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Re: The Divine Code Daily Dose
« Reply #375 on: July 31, 2019, 04:46:08 AM »
According to Rambam's Laws of the Worship of Stars (and Idols) 10:6, during the diaspora of the Jews, no Gentile can be accepted into a legal status of a "Resident" (Ger Toshav in Hebrew), even if he makes a declaration before three Torah-observant adult Jewish males that he accepts and abides by the Noahide Code. Nevertheless, for any Gentiles who do not accept and observe the Noahide Code, the Jews are commanded to expel them from the Land of Israel, and they are forbidden by Torah Law to dwell there (whether they are expelled or not). From Lev. 18:25-28, it is clear that the spiritual standard of any inhabitants there must be on a comparatively higher level (the Divine Code by Rabbi Moshe Weiner, Ask Noah International, 2018, p 45).
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.


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Re: The Divine Code Daily Dose
« Reply #376 on: August 02, 2019, 07:36:24 AM »
Deniers and Deviators from the Foundations of Faith

One who believes there is another god denies the basic foundation of faith, for knowledge of the existence, truth and oneness of the Master of the universe is the foundation upon which all else depends. Such a person is both a "deviant believer" (a Min in Hebrew) and in the category of those who believe in idols.17

17 Kesef Mishneh on Rambam's Laws of Repentance 3:7 (the Divine Code by Rabbi Moshe Weiner, Ask Noah International, 2018, p 46).
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.


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Re: The Divine Code Daily Dose
« Reply #377 on: August 04, 2019, 08:13:54 AM »
Rambam, in Laws of Foundations of the Torah 1:6, clearly gives his opinion that one is a deviant believer and an idol worshiper if he believes there is an independent power that is secondary to G-d. Other major Torah authorities held that this incorrect belief in an intermediary power is not forbidden to Gentiles. Yet one who believes this is not one of the "pious of the nations of the world," and he should be informed of his error if there is a possibility that he will correct his belief and keep the prohibition against idolatry to its fullest (in thought as well as in action) (the Divine Code by Rabbi Moshe Weiner, Ask Noah International, 2018, p 46).
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.


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Re: The Divine Code Daily Dose
« Reply #378 on: August 05, 2019, 03:07:06 PM »
There are five categories of deviant believers (who deny a fundamental principle of faith in G-d):18

(a) one who says there is no deity (atheism), and the universe is not overseen;

(b) one who says there are two or more gods;

(c) one who says there is only one god, but having a body or a form;

(d) one who says that G-d was not the only First Existence and the Creator of everything, but rather there was a continuously existing primordial matter from which G-d formed the world;19

(e) one who serves an idol (or a star or constellation), that it should be an intermediary between him and G-d.

18 Rambam, Laws of Repentance 3:7.

19 Ra'avad, on Rambam's Laws of Repentance 3:7 (the Divine Code by Rabbi Moshe Weiner, Ask Noah International, 2018, p 46).
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.


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Re: The Divine Code Daily Dose
« Reply #379 on: August 06, 2019, 06:22:04 PM »
Only the deviant believer of category (e) is liable for a capital sin in violation of a Noahide Commandment, since he combines his deviant belief with actually worshiping his intermediary, which he has made into an idol. Note, as explained later in this book in Part II, ch. 1, that the difference of Rabbinical opinion regarding an intermediary for Gentiles is only in regard to whether such a belief is forbidden.

But one who serves an intermediary is liable, according all opinions. Hence, the cited wording of Rambam, "one who serves an idol (or a star or constellation), that it should be an intermediary," is accepted by all Rabbinical authorities (and worshiping is a type of serving) (the Divine Code by Rabbi Moshe Weiner, Ask Noah International, 2018, p 46).
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.


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Re: The Divine Code Daily Dose
« Reply #380 on: August 07, 2019, 01:06:39 PM »
There are three categories of "scorners:"

(a) one who says there is no prophecy at all and no communication of knowledge from G-d to the hearts of individuals;

(b) one who denies the prophecy of Moses our teacher;

(c) one who says that G-d does not know the actions of people.20

20 Rambam, Laws of Repentance 3:8.

A "scorner" (epicurus in Hebrew) includes one who scorns the Torah or the Sages, or who shirks their teachings or authority. The Sages are those who transmitted the Torah's Oral Tradition since the time of Moses (the Divine Code by Rabbi Moshe Weiner, Ask Noah International, 2018, p 47).
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.


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Re: The Divine Code Daily Dose
« Reply #381 on: August 09, 2019, 11:32:41 AM »
There are three categories of "deniers of the Torah":

(a) one who says that the Torah's commandments are not from G-d (even if he observes some or all because they seem logical to him), even if he says that these commandments came from Moses himself (from his own intellect, and not as commandments from G-d);

(b) one who says that the Written Torah and its commandments were from G-d, but the Oral Torah and its explanations of the commandments were from Moses himself (and how much more so, anyone who says that the Oral Torah was introduced by persons other than Moses);

(c) one who says that G-d replaced any of the commandments He gave through Moses with another later commandment, or that His original Torah and its commandments were later nullified. (Included are those who say that the "first" Torah which was given to Moses was true and from G-d, but it was later nullified or changed.)

Each of these is a denier of the truth of the Torah (the Divine Code by Rabbi Moshe Weiner, Ask Noah International, 2018, p 47).
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.


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Re: The Divine Code Daily Dose
« Reply #382 on: August 11, 2019, 11:54:00 AM »
It seems clear from Rambam that a Gentile scorner, deviant believer or denier of the Torah does not believe in Moses' prophecy with all its details, so it is impossible for him to be truly observing the Noahide Code in accordance with Rambam's text in Laws of Kings 8:11 (the Divine Code by Rabbi Moshe Weiner, Ask Noah International, 2018, p 47).
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.


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Re: The Divine Code Daily Dose
« Reply #383 on: August 13, 2019, 06:02:49 AM »
The explanations of every precept that G-d commanded through Moses were also given directly from G-d to Moses,22 and Moses gave these explanations orally to the Elders of Israel of that generation (in addition to teaching the entire Jewish people). This included not only the explanations of each commandment in a general way, but also details and measurements for the fulfillment of every precept, and the specific rules for correct exegesis of the Written Torah.

22 Rambam's Introduction to the Mishneh Torah (the Divine Code by Rabbi Moshe Weiner, Ask Noah International, 2018, p 47-48).
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.


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Re: The Divine Code Daily Dose
« Reply #384 on: August 15, 2019, 10:43:43 AM »
It was ordained by G-d that with this tradition, the recognized Sages of Israel23 would clarify any future question about an explanation of a commandment, using these rules of exegesis.

23 These were the members of the Supreme Sanhedrin which existed in the past, through an unbroken chain of ordination back to Moses. (This excludes false sages like the members of the heretical Sadducee Sanhedrin that temporarily existed in the days of King Jannai, c. 100 B.C.E.) Due to persecutions by the Romans, the Supreme Sanhedrin ceased many years before the Babylonian Talmud was completed. It will be renewed in the Messianic Era, when all people will be spiritually uplifted to serve G-d together (Zeph. 3:9) (the Divine Code by Rabbi Moshe Weiner, Ask Noah International, 2018, p 48).
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.


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Re: The Divine Code Daily Dose
« Reply #385 on: August 17, 2019, 12:55:42 PM »
Therefore, the authentic Jewish Sages are the mainstay of the Oral Torah, and anyone who believes in Moses our teacher and his Torah must rely on them for explanations of the details of the Torah's precepts.

Anyone who denies their accepted rulings, meaning the Oral Torah, is also a denier of the Torah, as the term is explained above.24

24 Rambam, Laws of the Rebellious Ones 1:1-2 and 3:3. Regardless of what argument is advanced, a person is a denier of the Torah (a kofer in Hebrew), if the ultimate result of his approach will be a negation of any of the Torah's precepts or fundamental principles (the Divine Code by Rabbi Moshe Weiner, Ask Noah International, 2018, p 48).
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.


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Re: The Divine Code Daily Dose
« Reply #386 on: August 18, 2019, 02:29:42 PM »
If a deviant believer, scorner or denier (see above) has been taught about the truth of Torah, but he persists in these habits and false beliefs without repentance, his end will not be to receive a part in the World to Come,25 but instead, as it says, "To the lowest world (the Purgatory) will the wicked return, all the peoples that forget G-d."26

25 Rambam, Laws of Repentance 3:6.

26 Psalms 9:18. Sanhedrin 105a refers this to the wicked ones of the nations (the Divine Code by Rabbi Moshe Weiner, Ask Noah International, 2018, p 48).
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.


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Re: The Divine Code Daily Dose
« Reply #387 on: August 20, 2019, 06:15:59 AM »
They are those who willfully dismiss the true G-d, like the deviant believers and the scorners, even though they did not serve idols, because they willfully dismiss the fundamental principles of faith (for Gentiles, about the One G-d and His commandments, prophecy, and the Torah). Still, they are not liable to judgment by a court for this transgression, since a court may only punish for actions, but not for thoughts and beliefs.27 G-d alone judges a person for heretical beliefs.

27 Rambam, Laws of the Worship of Stars (and Idols) 2:6, states that anyone who believes in idol worship insults G-d, yet he does not mention any physical punishment assigned for this false belief (the Divine Code by Rabbi Moshe Weiner, Ask Noah International, 2018, p 48).
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.


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Re: The Divine Code Daily Dose
« Reply #388 on: August 21, 2019, 06:17:15 AM »
Any reference in this work to punishment "by the Hand of Heaven," or to liability for punishment by a court, is only intended to indicate a person's guiltiness and the liability of his soul.

Permission for earthly judgment based on Torah Law applies only for a competent and empowered Torah-based court,28 as provided by the Noahide commandment to establish Torah-based courts of law. Only an authorized Torah-based court has permission to apply any detail of the Noahide Code in placing a judgment of guilt upon a person.

28 We define an "authorized Torah-based court" in Part VIII, on the Noahide commandment for Establishment of Laws and Courts (the Divine Code by Rabbi Moshe Weiner, Ask Noah International, 2018, p 49).
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.


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Re: The Divine Code Daily Dose
« Reply #389 on: August 22, 2019, 11:46:00 AM »
All those who refuse to accept upon themselves to observe the Seven Noahide Commandments are liable. However, they should be warned, and if they change their ways and fully accept the prohibitions of the Seven Noahide Commandments, it is acceptable, and only if they stand in their refusal are they liable.30

30 Rambam, Laws of Kings 8:9 (regarding an individual captive or a defeated nation), and Laws of Circumcision 1:6 (regarding a Canaanite servant).

From Ra'avad on Rambam's Laws of Circumcision ch. 1 and Laws of Kings ch. 6, and Tosafot on Tractate Avodah Zarah 64b, this requires judgment by Torah-based court (Beit Din) as defined in topic 1:11 above (the Divine Code by Rabbi Moshe Weiner, Ask Noah International, 2018, p 49).
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.


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Re: The Divine Code Daily Dose
« Reply #390 on: August 24, 2019, 02:11:30 PM »
Therefore, to help a person who is a denier of Torah or an idol-worshiper because of the habit of his upbringing, and has never known the truth because he has not learned it, it is incumbent on one who does know the truth to teach him G-d's truth and the commandments that apply for him as a Gentile, and to correct and improve his ways (the Divine Code by Rabbi Moshe Weiner, Ask Noah International, 2018, p 49).
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.


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Re: The Divine Code Daily Dose
« Reply #391 on: August 26, 2019, 10:16:38 AM »
This is evident from Rambam, Laws of the Rebellious Ones 3:3, in regard to the Karaites of his time. Even though the Karaites deny the Oral Torah, in Rambam's days they were not judged to be deniers, since for many generations they were raised from their birth in that culture and compelled to follow that errant path.

It is also clear in Rambam, Laws of Repentance 3:14, that any person can return from his evil ways, do repentance and be forgiven by G-d, and therefore anyone who is liable - even to death by the Hand of Heaven - can repent and be saved from the Divine punishment (the Divine Code by Rabbi Moshe Weiner, Ask Noah International, 2018, p 49).
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.


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Re: The Divine Code Daily Dose
« Reply #392 on: August 27, 2019, 11:08:06 AM »
This effort and spiritual guidance is the proper path that Abraham followed (as will be explained in Part II, Chapter 1).32

32 Rambam writes in Laws of Kings 10:1 that a Gentile is liable for transgressing a Noahide commandment due to negligence, since he should have learned it. But it seems that Rambam is only referring to a situation in which the general community knows the law this person transgressed, yet he excluded himself and didn't learn it. If most of the members of the community don't know this law, one of these individuals is not liable unless he was previously warned, since it was impossible for him to learn it in his situation. Since the laws of G-d are true and just, such a person is not liable under these unavoidable circumstances (the Divine Code by Rabbi Moshe Weiner, Ask Noah International, 2018, p 49-50).
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.


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Re: The Divine Code Daily Dose
« Reply #393 on: August 28, 2019, 04:41:04 PM »
It is clear that this only applies to the Noahide commandments that need to be taught (since they are not dictated by logic), such as details of the prohibition against worshiping idols and eating flesh that was taken from a living animal. But for the logical prohibitions such as stealing and murder, it is obvious that a community is obligated to learn and know them, and individuals have no excuse for ignorance of the main points of these precepts (the Divine Code by Rabbi Moshe Weiner, Ask Noah International, 2018, p 50).
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.


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Re: The Divine Code Daily Dose
« Reply #394 on: August 29, 2019, 07:14:07 PM »
But even for stealing, which is a logical prohibition, we find in the Book of Jonah that G-d sent Jonah to the Gentile city of Nineveh to warn them to return the stolen property they had in their possession, before they were to be destroyed by the Hand of Heaven for this sin (Jonah 3,8). From this we can conclude that for an entire community, a court should not rush to judge them, but rather they should first be warned and given the opportunity to correct their ways. Likewise, we see that G-d's judgment against the Generation of the Flood was sealed because of robbery, because the prohibition of theft is a logical precept, and they could not be excused by claiming they had not learned about it (see topic 4:2 for details; also Rashi and Ramban on Genesis 6:13, and Ramban on Genesis 6:2). Nevertheless, before the Flood, Noah was occupied in building the ark for 120 years, and during this time he repeatedly warned the people to abandon their sins (see Rashi on Genesis 6:14). Even though those events in the days of Noah and Jonah involved Heavenly judgments, we can still learn from them about the appropriate conduct for a court to follow in regard to passing judgment (the Divine Code by Rabbi Moshe Weiner, Ask Noah International, 2018, p 50).
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.


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Re: The Divine Code Daily Dose
« Reply #395 on: August 31, 2019, 04:39:17 AM »
If there are deviant believers, scorners or deniers (as described above) who publicize their views that they do not believe in G-d or that they deny that the Torah is from G-d (yet they do not actually transgress any of the Noahide Commandments in practice because of fear of the government, or based on their concepts of morality or the like), a court does not judge them, since no physical transgression has been done (the Divine Code by Rabbi Moshe Weiner, Ask Noah International, 2018, p 50).
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.


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Re: The Divine Code Daily Dose
« Reply #396 on: September 02, 2019, 01:23:18 AM »


Proselytizers and False Prophets

If anyone comes to convince individuals or a community - by influencing, or with intellectual arguments, or by demonstrating supernatural powers or the like, or with false claims to be a prophet - to serve idols, or to nullify one of the Seven Noahide Commandments, or to add a commandment (in addition to the Seven Noahide Commandments transmitted by Moses), even if he says that G-d commanded that this should be done, it is forbidden to listen to him or to accept his words. All are obligated to remove and silence him by any necessary means (the Divine Code by Rabbi Moshe Weiner, Ask Noah International, 2018, p 51).
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.


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Re: The Divine Code Daily Dose
« Reply #397 on: September 03, 2019, 12:01:55 AM »
A proselytizer is one who privately or publicly tries to persuade another person to serve an idol. Even if a proselytizer does not serve the idol(s) he promotes, he is among those that cause the public to sin.33 Therefore, even if proselytizers cannot be judged for worshiping idols, the court needs to silence them from their proselytizing and return them to good, and if this is not successful, the court may judge them so that they should not continue to cause the community to err.

33 Rambam, Laws of the Worship of Stars (and Idols) 5:1 (the Divine Code by Rabbi Moshe Weiner, Ask Noah International, 2018, p 51).
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.


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Re: The Divine Code Daily Dose
« Reply #398 on: September 04, 2019, 08:22:30 AM »
In Part II, it will be explained that one who serves idols is liable. Therefore, if one convinces others to serve him as an idol and tells them words such as "serve me," or "worship me," and they did worship him, then he is the idol himself, and both he and they are guilty of a capital sin, as are all those who serve idols (the Divine Code by Rabbi Moshe Weiner, Ask Noah International, 2018, p 51).
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.


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Re: The Divine Code Daily Dose
« Reply #399 on: September 05, 2019, 05:49:44 AM »
However, if someone did not serve this person as an idol, but only verbally accepted his words, then the person who said "worship me" is exempt from punishment. (The verbal agreement is not considered as a real acceptance of his words but rather is assumed to be mocking him.) (the Divine Code by Rabbi Moshe Weiner, Ask Noah International, 2018, p 51).
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.
