General Category > Introduce Yourself

What is everyone's nationality?

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I'm 50% Lithuanian Jew  ;D, 50% German  :-[, 100% American, and 100% Israeli.   ;D

Irish, Norwegian, French, English mix.....with 1/16 Chinese.

So apart from the Chinese I'm from 100% anti-semite stock with the other little bit communist!!!!! :'(

I should be shot!!!

Well i think a few more categories need to be added bc I am none of the above. I'm not European/British/French....I'm way will i check off my heritage as being "British"

Dr. Dan:

--- Quote from: dhimmi_pride on September 21, 2007, 02:41:19 AM ---Well i think a few more categories need to be added B.C.E. I am none of the above. I'm not European/British/French....I'm way will i check off my heritage as being "British"

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You're European...


--- Quote from: Sarah on September 20, 2007, 06:34:49 PM ---
--- Quote from: decimos on September 20, 2007, 05:55:26 PM ---English isnt on there ???

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British is though but someone could be a British citizen and an immigrant.

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I dont consider my self British,Im English.And yes Sarah thats correct.


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