True but Russia gives them weapons
Yes, but i think Chaim is right. The money grabbing freaks of the big companies will sell their grandmother for a few Euros / Dollars extra. I can't understand, that Russia, who has such a big problem with murdermuslimes sells them weapons. In Germany we have the same problem. Before a few weeks, the German Police catched three terrorbombers. But business must go on.

In this case of weapon selling, is the USA not better. The US-gouvernment said that they will sell high tech weapons to the Wahabite-terrorists in Saudi-Arabia. In my personal opinion the Saudis are even evil, than Achmadinedschad. All terrorists in Germany of the last time were directly teached in Saudi-Arabia or were teached by muslimes which believe in this extreme way of islam called Wahabismus. This is a fakt
When you watch Memri, you can hear from their own lips, what the Saudi-clerics think about us. They hate not only Jews, but they hate us all. Christs are dirty people, more worse than animals etc. Look and you will see. (