Author Topic: 26 months later, Mueller finds.............. nothing  (Read 1543 times)

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26 months later, Mueller finds.............. nothing
« on: March 24, 2019, 07:18:47 PM »
Why exactly did we have this 'investigation'?

BREAKING: The Summary of Mueller's Special Counsel Report is Here and It's Great for Trump

Attorney General William Barr sent a letter to four lawmakers on Capitol Hill Sunday afternoon summarizing the findings of Robert Mueller's two year long Special Counsel investigation. After 500 witnesses and 2800 subpoenas, it's over.

The letter is four pages long and repeatedly states nobody from the 2016 Trump campaign, or any individual associated with it, colluded with Russians to steal the presidential election.

"The Special Counsel's investigation did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election. As the report states: "[T]he investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities," the letter states.

"The Special Counsel's investigation determined that there were two main Russian efforts to influence the 2016 election. The first involved attempts by a Russian organization, the Internet Research Agency (IRA), to conduct disinformation and social media operations in the United States designed to sow social discord, eventually with the aim of interfering with the election," the letter continues. "As noted above, the Special Counsel did not find that any U.S. person or Trump campaign official or associate conspired or knowingly coordinated with the IRA in its efforts, although the Special Counsel brought criminal charges against a number of Russian nationals and entities in connection with these activities."

On the issue of whether President Trump committed obstruction of justice, Attorney General Bill Barr writes there is not sufficient evidence to conclude that is the case.

"The Special Counsel therefore did not draw a conclusion -- one way or the other -- as to whether the examined conduct constituted obstruction," the letter states. "After reviewing the Special Counsel's final report on these issues; consulting with Department officials, including the Office of Legal Counsel; and applying the principles of federal prosecution that guide our charging decisions, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and I have concluded that the evidence developed during the Special Counsel's investigation is not sufficient to establish that the President committed an obstruction-of-justice offense."

Offline david1967

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Re: 26 months later, Mueller finds.............. nothing
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2019, 08:36:23 PM »
The issue here is that the self-hating, Commie, Jewish Democrats, specifically Nadler and Schiff, are not willing to accept the fact that Trump has been cleared of these, baseless accusations.  They are planning more and more investigations against Trump.   
The problem with this is that this, persecution of Trump will cause a massive increase of antisemitism of all types on the Right, since the majority of those targeting Trump for impeachment are Jews.  This is compounded and worsened by several factors.   Trump has now been cleared, yet the high-profile House Dems, including Nadler, Schiff, Engel, Cohen and Sherman among others, have a severe case of TDS, and want to continue investigating Trump. 
Another factor is that Trump has been more supportive of Israel, than any, other American president. Many Conservatives resent that most Jews are so against Trump, when he is so supportive of Israel. There is even further resentment in the fact that most Jews remain Democrats, despite the Democrats turning increasingly anti-Israel and anti-White.
These self-hating, Jewish Democrats endanger all Jews in America, as a result of their actions.  They cause many Conservatives to have a poor image of Jews; That's the least of it. Meanwhile, these cowards/kapos/Judenrat are intent on destroying President Trump, a true friend of Israel and the Jewish people, but refuse to confront the Jew haters and antisemites in their party, specifically Omar, Tlaib and Ocasio-Cortez, as well as the rest of the growing, far-Left of the Democratic Party.

Offline briann

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Re: 26 months later, Mueller finds.............. nothing
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2019, 04:13:06 PM »
The issue here is that the self-hating, Commie, Jewish Democrats, specifically Nadler and Schiff, are not willing to accept the fact that Trump has been cleared of these, baseless accusations.  They are planning more and more investigations against Trump.   
The problem with this is that this, persecution of Trump will cause a massive increase of antisemitism of all types on the Right, since the majority of those targeting Trump for impeachment are Jews.  This is compounded and worsened by several factors.   Trump has now been cleared, yet the high-profile House Dems, including Nadler, Schiff, Engel, Cohen and Sherman among others, have a severe case of TDS, and want to continue investigating Trump. 
Another factor is that Trump has been more supportive of Israel, than any, other American president. Many Conservatives resent that most Jews are so against Trump, when he is so supportive of Israel. There is even further resentment in the fact that most Jews remain Democrats, despite the Democrats turning increasingly anti-Israel and anti-White.
These self-hating, Jewish Democrats endanger all Jews in America, as a result of their actions.  They cause many Conservatives to have a poor image of Jews; That's the least of it. Meanwhile, these cowards/kapos/Judenrat are intent on destroying President Trump, a true friend of Israel and the Jewish people, but refuse to confront the Jew haters and antisemites in their party, specifically Omar, Tlaib and Ocasio-Cortez, as well as the rest of the growing, far-Left of the Democratic Party.

As much as I hate the JINO leftist lawyers, I don't know how many Americans really know that Nadler, Schiff, Engel, and Sherman are Ashkenazis.

Many American goys only know Jewish names if they are 'Cohen, Horowitz' or if they start with 'gold' or end with 'stein', 'berg'.

Again, I am not excusing the disgusting leftist self-hating Jews that stink up our legal system, but I am just saying that it's unlikely that goys will come to the conclusion that this was some sorta Jewish conspiracy.   And I think most realize that the conspiracy really started with the Clintons.