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Learn about Nikola Tesla - One of the greatest scientists

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Nikola TESLA, electrical engineer and inventor
(10. 7. 1856-7. 1. 1943)

Nikola Tesla, American scientist of Serbian origin, gave his greatest contribution to science and technological progress of the world as the inventor of the rotating magnetic field and of the complete system of production and distribution of electrical energy (motors, generators) based on the use of alternate currents. His name was given to the SI unit for magnetic induction ("tesla"). Tesla also constructed the generators of high-frequency alternate currents and high-voltage coreless transformer known today as "Tesla Coil".

Nikola Tesla was born on July 10, 1856, at Smiljan, in the Military Border zone of Austro-Hungarian Empire, now in the Republic of Croatia. He received his education in Austria i.e. Austro-Hungary: primary school at Smiljan and Gospic (1862-70), and secondary school (Realgymnasium) at Karlovac (1870-1873). From 1875 to 1878 studied at the Polytechnic at Graz, and in 1880 he enrolled in the studies of natural philosophy at the Charles' University in Prague.

In the period 1881-82 he was employed at the Central Telegraph Office in Budapest. Here he began his career as inventor improving the voice amplifier for the telephone receiver, and in February 1882 arrived on the idea of the rotating magnetic field.

In the middle of 1882 he travelled to Paris to join Edison's Continental Company, and in 1883 moved to Strasbourg and made the prototype of the induction motor. In 1884 he travelled to USA to start working in Edison's company. In 1885 he left Edison, founded his own "Tesla Arc & Light Co." and started producing motors and generators for polyphase alternate currents.

The first patent, "Commutator for dynamo - electric machines", applied to the Patent Office on May 6, 1885 was followed by a series of patents on electric arc lamp regulators. From 1887 to 1890 he applied his well-known patents on polyphase alternate currents, generators and motors. On May 16, 1888, he presented his inventions in his first lecture on "A new system of motors and transformers of alternate currents" to the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE). Immediately after that lecture, the Westinghouse Co. bought his 40 patents on polyphase currents. In Pittsburgh (1888-89), together with engineers of the Westinghouse Co., he was engaged on the practical realization of these patents. In this period the preparations for the construction of the first power plant at the Niagara Falls according to the Tesla's system were made. The power plant was on January 12, 1895 put into operation and at that time it was reckoned as a wonder of the world.

Another wide field of his researches were alternate currents of high frequencies and their effects. On May 20, 1891, he gave a lecture to the AIEE in New York on the "Experiments with alternate currents of very high frequencies and their application in artificial lighting" In 1890 he also published the results of physiological effects of high-frequency currents.

From 1891 to 1896 Tesla applied patents on the spark oscillator coupled with a resonant transformer which substituted Hertz's oscillator and Ruhmkorf's inductor in his researches. In addition he also applied numerous patents for various auxiliary equipment e.g. circuit breakers, condensers etc.

In 1892, at the invitation of the Royal Society in London and French Physical Society he travelled to London and Paris to give the lecture on "Experiments with alternate currents of high potential and high frequency." During his stay in Europe he also visited Belgrade on June 2, 1892.

In 1893, with his system of four circuits in resonance he showed that the aerial, connection with the ground and resonance were three essential elements of wireless telegraphy and prepared the way for the invention of modern radio.

In 1895 he continued his researches of high frequency currents and their effects on rarefied gases using Lenard tubes. He was one of the first scientist on the American continent who made X-ray photos of hands, sculls, knees and elbows. He was the first to point to the harmful effects of a long exposure to these rays on human organisms.

In 1897 he applied various patents from the area of wireless telegraphy, and in 1898 the patent of the method and apparatus for controlling mechanism of moving vessels or vehicles. In New York he performed the experiment with a remote-controlled boat. As a result of these patents, the Supreme Court if the USA granted him - though post-mortem - the priority in the invention of wireless telegraphy i.e. of radio.

From 1899 to 1900 Tesla stayed at Colorado Springs. At a height of 2000 m above sea level he built a laboratory with a 200 kW transmitter. He also constructed generators and transformers which produced frequencies of tens of thousands hertz and potentials up to 12 million volts, and improved his coreless transformer for high-frequency currents, known as Tesla transformer. In his notes on the experiments from this period he stated that the stationary waves spread through the Earth so that this effect could be used for wireless transmission of energy.

The patents from the area of wireless transmission of energy he applied from 1900 to 1902. From 1901 to 1905, intending to realize his "World-Wireless-System," he was occupied with the construction of a great experimental station, a power plant and a great aerial tower on Long Island near New York. However, this project had never been completed.

Later (1909-1922), he was occupied with mechanical engineering, inventing new types of turbines, pumps, speed indicators, flow-meters etc. His pumps without paddles are nowadays being commercially used.

Tesla spent his last years in the hotel "New Yorker" in New York, where he died on January 7, 1943.

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A pioneer in the field of electronic engineering. Long-distance, AC power distribution today is possible only due to the breakthroughs of Tesla, particulary his experiments with electo-magentic current/voltage transformers, Tesla Coils and induction motors. He even outdid Edison who thought that DC power distribution would be the standard means of distributing power.

serbian army:


334823 Commutator for Dynamo Electric Machines - Filed May 18, 1885

336961 Regulator for Dynamo Electric Machines - Filed May 18, 1885

336962 Regulator for Dynamo Electric Machines - Filed June 1, 1885

350954 Regulator for Dynamo Electric Machines - Filed January 14, 1886

359748 Dynamo Electric Machine - Filed January 14, 1886

382845 Commutator for Dynamo Electric Machines - Filed April 30, 1887

381968 Electro Magnetic Motor - Filed October 12, 1887

381969 Electro Magnetic Motor - Filed November 30, 1887

382279 Electro Magnetic Motor - Filed November 30, 1887

390414 Dynamo Electric Machine - Filed April 23, 1888

390820 Regulator for Alternate Current Motors - Filed April 24, 1888

390721 Dynamo Electric Machine - Filed April 28, 1888

390415 Dynamo Electric Machine for Motor - Filed May 15, 1888

555190 Alternating Motor - Filed May 15, 1888

524426 Electro Magnetic Motor - Filed October 20, 1888

405858 Electro Magnetic Motor - Filed January 8, 1889

401520 Method of Operating Electro Magnetic Motors - filed February 18, 1889

406968 Dynamo Electric Machine - Filed March 23, 1889

459772 Electro Magnetic Motor - Filed April 6, 1889

416191 Electro Magnetic Motor - Filed May 20, 1889

416192 Method of Operating Electro Magnetic Motors - Filed May 20, 1889

416193 Electro Magnetic Motor - Filed May 20, 1889

416194 Electric Motor - Filed May 20, 1889

416195 Electro Magnetic Motor - Filed May 20, 1889

418248 Electro Magnetic Motor - Filed May 20, 1889

424036 Electro Magnetic Motor - Filed May 20, 1889

445207 Electro Magnetic Motor - Filed May 20, 1889

417794 Armature for Electric Machines (with A. Schmid) - Filed June 28, 1889

433700 Alternating Current Electro Magnetic Motor - Filed March 26, 1890

433701 Alternating Current Motor - Filed March 26, 1890

433702 Electrical Transformer of Induction Device - Filed March 28, 1890

433703 Electro Magnetic Motor - Filed April 4, 1890

447921 Alternating Electric Current Generator - Filed November 15, 1890

455067 Electro Magnetic Motor - Filed January 27, 1891

464666 Electro Magnetic Motor - Filed July 13, 1891

511916 Electric Generator - Filed August 19, 1893


382280 Electrical Tranrmission of Power - Filed October 12, 1887

382281 Electrical Transmission of Power - Filed November 30, 1887

381970 System of Electrical Distribution - Filed December 23, 1887

390413 System of Electrical Distribution - Filed April 10, 1888

487796 System of Electrical Transmission of Power - Filed May 15, 1888

511915 Electrical Transmlssion of Power - Filed May 15, 1888

511559 Electrical Transmission of Power - Filed December 8, 1888

511560 System of Electrical Power Transmission - Filed December 8, 1888

405859 Method of Electrical Power Transmission - Filed March 14, 1889

LIGHTING - 6 Patents

335786 Electric Arc Lamp - Filed March 30, 1885

335787 Electric Arc Lamp - Filed July 13, 1885

447920 Method of Operating Arc Lamps - Filed October 1, 1890

454622 System of Electric Lighting - Filed April 25, 1891

455069 Electric Incandescent Lamp - Filed May 14, 1891

514170 Incandescent Electric Light - Filed january 2, 1892


462418 Method of and Apparatus for Electrical Conversion and
Distribution - Filed February 4, 1891

514168 Means for Generating Electric
Currents - Filed August 2, 1893

568178 Method of Regulating Apparatus for Producing Currents
of High Frequency - Filed April 20, 1896

568176 Apparatus for Producing Electric Currents of High
Frequency and Potential - Filed April 22, 1896

568179 Method of and Apparatus for Producing Currents
of High Frequency - Filed July 6, 1896

568180 Apparatus for Producing Electrical Currents
of High Frequency - Filed July 9, 1896

577670 Apparatus for Producing Electric Currents
of High Frequency - Filed September 3, 1896

583953 Apparatus for Producing Currents of
High Frequency - Filed October 19, 1896

593138 Electrical Transformer - Filed March 20, 1897

609251 Electric Circuit Controller - Filed June 3, 1897

609245 Electrical Circuit Controller - Filed December 2, 1897

611719 Electrical Circuit Controller - Filed December 10, 1897

609246 Electric Circuit Controller - Filed February 28, 1898

609247 Electric Circuit Controller - Filed March 12, 1898

No. 609248 Electric Circuit Controller - Filed March 12, 1898

609249 Electric Circuit Controller - Filed March 12, 1898

613735 Electric Circuit Controller - Filed April 19, 1898

RADIO - 12 Patents

649621 Apparatus for Transmission of Electrical
Energy - Filed September 2, 1897

685953 Method of Intensifying and Utilizing Effects Transmitted
Through Natural Media - Filed June 24, 1899

685954 Method of Utilizing Effects Transmitted Through
Natural Media - Filed August 1, 1899

685955 Apparatus for Utilizing Effects Transmitted from a Distance
to a Receiving Device Through Natural Media - Filed September 8, 1899

685956 Apparatus for Utilizing Effects Ttransmitted Through
Natural Media - Filed November 2, 1899

685012 Means for Increasing the Intensity of Electrical
Oscillations - Filed March 21, 1900

787412 Art of Transmitting Electrical Energy through
the Natural Media - Filed May 16, 1900

725605 System of Signaling - Filed July 16, 1900

685957 Apparatus for the Utilization of Radiant
Energy - Filed March 21, 1901

685958 Method of Utilizing Radiant Energy
Application Filed March 21, 1901

723188 Method of Signaling - Filed June 14, 1901

1119732 Apparatus for Transmitting Electrical
Energy - Filed January 18, 1902


613809 Method of and Apparatus for Controlling Mechanism of Moving
Vessels or Vehicles - Filed July 1. 1898


1061142 Fluid Propulsion - Filed October 21, 1909

1061206 Turbine - Filed January 17, 1911

1209359 Speed Indicator - Filed May 29, 1914

1402025 Frequency Meter - Filed December 18, 1916

1274816 Speed Indicator Filed December 18, 1916

1314718 Ship's Log - Filed December 18, 1916

1365547 Flow Meter - Filed December 18, 1916


413353 Method of Obtaining Direct from Alternating Currents - Filed June 12, 1889

455068 Electrical Meter - Filed March 27 1891

464667 Electrical Condenser - Filed August 1, 1891

514167 Electrical Conductor - Filed January 2, 1892

512340 Coil for Electro Magnets - Filed july 7, 1893

568177 Apparatus for Producing Ozone - Filed June 17, 1896

577671 Manufacture of Electrical Condensers Coils - Filed September 5, 1896

609250 Electrical Igniter for Gas Engines - Filed February 17, 1897

1113716 Fountain - Filed October 28, 1913

1329559 Valvular Conduit - Filed February 21, 1916

1266175 Lightning Protector - Filed May 65 1916


Nikola Tesla was a Serb from Krajina, region Lika, near the city of Gospic
he was a son of a Orthodox priests.

The Croats claim that Nikola Tesla was a Croat only because Lika is now in Croatia.
What a stupid theory. Before 05 August of 1995
80% of the province Lika was populated with Serbian people.
Lika was always a Serbian land.

The Croats can only steal from the Serbs.
The Croats are stealing our language they talk Serbian. Croatia does not have a separated language they speak Serbian. They steal every think from us: our culture, our music, our history, our people, our traditional clothing etc....

The Croats were once Serbs but they are converted by the Catholic Vatican into Catholic Croatians. 

If Nikola Tesla were a croat I doubt he would have the capacity to become one of the world's most prominent scientists and inventors. I would challenge any croat to name one of their own that comes even close to contributing what Tesla contributed. It is a crime that Serbian land is now being occupied by those that seek to destroy Serbia.


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