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Hello from Shangri - La

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Wayne Jude:
Massu That  is funny!I was little so  maybe I missed  things .LOL


--- Quote from: MassuhDGoodName on October 07, 2007, 05:26:51 PM ---Re:  "...He always seemed nice and genuine.[Nixon]..."


One thing that has never ceased to amaze me, is that every single person from within various levels of the U.S. government who knew Nixon, all claim still to this day that he was the most intelligent person whom they had ever met in their entire lives!

My favorite story about "Tricky Dick" is the one where Elvis sought an audience with him, and was ushered into the Oval Office, where he greeted Nixon warmly, and asked him to appoint him to the Drug Enforcement Administration so that he could help get American kids off of drugs.  The two men then posed for publicity photos...Elvis wearing one of his outfits with a huge jeweled belt buckle and a long purple cape.

Shortly after Elvis "left the building", Nixon is said to have turned to one of his aides, and with dumbfounded seriousness, asked "Who the hell was that guy??!?"

--- End quote ---
Many things can be said about Nixon however his path to the White House was not a gift he had to use his own resources to get there. Most presidents have great party support something Nixon did not enjoy. Say what you want but Nixon was a sharp politician. The thing that bought him down is that he let his insecurities get the best of him. When Ike had his hart attack Nixon carried the ball faultlessly for the time Ike was laid up. He would have been president if Joe Kennedy didn't buy the election for his son JFK during the 1960 elections. In his own term as president he had some very good things happen with Russia , China and won his second term in a landslide victory. His second term victory was in the bag. Why he and the people around him felt they needed to do the activities that lead up to Watergate in spite of the fact his poll numbers were high is unclear to me.  He resented being talked down to by the Ivy Leaguers and he always thought that they were trying to make him look foolish in order to do him in. In the end he did himself in trying to outsmart them. He let the black hole of Watergate swallow him up.The case study of Nixon's political life has to be done in parts to really tell whats there. If Nixon would have destroyed the White House tapes at the very start of the scandal the Watergate story would have ended before it even started and he may have gone down in the history books as a good or even great president.

bullcat jr.:
Hi CJD  :)
I'm home sick from school today.  :(  Do you know which President is called the Father of American Fox Hounds?  He is my favorite President.  I read lots of stories about him.  Need a clue?  He had trouble with his  :'( teeth.

bullcat jr.:
Hello MarZutra  O0
I read a little about General Douglas Mac Arthur.
Did you know he had a really exciting life even when he was a little boy?
I liked reading about his Mom and Dad too!

Look at his cool ribbons and medal.

bullcat jr.:

--- Quote from: cjd on October 07, 2007, 05:40:09 PM ---
--- Quote from: bullcat jr. on October 07, 2007, 05:15:02 PM ---FDR had 3 vice presidents :

March 4, 1933 - January 20, 1941
John Nance Garner of Texas

January 20, 1941 - January 20, 1945
Henry Agard Wallace of Iowa
January 20, 1945 - April 12, 1945
Harry S. Truman of Missouri

Nixon had 2

Spiro T. Agnew (R)6  1969–1973  Maryland

Gerald R. Ford (R)7  1973–1974  Nebraska 

--- End quote ---
Great work and you 100% correct about FDR having 3 vp's I completely forgot about Garner. I am very embarrassed over that because I had completely disregarded him :-[. I have read many books on FDR and I am amazed on how that fact just slipped my mind. I guess old Harry Truman was about the most well known of FDR's vp's because he went on to be president. During his time in the White House Harry Truman's daughters piano almost fell through the floor of the White House. It seems that the old place had become decrepit. During Truman's presidency the entire interior of the White House was gutted out and rebuilt inside the original walls using a steel structure. They tried to reuse  as much of the original fixtures as possible to make it look as it did before the rebuild. Three questions. What was Truman's daughters first name? Hint, she writes great spy and mystery novels. Where did the Truman family reside during the renovation? And what very visible change did old Harry make to the outside of the White House?

--- End quote ---
Mary Margaret was the name of his daughter.  I'm an only child and so was she.
My Mom has a set of books that she wrote.

I went on a trip to Washington DC.  I saw the White House and Blair House.
We were not allowed to go in the White House.  President Truman stayed in Blair House while he fixed up the White House.

In 1947 he spent $10,000 dollars on building a balcony on the White House.
People were very mad.  >:(
I wish I could have gone inside the WhiteHouse  :(


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