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Hello from Shangri - La

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--- Quote from: bullcat3 on October 21, 2007, 06:56:25 PM ---Thank You MarZutra.  I do love to read.  These topics are especially of interest to me now!  I worry every day about the world my child will live and lives in.  The education system...what is there to say?  It is all upside down.  
Thanks again for the suggested is always appreciated...knowledge is power as they say!
BullCat Jr. has had fun and learned alot from reading and  posting on this thread - Thanks for mentioning some of your favorite people in history  O0

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You are most welcome Bullcat3.  I am glad that you allow your daughter to come on here and discuss various topics openly.  I know some things seem "extreme" today but when one looks at the filth, corruption, deprevity and absolute debasement that are held up as today's role models: Yasir Arafat, Bill/Hillary Clinton, Ghorge Wetback Bush, Britney Spears, Paris Hilton and all those filthy Rap/Hip-Hop and to some extent the professional atheletes one must feel that "extremism" seems to only be acceptable when it is against what is both logical and moral.  If you should need anything or wish to pose questions or chat please feel free to pm me...  Very best regards and wishes.... :)

The people on this forum are amazingly intelligent.  Under the strictest of supervision - I'm happy that she can be exposed to all of you.  8;)
I appreciate all your kindness - BullCat3


--- Quote from: bullcat jr. on October 21, 2007, 07:07:38 PM ---
--- Quote from: cjd on October 20, 2007, 11:54:29 PM ---Ok bullcat jr. I am not sure your still in the mood to look up some more stuff about our presidents but I will post a new question anyway. I tested this one out on a few people already and they could not come up with the answer. Some years back this boat was owned by the United States Government it was used by our presidents. See if you can come up with its name. Here is a hint. Its named after a very large tree.

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This one was easy  :)
My Mom saw this boat in New York City.
She was able to go on it!
She said it was beautiful.  Even if it wasn't fixed up yet.
She helped me find this

The Sequoia is a meticulously restored, 104-foot, 1925 Trumpy-designed yacht that has served Presidents since Herbert Hoover.

The yacht is a national historic landmark and is available for exclusive charters in Washington.

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Here I thought I had a tough question and it turns out to be an easy one. I saw the Sequoia also but did not get to go on board. It was out here on Long Island  some time ago for a few weeks in a place called Port Jefferson. I got to see it up close and even got to look in the windows but did not go inside. It was a very nice yacht to see. You said your mom got to go on board see the inside that must have been a great feeling to be where all the presidents and famous people once were. Its to bad that Jimmy Carter had to be such a tightwad and sell this wonderful piece of history. It's great that the people who own it now take such good care of it and still have it open for tours.

bullcat jr.:
I hope I get to visit it one day.

I will look for your next question  :)
Good Night.


--- Quote from: MarZutra link=topic=9046.msg#msg date= ---
--- Quote from: bullcat3 link=topic=9046.msg#msg date= ---Thank You MarZutra.  I do love to read.  These topics are especially of interest to me now!  I worry every day about the world my child will live and lives in.  The education system...what is there to say?  It is all upside down. 
Thanks again for the suggested is always appreciated...knowledge is power as they say!
BullCat Jr. has had fun and learned alot from reading and  posting on this thread - Thanks for mentioning some of your favorite people in history  O0

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You are most welcome Bullcat3.  I am glad that you allow your daughter to come on here and discuss various topics openly.  I know some things seem "extreme" today but when one looks at the filth, corruption, deprevity and absolute debasement that are held up as today's role models: Yasir Arafat, Bill/Hillary Clinton, Ghorge Wetback Bush, Britney Spears, Paris Hilton and all those filthy Rap/Hip-Hop and to some extent the professional atheletes one must feel that "extremism" seems to only be acceptable when it is against what is both logical and moral.  If you should need anything or wish to pose questions or chat please feel free to pm me...  Very best regards and wishes.... :)

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How very true.  A few weeks ago I was having a conversation with a neighbor and it came out that she was a distant relative of Betsy Ross.  I asked her 9 year old daughter if she knew that she was related to Betsy Ross and, to my surprise, she didn't know who I was talking about.  After a few seconds of struggling to remember she came up with "oh, was that the woman on the bus?".   I imagine she meant Rosa Parks.  This is the state of our education system.  By the way, she never was able to figure out who Betsy Ross was.


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