy-era blacklisting of honest-to-goodness Americans because their opinions are “wrong?”

Facebook discourages groups organizing around issues it supports – be it about our GMO food supply or mandatory vaccines. Facebook bans legal gun groups and medical marijuana dispensaries. These bans cut both ways, liberal and conservative.  Facebook even bans photos of mothers’ breastfeeding.

While people debate Facebook’s politicizing these issues, their actions are counterintuitive to the fundamentals of social media. This is not about vaccinations, genetically modified foods, gun control, and so on. I have strong opinions about all of the above, but leave them to the pundits to debate and the politicians I support in voice and action to legislate. This is about blatant censorship, ignoring law-abiding citizens’ right to freedom of speech because their thoughts contrast with a social network founder’s beliefs.

On the tracking front in the example of Instagram, which now mimics Facebook’s own algorithmic content manipulation, this is similarly akin to not only censorship, but also the ability for a corporation to decide what members see and what they don’t. This can further take the manipulation of a member’s content in the direction that Mark Zuckerberg deems in line with his opinions and philosophies about life. In other words, the news content that is served to members will be slanted to support the political opinions of Facebook’s founder.

Politicizing social media is the antithesis of the definition of the medium. Social media isn’t about minding the legal business of others. It’s about having the freedom and privacy to express yourself, connect with people, and share or withhold information as you see fit as long as you follow the laws of our great democracy.

There’s irony here. Facebook has rallied with most of Silicon Valley against the federal government’s desire to monitor the content of its users. It’s a fascinating debate. The irony is that every invasive action the company accuses the government of trying to do and that it rallies against, is basically the recipe for behavior that the company follows in regards to its own users.

When you algorithmically monitor every member, along with censoring law-abiding groups and topics, you’re more than admitting that you’re looking at content – you are saying that you are the dictator. The voice of the people suddenly becomes the voice of one monitor. People say that Fox News and MSNBC create slanted versions of the truth. But Facebook politicizing social media has much larger societal implications. By censoring and therefore controlling and manipulating the content and opinions of a far larger proportion of the general populous, Facebook is boxing in our freedoms and attempting to shape the permissible dialogue in our “free” society.

Say you’re a fair-play American citizen. You may not agree with everything this country does and you may get frustrated and scream at the heavens about the endless amount of political party gridlock, but you nevertheless follow the rule of law. That rule of law gives you a voice and celebrates diversity. It’s what makes this country so great. We have freedoms of expression, religious and political beliefs, and a whole lot more. We embrace that ideology. We don’t punish people for abiding by it.

Social media is intended to be a self-regulating private and public forum. That is how Facebook was designed and what they intended at the outset for how to monitor their members. And yes, absolutely the law-breakers, haters, and violence inciters, are to be dislodged and disinvited. But not the law-abiders; that is the rub here. Censorship of law-abiding citizens is un-American.

China and other authoritarian countries use social media as a filter, a way to identify dissenters. How is that any different than Facebook’s censorship? It might not imprison someone behind actual bars or subject them to physical torture, but it renders them impotent and represses the broader society. This is akin to a slow poisoning; with the longer-term, though not so far-fetched potential of becoming our culture’s emotional castration.

Should the world’s largest communication forum support the personal freedoms of its law-abiding customers? Facebook is a proud American creation, and here in the USA we encourage the exchange of ideas and the freedom to disagree, and fight wars to bring those freedoms to the rest of the world.

The slippery slope of the expanding politicization of Facebook is of far greater consequence then taking a righteous “kick you out for disagreeing” stand on particular issues. It minimizes self-expression and mutes the rich diversity of opinions; the very benchmarks that lead to improvements in our society. Let’s cherish and nurture what our Founding Fathers created for us, and respect the rights of all law-abiding citizens using social media technology.
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Offline Israel Chai

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Re: FINALLY!!! A real Facebook alternative!!
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2017, 04:28:14 AM »
OK maybe scratch that. Pretty sure they won't allow advertising, and based on this, they don't censor people, unless it's hateful or hurtful, which only means something when leftists complain, which they will, so it is censorship. A million groups dedicated to stopiing the "Rothschild bankers" though, guess that's not hate.

MeWe Founder Mark Weinstein Calls Out Facebook’s Anti-Muslim Ad
By Gerry Emery -
October 19, 2017

MeWeMeWe Founder Mark Weinstein called out Facebook’s anti-Muslim ad, saying that Mark Zuckerberg’s hypocrisy has got the best of him. In a statement issued on the MeWe News and Updates group, he stated:

“Awesome MeWe Members:)
Today Gizmodo reported that Facebook actually tested their new video ad formats using advertisements that promote “hate.” In the example cited, it was anti-Muslim. It could have been anti-anything – we know they are just a soulless and spineless machine focused on the chase of the dollar. At MeWe, we believe in democracy, privacy, and freedom, and we believe social media sites should not allow hateful content, never mind promote hateful advertising!!

At MeWe, we want everyone to enjoy their opinions, that is what makes our great democracy work so well! And we want everyone to feel safe. So we have very clear rules – our Terms of Service specifically prohibits hateful content – here is what it says: “You may NOT: Post content that is hateful, threatening, harmful, incites violence; or contains graphic or gratuitous violence. . . “

And of course we don’t have advertising, so you will never receive any advertising promoting hate or fake news on our site from us – we’re all about cherishing our differences, our freedom, and the love we can have together regardless of our opinions! And if something looks wrong to you, report it – we have extensive reporting tools for you as a member to use. Our site is self-moderating.

Bring your friends to MeWe and enjoy full control with the greatest, most fun, and respectful social app, with all the goodness and none of the BS!”

According to Gizmodo:

“It’s important that Facebook is a place where people with different views can share their ideas,” wrote Mark Zuckerberg following the violent “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville. “But when someone tries to silence others or attacks them based on who they are or what they believe, that hurts us all and is unacceptable.” That tender sentiment, however, apparently didn’t stop the tech giant from using an anti-Muslim ad as a guinea pig for its new video formats during the final weeks of last year’s election.

According to a new report from Bloomberg, Facebook offered its expertise to the rightwing advocacy group Secure America Now to help enhance the reach of its “anti-refugee” campaign in swing states. One of these efforts allegedly included testing out its then-new vertical video format. Working with Harris Media, a digital public affairs firm, Facebook reportedly designed a case study for different formats using an anti-Islam video titled “Are We Safe?”

The ad juxtaposes the face of a young girl with stark black-and-white photos of Muslims who have carried out terror attacks in America. While the video’s description on YouTube touts the importance of strengthening our weakened “national security,” two of the four attackers shown are American-born. According to its site, Secure America Now was formed to protest the Ground Zero Mosque.

Twelve different versions of the ad were rolled out, Bloomberg said.  Facebook then surveyed users to see which format they liked best.

“Facebook has said that it doesn’t want to influence voters, but that directly contradicts its own marketing efforts,” Gizmodo added. “A page by Facebook detailing Senator Patrick Toomey’s ad campaign on the site, for instance, is titled’“The best content to influence voters.’ We have reached out to Facebook, Harris Media, and Secure America Now for comment and will update this post if and when we hear back.”

(Editor’s note: This report is especially interesting, given Facebook’s treatment of those opposed to militant jihad, as Adina Kutnicki and I point out in our book, Banned: How Facebook enables militant Islamic jihad.)

While we agree on many of Mark Weinstein’s points, one thing that continually stands out is that the United States is not and never has been a “democracy.” We are a representative republic. It’s not just the Democrats who make the mistake, although it is predominantly an intentional Liberal snafu; many conservatives think we are a democracy as well. Apparently the entire country is in need of remedial education on this issue. After all, most of us (excluding perhaps millennials) had to recite the Pledge of Allegiance every morning in grade school and as far as into high school in many areas. We pledge allegiance to a Republic, NOT a Democracy.

Conservative Americans are joining MeWe in droves because of Facebook’s censorship. The social network works just as well with any mobile device as it does with a laptop or desktop personal computer. It takes all of 30 seconds (if that long) to sign up using a mobile device. Perhaps you should sign up as well?


    Facebook wants employees with national security clearances to spot future election meddling by trolls — Report
    Facebook and Google in Mortal Fear of the Regulators
    Facebook Is Not A Court Of Law
    Sharia Compliance Takes Over Tech Giants: Alphabet Inc. & Facebook Lead The Charge. What’s The Upshot?
    Analysis: Facebook’s new ad guidelines designed to silence conservative sites

If you haven’t checked out and liked our Facebook page, please go here and do so.  And be sure to check out our new MeWe page here.

And if you’re as concerned about online censorship as we are, go here and order this book (Remember, half of what we earn will be donated to Hurricane Harvey relief):
Banned: How Facebook enables militant Islamic jihad
Banned: How Facebook enables militant Islamic jihad – Source: Author (used with permission)
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Offline Israel Chai

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MeWe are a bunch of commies
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2017, 06:19:12 AM »
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Offline Shoftim3:31

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Re: FINALLY!!! A real Facebook alternative!!
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2017, 12:31:02 PM »
I should know, I was part of many of those gun groups.

And then BAM! Gone!

F**k them, just use Discord
Our worst enemy isn't Nazis, Arabs or Liberals, its Jews that hate themselves: Bernies Sanders, Chuck Schumer, George Soros.

Everyone else just strayed from H' word. But these people pretend.

Offline Israel Chai

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Re: FINALLY!!! A real Facebook alternative!!
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2017, 02:01:19 PM »
I posted a comment about it in "does mewe censor anything" and my comment is being censored. Guess that's as clear an answer as anything. Bunch of hypocrites.
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Offline Shoftim3:31

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Re: FINALLY!!! A real Facebook alternative!!
« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2017, 08:10:25 PM »
Should we create a Discord (seems to be the best social media platform that is fully uncensored, albeit originally created for gamers, its format would fit ours quite well).

Please bump this idea up the food chain to Ben Pesach.
Our worst enemy isn't Nazis, Arabs or Liberals, its Jews that hate themselves: Bernies Sanders, Chuck Schumer, George Soros.

Everyone else just strayed from H' word. But these people pretend.

Offline Israel Chai

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Re: FINALLY!!! A real Facebook alternative!!
« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2017, 08:39:09 PM »
Should we create a Discord (seems to be the best social media platform that is fully uncensored, albeit originally created for gamers, its format would fit ours quite well).

Please bump this idea up the food chain to Ben Pesach.

Never heard of it, wanna tell me what you like b4 i google it?
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Offline Shoftim3:31

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Re: FINALLY!!! A real Facebook alternative!!
« Reply #8 on: December 07, 2017, 08:47:37 PM »
Never heard of it, wanna tell me what you like b4 i google it?

So, its pretty much a social media platform. It was started for people that play video games, but offers many many features for creating different groups. You can create a 'discord chat', which is like a facebook group, but when people log in, they go right into that chatroom. If they have multiple of these chats, they can switch through them in a sidebar.
Communication is free, and you can create and customize to your heart's content. Create different 'roles', to give a social hierarchy, and distinguish a average user from a mod [through different coloration, and different names, again, all customization]. There are the options to create private group chats for only a certain 'rank' and above [lets say you only want the mods and higher to read something]. There is the option to create a 'announcement' feed, or something like that, that nobody except X rank(s) can post it, which may allow you to post weekly or daily announcements without worrying about spam. I'd say google it, then start creating.
Our worst enemy isn't Nazis, Arabs or Liberals, its Jews that hate themselves: Bernies Sanders, Chuck Schumer, George Soros.

Everyone else just strayed from H' word. But these people pretend.

Offline Yehudayaakov

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Re: FINALLY!!! A real Facebook alternative!!
« Reply #9 on: December 08, 2017, 08:53:53 AM »
People should give up Facebook what am horrible site.

Offline Israel Chai

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Re: FINALLY!!! A real Facebook alternative!!
« Reply #10 on: December 09, 2017, 05:55:56 PM »
People should give up Facebook what am horrible site.

Muman puts a lot of really good divrei Torah there... gotta get him back here...
The fear of the L-rd is the beginning of knowledge