Look at Obama's actions, he gave billions to Iran, which in turn funded more terrorism, Hezbollah, and Hamas, and allowed Iran to continue their nuclear program. Inspectors aren't allowed to go through the nuclear facilities. Obama dropped the demand that Iran dismantle its thousands of centrifuges, or that Iran shutter its plutonium facility at Arak, or that Iran shutter its underground nuclear facility at Fordow. The Agreement does not dismantle any element of Iran's nuclear weapons infrastructure period. How can anyone make deals with a terrorist regime that chants, "Death to America, and Death to Israel?" As a result of this chain of appeasement, this nuclear deal signed in Vienna will deliver the path to nuclear weapons to Iran, the Nazi Germany of the Middle East.
As a result of the policy to impeded Project Cassandra, vast amounts of cocaine entered the U.S. which might otherwise be kept out, while hundreds of millions of dollars went to Hezbollah, the terrorist organization, so they will spend that money for weapons, and materials to use against Israel. Operation Cassandra tracked shipments, and dirty cash payments engineered by the Iranian sponsored Lebanese Shia terrorist organization Hezbollah, and traced what they believed to be the innermost sponsors in Iran. Obama placed obstacles in the path of the investigators, and delayed, hindered, or rejected significant investigations, prosecutions, arrests, and financial sanctions. He is a muslim-communist. The leftwing Jews need to decide whose side they are on, and if they want truth then stick to the whole truth whether its left or right. The Truth is the Truth, not matter how unpleasant it may be.