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Re: Tasmania
« Reply #25 on: September 20, 2007, 07:41:44 AM »
I have never heard of any aboriginal anti-semitism. Correct me if I am wrong but from what I know Aboriginal leaders are respectful of the Jews in their support of the Aboriginals unlike the American blacks. The problem is the muslims who brainwash them. Like everywhere, muslims destroy everything they touch.


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Re: Tasmania
« Reply #26 on: September 20, 2007, 07:45:40 AM »
I have never heard of any aboriginal anti-semitism. Correct me if I am wrong but from what I know Aboriginal leaders are respectful of the Jews in their support of the Aboriginals unlike the American blacks. The problem is the muslims who brainwash them. Like everywhere, muslims destroy everything they touch.
20 years ago the abbo leader Mansell took a delegation off to libya for training at one of ghadaffi's 'revolution' camps. Never heard any anti-semitism from them myself.

Mundine & co support the bogustinians.


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Re: Tasmania
« Reply #27 on: September 20, 2007, 08:58:49 AM »
So NZ is better than Australia?


It's full of Maoris who make your schvartzas look like whimps.

ROFLMAO! Yeah they are built like brick sh*t houses lol.

But Maori's are NOT anti Jew.

Newman why don't you like Maoris? They never have ever hurt Jews, infact they are supportive.

Its it because they are coloured?  :P

I don't actually dislike them.

I think as cloured people go they're at the top of the tree (no pun intended). They are the most able to assimilate into civilised society, take office jobs etc. The gangsta ones are scary but there are a greater proportion of civilised maoris to uncivilised than there are in any other black race (apart from ethiopian Jews).

You don't not like them, but think you they  are below you?

All blacks of anyrace are below you as a white fella?

No, but their culture is inferior to mine.

But is not culture apart of what makes up a race?

If thats the case then the chinese culture is above you, because their culture was far advanced way before all others. In warfare only when white europeans were still throughing rocks the chinese had develop the first gun.

Their medical practice was far beyond the west world, and we still are catching up to them.

Australia being a land only of a mere two hundred odd years old( white western) , young in its culture, is that above others that have been in existence for thousands of years.

Basically I am trying to understand how this fits into the jewish way of thinking. That white Jews are above any other people because of their culture. Does that mean that black jews are lesser jews? or Asian jews are different again?

I always thought a Jew was a Jew regardless of colour.

And that supporters of the Jewsih race was welcomed regardless, or you can be accepted only if you are white.

And labelling a race such as Maoris and Australian Aboriginal as lesser beings even tho they supportive. And their culture is different rather than primative is a reason to make them less of being a human.

Because all I can see is that Maoris and Aboriginals are both black and both supportive of jews are still less than a white jew.

Culture is race, its what defines you.

I understand being anti to races and cultures and belief systems that endanger you, but I am at a loss at people who pose no threat to the Jews, how they can be so bad.



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Re: Tasmania
« Reply #28 on: September 20, 2007, 09:07:13 AM »

But is not culture apart of what makes up a race?

If thats the case then the chinese culture is above you, because their culture was far advanced way before all others. In warfare only when white europeans were still throughing rocks the chinese had develop the first gun.

Their medical practice was far beyond the west world, and we still are catching up to them.

Australia being a land only of a mere two hundred odd years old( white western) , young in its culture, is that above others that have been in existence for thousands of years.

Basically I am trying to understand how this fits into the jewish way of thinking. That white Jews are above any other people because of their culture. Does that mean that black jews are lesser jews? or Asian jews are different again?

I always thought a Jew was a Jew regardless of colour.

And that supporters of the Jewsih race was welcomed regardless, or you can be accepted only if you are white.

And labelling a race such as Maoris and Australian Aboriginal as lesser beings even tho they supportive. And their culture is different rather than primative is a reason to make them less of being a human.

Because all I can see is that Maoris and Aboriginals are both black and both supportive of jews are still less than a white jew.

Culture is race, its what defines you.

I understand being anti to races and cultures and belief systems that endanger you, but I am at a loss at people who pose no threat to the Jews, how they can be so bad.


Culture is NOT race.

Race is biological.

Culture is by choice.

Indians and Pakistanis are the same race. Their cultures are entirely different.

If you think all cultures are equal, then is the North African culture (where they hack girls clitorises off ) equal to ours?

Is the aboriginal culture (where they share out young girls to old men) equal to ours?


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Re: Tasmania
« Reply #29 on: September 20, 2007, 09:26:35 AM »
Without culture how can you have a race? Unless you soley look at peoples skin tone.

I never said cultures and races are equal, I am White Nationalist remember, Jews are not meant to be racists and culturalists so I am lead to believe.

How can that work within your belief system if you see people as lesser beings than you?

So you are tell me because a person is abo, they share girls with old men?

Because they are North African culture they cut bits of their women? So this its whole of North africa? even Berber's? Even greeks, english or russians that have gone there to live in the "culture" does it too?

So let me get this right, Australian culture from  ABS has on record 80% of women died at the hands of their partners, 2 out of 3 marriages fail. So 80% of Aussie men fail at relationships and kill their partners.  ::)

Still don't see how any of that got to do with Jewish belief, or why white jews are better.


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Re: Tasmania
« Reply #30 on: September 20, 2007, 09:53:25 AM »
Without culture how can you have a race? Unless you soley look at peoples skin tone.

I never said cultures and races are equal, I am White Nationalist remember, Jews are not meant to be racists and culturalists so I am lead to believe.

How can that work within your belief system if you see people as lesser beings than you?

So you are tell me because a person is abo, they share girls with old men?

Because they are North African culture they cut bits of their women? So this its whole of North africa? even Berber's? Even greeks, english or russians that have gone there to live in the "culture" does it too?

So let me get this right, Australian culture from  ABS has on record 80% of women died at the hands of their partners, 2 out of 3 marriages fail. So 80% of Aussie men fail at relationships and kill their partners.  ::)

Still don't see how any of that got to do with Jewish belief, or why white jews are better.

Yes. Race is purely a physical, biological thing whether you agree or not. That's how it's DNA, NOT culture.

Culture is NOT biological, it's man made. Every race may have a culture, but it can change it's culture at will. It can't change it's race.

We do not see people as lesser beings. We see cultures as being inferior. The arab-muslim culture is inferior to the Ashkenazi Jewish culture. Look at the living standards, infant mortality, health, longevity and every other aspect of both cultures and you'll see it.

The wester, Judaic/ christian culture is superior to the black african culture for the same reasons. There is no superior race or lesser people. Only superior/ inferior cultures. If a black or an arab abandons his culture and embraces a superior one (like ours) good for them.

Of coarse NO culture is perfect (not even ours). But some are better than others.

If you want to know why jewish culture is better, consider that they are less than 1% of the Earth's population, yet have received 25% of all the Nobel prizes. That's 25 times disproportionate to their numbers. Also consider their average IQ...the highest in the world overall PLUS the highest percentage with over 120.


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Re: Tasmania
« Reply #31 on: September 20, 2007, 08:35:02 PM »
Well I don't see soley IQ as being a measure of a race. Saying that because you are jew, that your IQ is better than anyone elses.  :-\

Theres alot of People outside the Jewish religion that have won awards as well.

If my grandfather split the atom, does not mean I can. Being born into a skin tone or DNA does not make every ones IQ the same.

Now if thats the case you are putting forward for the DNA, that makes all the jews on this board far above you, because you are not have jewish blood.

How can that be Newman?  You have taken the belief system and fight for the rights and welfare of the people, and in your own words that makes you less because of a DNA strand.

Would not in the eyes of god you are the same? And if thats the case, how can man second guess god and his choices?

Are we above him and go against his judgement.

So all Jewish thought is that if you are not of Jewish blood therefore you are below them?

I kinda find that hard to believe, the PM I got when I first joined from Jeff, he said worlds to the effect all Jews are equal regardless of skin colour. so thats Black, white and asian. As well all know its Impossible for the complete DNA strands to be the same.

So are there different levels jew? And All jews not born in Israel are not real jews, or a subclass of Jews?
And people that convert they are different again?

This is all very interesting, I just thought you accepted everyone.

And if theres 1% of the worlds population Jews, then why to pose a threat to anyone?

I can't see a logic in this at all.

And being anti someone because of their race or culture is the same thing. You are anti a group on people soley based on some actions of the group rather than the individauls.

Funny how if you are christain and you go into a church Gods welcomes you regardless of your culture, and is that not the same god?



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Re: Tasmania
« Reply #32 on: September 21, 2007, 01:25:05 AM »
Well I don't see soley IQ as being a measure of a race. Saying that because you are jew, that your IQ is better than anyone elses.  :-\

Theres alot of People outside the Jewish religion that have won awards as well.

If my grandfather split the atom, does not mean I can. Being born into a skin tone or DNA does not make every ones IQ the same.

Now if thats the case you are putting forward for the DNA, that makes all the jews on this board far above you, because you are not have jewish blood.

How can that be Newman?  You have taken the belief system and fight for the rights and welfare of the people, and in your own words that makes you less because of a DNA strand.

Would not in the eyes of G-d you are the same? And if thats the case, how can man second guess G-d and his choices?

Are we above him and go against his judgement.

So all Jewish thought is that if you are not of Jewish blood therefore you are below them?

I kinda find that hard to believe, the PM I got when I first joined from Jeff, he said worlds to the effect all Jews are equal regardless of skin colour. so thats Black, white and asian. As well all know its Impossible for the complete DNA strands to be the same.

So are there different levels jew? And All jews not born in Israel are not real jews, or a subclass of Jews?
And people that convert they are different again?

This is all very interesting, I just thought you accepted everyone.

And if theres 1% of the worlds population Jews, then why to pose a threat to anyone?

I can't see a logic in this at all.

And being anti someone because of their race or culture is the same thing. You are anti a group on people soley based on some actions of the group rather than the individauls.

Funny how if you are christain and you go into a church Gods welcomes you regardless of your culture, and is that not the same G-d?


For the 500th time.....

People are not 'less'. Cultures are less!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Re: Tasmania
« Reply #33 on: September 21, 2007, 02:14:03 AM »

"Well I don't see soley IQ as being a measure of a race. Saying that because you are jew, that your IQ is better than anyone elses.  :-\ "

*I never said either of those things. Jews have a higher average IQ than all others. It's proven statistically.

"Theres alot of People outside the Jewish religion that have won awards as well. "

*But not in anywhere close to the same proportions on a per capita basis.

"If my grandfather split the atom, does not mean I can. Being born into a skin tone or DNA does not make every ones IQ the same. "

* Never said it did.

"Now if thats the case you are putting forward for the DNA, that makes all the jews on this board far above you, because you are not have jewish blood."

* It's not the case I'm putting forward.

"How can that be Newman?  You have taken the belief system and fight for the rights and welfare of the people, and in your own words that makes you less because of a DNA strand. "

* ARE YOU COMPLETELY STUPID?? I know kiwis are not overly bright but can you learn to read????

RACE is DNA. CULTURE is NOT. It's CULTURE that makes the difference NOT race. Therefor: Nobody can be less because of DNA !!!!!!!!!!!

"Would not in the eyes of G-d you are the same? And if thats the case, how can man second guess G-d and his choices?"

* G_d chose our race, WE chose our culture. As we are critival of CULTURE, NOT RACE.....who is second guessing G_D?????

"Are we above him and go against his judgement. "

* See above.

"So all Jewish thought is that if you are not of Jewish blood therefore you are below them?"

*Where did you get that?

"I kinda find that hard to believe, the PM I got when I first joined from Jeff, he said worlds to the effect all Jews are equal regardless of skin colour. so thats Black, white and asian. As well all know its Impossible for the complete DNA strands to be the same."

* DNA makes NO difference to Jewishness, So Jeff is right.

"So are there different levels jew? And All jews not born in Israel are not real jews, or a subclass of Jews?
And people that convert they are different again?"

* There are NO different levels. Where do you get this crap?????

"This is all very interesting, I just thought you accepted everyone."

* As what? Human beings? Yes!!!!!!

"And if theres 1% of the worlds population Jews, then why to pose a threat to anyone?"

*GOOD QUESTION!!!!!!!!! That's been a mystery for 1700 years. Go ask an anti-semite and we'll ALL know.

"I can't see a logic in this at all."

* You can't see logic-period!!

"And being anti someone because of their race or culture is the same thing. You are anti a group on people soley based on some actions of the group rather than the individauls. "

* FOR THE 4,000TH TIME................RACE AND CULTURE ARE NOT THE SAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, we hate the CULTURE of arabs. It's lazy, dirty, envious, Jew-hating and cruel. Yes...there may be a small minority who aren't all of those things, but the MAJORITY are.

"Funny how if you are christain and you go into a church Gods welcomes you regardless of your culture, and is that not the same G-d?"

* How do YOU know what G_d does? Did he speak to you recently?


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Re: Tasmania
« Reply #34 on: September 23, 2007, 03:05:24 AM »

Getting a little testy there are we  ::) God is not my area, you are the religious one not me. Just thats what I have heard  :P