Sorry, but may I ask what was so good about FDR? I can name many things he did that distroyed the fiber of America not to mention placed millions of people under Communism at the sell out at Yalta. FDR with his ultra-Liberal wife who followed the same New Age and Theosophy crap as Alice Bailey and Helena Blavatsky, were no damn good.
While Jews were cooking in the ovens of Auschwitz FDR's Allied forces bombed everthing but the railways and key foreign owned German corporations.
If anyone is interested there are very good books on FDR and America's/West's funding/aiding Nazism, Communsim and of course the elitists today doing the same thing with the same peoples/nations adding to it the Muslims..., I don't know if you are Jewish or Christian but there is one book on that page that may very much interest you called "
The Rainbow Swastika" by Hannah Newman.