Author Topic: JTF This Week: Knesset election in March; thousands of Hamas missiles fired  (Read 2480 times)

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Online Chaim Ben Pesach

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Please publicize this important video everywhere possible.

The program is 29 minutes this week.

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Offline Israel Chai

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I should start this by saying I adamantly agree with everything else you said and that I'm sure I speak for all JTF members in saying we value your shows, and personally G-d willing I'm going to be able to support somehow soon.

How can you support sending Arabs to other countries that aren't muslim? They don't work, those nations don't actually want labor they're just saying that to their populations and we both are aware of it and at least half of why. You know that what will happen is they will kill the native population or they will wake up and kick them out. 3 stages of Jihad didn't change ever. If they are sent to muslim countries, they will commit acts of terror on their fellow muslim men and brutalize their women until they kill themselves like they do now. Sending them to Europe means Europe wants to kill Jews, sending them to the middle east and they "kill [themselves] by their own hand". It's literally destroying the world to support that, how can something so ignorant and destructive co-exist with the Kahanist message which is so brilliant and literally saves the world?

Just they go to muslim countries and if those European countries decide that death is fun, you should have the human courtesy to mention to them that these are bloodthirsty terrorists that will murder them and worse to their women, no? Say they're importing like a construction crew and giggle? Don't you feel sick thinking of all the people that will suffer from that?
The fear of the L-rd is the beginning of knowledge

Offline Israel Chai

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Yeah half of them have their fathers blood on them, but enabling that isn't a Mashiah tomorrow strategy, and I'd rather you and me do it ourselves in Mashiah army.
The fear of the L-rd is the beginning of knowledge

Offline Debbie Shafer

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This strife and chaos is going to go on until the coming of the Lord who will right all the wrongs and destroy Israel's enemies.

Did you know:    The opening lines of the "Battle Hymn of the Republic". used to be taught to nearly every American school-aged child:  "Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord/ He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored/ He has loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword/ His truth is marching on."    Some of the images in this hymn of the coming wrath of God and the truth of God are drawn from ISAIAH.   

The major image in our reading today is that of the crimson-stained Lord coming to save.  His salvation has two aspects.  First, He comes to destroy the enemies of God.  In His perfect justice,  He will slaughter His enemies and be splattered with blood Isaiah 63:3-7.

The picture of the wrath of God is akin to someone standing in a winepress to tread grapes.   The Lord crushes those in rebellion against Him to release the grapes of wrath.

The second aspect of salvation is God's rescuing of His People.   In this same vision,  Isaiah reveals the Lord as One full of pity, mercy, compassion and love for the children of God.   The Lord is the one who pours out His Spirit upon those in need of redemption.  With the arm of His power He frees His people from captivity.