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What color is your hair?

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--- Quote from: newman on September 24, 2007, 12:54:25 AM ---Why didn't you just type 'yes' ?

Do you have a complex about your natural hair? I've long suspected that you're a self-hating negro-ess.

--- End quote ---
I didn't just type YES because you already knew the answer, newman. You responded on the "Imus Lawsuit is Dropped"  thread just like everyone else and you saw my pictures AND read my response. If I had a complex about my natural hair, you'd certainly know it because I'd SAY it. Plus I wouldn't post pictures of my natural hair at all. But since its right there in black and white that I cut my hair so that it could be naturally nappy, I didn't feel the need to have to tell you again. You seem to need me to repeat myself and my stance on things over and over again.

Oh, and the only person who hates themself here is YOU. You are so insecure with yourself that you pick on me here. Whether its hair, color, or culture (good culture). You're not happy. I suggest that you seek therapy for that.

I have very dark brown hair, it is close to black... same goes for my eyes.  It's the Napolitan heritage.

blonde, lighter in the summer, havent ever dyed it, and havent had a haircut in more than a year ;D

Light brown. But I was bleach blond when I was younger,

My hair is multi colored.....When I was young it was blond, as I got older it got darker, now when it's short it is brown, when it giows out longer it turns kid of redish brown, and then almost blond.......the strange thing is if I grow a beard it is redish, but the hair on my chest is almost black, so I'm like a chamelion I guess... ;D


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