
What is everyone's nationality

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Author Topic: What is everyone's nationality?  (Read 43814 times)

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Re: What is everyone's nationality?
« Reply #125 on: September 23, 2007, 10:48:17 PM »

Why not do both?

If America is allowed to slide further with evil, jungle, black culture or bolshevik subversion it will become an anti-Jewish monster.
I stand corrected. I did not think of that specific idea. Nonetheless that which is in American interest is not and will not always be in Jewish Interest and we must understand that. Right now a strong America is in Jewish interest but that can change and Jews must understand that. The fact that right now we both want a strong America is what unites the Christians and Jews in this Forum, but the we all must understand that this is not a "match made in heaven" and interests can change, nonetheless right now we must work together to achieve our common goals.
The current 'American multi-national' interests AREN'T in Israel's intersts. You are correct.

But a strong, conservative, righteous, Bible-believing, zionist , JTF America WOULD be in Israel's interest........and the free world's.

Offline Eliezer Ben Avraham

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Re: What is everyone's nationality?
« Reply #126 on: September 23, 2007, 10:55:13 PM »

Why not do both?

If America is allowed to slide further with evil, jungle, black culture or bolshevik subversion it will become an anti-Jewish monster.
I stand corrected. I did not think of that specific idea. Nonetheless that which is in American interest is not and will not always be in Jewish Interest and we must understand that. Right now a strong America is in Jewish interest but that can change and Jews must understand that. The fact that right now we both want a strong America is what unites the Christians and Jews in this Forum, but the we all must understand that this is not a "match made in heaven" and interests can change, nonetheless right now we must work together to achieve our common goals.
The current 'American multi-national' interests AREN'T in Israel's intersts. You are correct.

But a strong, conservative, righteous, Bible-believing, zionist , JTF America WOULD be in Israel's interest........and the free world's.
That is exactly right and that is the reason why Jews and Christians are forming bonds. We both want the same thing a  strong, conservative, righteous, Bible-believing, Zionist, JTF America. Again though when (G-D willing) that America does arise, I know that there will be disagreements (be they however small in the large scheme of things) and we must understand that while we all want the same thing we want it for different reasons. For example, what would you say if Israel reverted to a religious monarchy with the kingdom of David Reestablished? That could go against America's goal of spreading democracy and even if to you personally it does not matter other Right Wing Christians might be bothered by such a change.


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Re: What is everyone's nationality?
« Reply #127 on: September 23, 2007, 10:59:23 PM »

The current 'American multi-national' interests AREN'T in Israel's intersts. You are correct.

But a strong, conservative, righteous, Bible-believing, zionist , JTF America WOULD be in Israel's interest........and the free world's.
That is exactly right and that is the reason why Jews and Christians are forming bonds. We both want the same thing a  strong, conservative, righteous, Bible-believing, Zionist, JTF America. Again though when (G-D willing) that America does arise, I know that there will be disagreements (be they however small in the large scheme of things) and we must understand that while we all want the same thing we want it for different reasons. For example, what would you say if Israel reverted to a religious monarchy with the kingdom of David Reestablished? That could go against America's goal of spreading democracy and even if to you personally it does not matter other Right Wing Christians might be bothered by such a change.

A righteous, Torah-Jewish Israel could tell the US State Department to "get stuffed!" and righteous American noachides and christian zionists would back Israel.

Offline Eliezer Ben Avraham

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Re: What is everyone's nationality?
« Reply #128 on: September 23, 2007, 11:00:44 PM »

The current 'American multi-national' interests AREN'T in Israel's intersts. You are correct.

But a strong, conservative, righteous, Bible-believing, zionist , JTF America WOULD be in Israel's interest........and the free world's.
That is exactly right and that is the reason why Jews and Christians are forming bonds. We both want the same thing a  strong, conservative, righteous, Bible-believing, Zionist, JTF America. Again though when (G-D willing) that America does arise, I know that there will be disagreements (be they however small in the large scheme of things) and we must understand that while we all want the same thing we want it for different reasons. For example, what would you say if Israel reverted to a religious monarchy with the kingdom of David Reestablished? That could go against America's goal of spreading democracy and even if to you personally it does not matter other Right Wing Christians might be bothered by such a change.

A righteous, Torah-Jewish Israel could tell the US State Department to "get stuffed!" and righteous American noachides and christian zionists would back Israel.
Its nice to think that that would happen but I don't think that that is realistic. Hopefully I will be wrong though.

Offline ItalianZionist

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Re: What is everyone's nationality?
« Reply #129 on: September 23, 2007, 11:06:24 PM »
  just curious. How do you feel about reparations for slavery?
I don't think there is a need for them especially now. There comes a time when one must, in spite of what their pasts were, move on and make their lives better. I don't know what else to say about it other than the fact that I don't blame white America of today for what white America of Yesterday contributed to  the plight of African slaves. I don't need the reparations... that's why I'm in school now, so that I can teach my children how to do for themselves.

I don't think there is a better answer than that...well put


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Re: What is everyone's nationality?
« Reply #130 on: September 24, 2007, 12:14:13 AM »
I don't see why everyone is ganging up on Erica. She is in support of the Jewish State and that is really all that matters to me and it is all that should matter to you guys.
This thread was supposed to be about everyone's nationality...as soon as I told everyone what mine is, I get all of the questions, and all of a sudden I'm 'not a REAL American.' This is for the birds. As for what I'm in support of, I hate any kind of racial, religious oppression. My wish would be that those Jews who are oppressed get help fast. They want to go home.
While the thread may be about nationality we are all members here because we believe in a safe and strong Israel.
How is that different from what I just said?


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Re: What is everyone's nationality?
« Reply #131 on: September 24, 2007, 12:18:01 AM »
I don't see why everyone is ganging up on Erica. She is in support of the Jewish State and that is really all that matters to me and it is all that should matter to you guys.
This thread was supposed to be about everyone's nationality...as soon as I told everyone what mine is, I get all of the questions, and all of a sudden I'm 'not a REAL American.' This is for the birds. As for what I'm in support of, I hate any kind of racial, religious oppression. My wish would be that those Jews who are oppressed get help fast. They want to go home.
While the thread may be about nationality we are all members here because we believe in a safe and strong Israel.

Erica has ZERO interest in Israel.

She is only here to defend blacks who are destroying America with crime.
I'm done with that argument, newman. Just read my sig line...take from it what you will. You bore me.

Offline Ultra Requete

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Re: What is everyone's nationality?
« Reply #132 on: September 24, 2007, 03:11:05 AM »

Why not do both?

If America is allowed to slide further with evil, jungle, black culture or bolshevik subversion it will become an anti-Jewish monster.
I stand corrected. I did not think of that specific idea. Nonetheless that which is in American interest is not and will not always be in Jewish Interest and we must understand that. Right now a strong America is in Jewish interest but that can change and Jews must understand that. The fact that right now we both want a strong America is what unites the Christians and Jews in this Forum, but the we all must understand that this is not a "match made in heaven" and interests can change, nonetheless right now we must work together to achieve our common goals.
The current 'American multi-national' interests AREN'T in Israel's intersts. You are correct.

But a strong, conservative, righteous, Bible-believing, zionist , JTF America WOULD be in Israel's interest........and the free world's.
That is exactly right and that is the reason why Jews and Christians are forming bonds. We both want the same thing a  strong, conservative, righteous, Bible-believing, Zionist, JTF America. Again though when (G-D willing) that America does arise, I know that there will be disagreements (be they however small in the large scheme of things) and we must understand that while we all want the same thing we want it for different reasons. For example, what would you say if Israel reverted to a religious monarchy with the kingdom of David Reestablished? That could go against America's goal of spreading democracy and even if to you personally it does not matter other Right Wing Christians might be bothered by such a change.

We don't belive here in Wilsonian/NWO "spreading of democracy" above national Souverenity; that's the slogans of men who want to turn USA and Europe into GLOBAL EVIL ROMAN EMPIRE. Israelites can do anything with Israel; what G-d will not forbid; (an HE has HIS metods of voicing disaprovemnt); That's between  Jews and Hashem; not our buisness. Globalist Empire on the other hand certenly will not tolerate independent Kahanist Torah fallowing Israel they will try to eredicate it either physicly or spiritualy; Leftist Zionism and liberal Judasim failed you it legacy are assimilated Jewry in America; Smolmert and Nazis in Israel ; There're also 1 bilion of  Ishmaelites who're reeking with love and compassion towards both Jews  and Christian Westerners too; hostile Russia, China etc... We're condemned to stand together or we'll fall.   
Jeremiah 8:11-17

11 They dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious. Peace, peace, they say, when there is no peace.

12 Are they ashamed of their loathsome conduct? No, they have no shame at all; they do not even know how to blush. So they will fall among the fallen; they will be brought down when they are punished, says the LORD.

13 'I will take away their harvest, declares the LORD. There will be no grapes on the vine. There will be no figs on the tree, and their leaves will wither. What I have given them will be taken from them.'

14 Why are we sitting here? Gather together! Let us flee to the fortified cities and perish there! For the LORD our God has doomed us to perish and given us poisoned water to drink, because we have sinned against him.

15 We hoped for peace but no good has come, for a time of healing but there was only terror.

16 The snorting of the enemy's horses is heard from Dan; at the neighing of their stallions the whole land trembles. They have come to devour the land and everything in it, the city and all who live there.

17 See, I will send venomous snakes among you, vipers that cannot be charmed, and they will bite you, declares the LORD.

Love your Enemy
And Heap Burning Coals on his Head!!!

Offline Eliezer Ben Avraham

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Re: What is everyone's nationality?
« Reply #133 on: September 24, 2007, 08:36:07 AM »

Why not do both?

If America is allowed to slide further with evil, jungle, black culture or bolshevik subversion it will become an anti-Jewish monster.
I stand corrected. I did not think of that specific idea. Nonetheless that which is in American interest is not and will not always be in Jewish Interest and we must understand that. Right now a strong America is in Jewish interest but that can change and Jews must understand that. The fact that right now we both want a strong America is what unites the Christians and Jews in this Forum, but the we all must understand that this is not a "match made in heaven" and interests can change, nonetheless right now we must work together to achieve our common goals.
The current 'American multi-national' interests AREN'T in Israel's intersts. You are correct.

But a strong, conservative, righteous, Bible-believing, zionist , JTF America WOULD be in Israel's interest........and the free world's.
That is exactly right and that is the reason why Jews and Christians are forming bonds. We both want the same thing a  strong, conservative, righteous, Bible-believing, Zionist, JTF America. Again though when (G-D willing) that America does arise, I know that there will be disagreements (be they however small in the large scheme of things) and we must understand that while we all want the same thing we want it for different reasons. For example, what would you say if Israel reverted to a religious monarchy with the kingdom of David Reestablished? That could go against America's goal of spreading democracy and even if to you personally it does not matter other Right Wing Christians might be bothered by such a change.

We don't belive here in Wilsonian/NWO "spreading of democracy" above national Souverenity; that's the slogans of men who want to turn USA and Europe into GLOBAL EVIL ROMAN EMPIRE. Israelites can do anything with Israel; what G-d will not forbid; (an HE has HIS metods of voicing disaprovemnt); That's between  Jews and Hashem; not our buisness. Globalist Empire on the other hand certenly will not tolerate independent Kahanist Torah fallowing Israel they will try to eredicate it either physicly or spiritualy; Leftist Zionism and liberal Judasim failed you it legacy are assimilated Jewry in America; Smolmert and Nazis in Israel ; There're also 1 bilion of  Ishmaelites who're reeking with love and compassion towards both Jews  and Christian Westerners too; hostile Russia, China etc... We're condemned to stand together or we'll fall.   
I am so glad that so many JTFers feel this way but we must know that not everyone will have these same views, nonetheless I am very happy to admit that I was wrong in my assumptions