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The tyranny of sexuality
« on: August 09, 2019, 05:34:42 PM »

I was warned about it before by Alan Cecil, but never really took it to heart. But day after day, it’s becoming more and more obvious.

I’ve seen various videos of christian preachers on the streets being harassed by homosexuals, or “(in)tolerance” activists, or government thugs called “cops.” I’ve seen the evidence from the UK, the USSA and Canada. I’ll always stress that I’m opposed to christianity. The issue is not christianity and whether it is good or bad. The issue is that these preachers are normally only giving their message, speaking words that don’t, in and of themselves, promote violence against others, sometimes only registering disagreement with homosexuality. But then an opposition will grow, sometimes a horde of homosexuals, so-called “transgenders,” or people sympathetic to their lifestyle and choice of sexual partner, or other times the government thugs who feel they must defend a perverted form of tolerance (which is intolerance to certain voices of disagreement) and threaten or capture the preacher. The preacher is viewed as a hate-monger. “Hate,” or what is called hate, is now the crime to be attacked, arrested and punished nowadays it seems.

A work colleague of mine, a genuinely nice person, a person who is really loving to children, decided to share a story on Facebook from something called Fabiosa Digest. It was an animation relating a story where a mother finds out, a day before her son’s wedding to a woman, that her son is, in fact, homosexual. Apparently, he had always liked men but had hidden it from his mother, deceived her, by dating girls. He claims that in the country he inhabits he cannot be with the man he loves as it is forbidden. The woman he was marrying was lesbian. The news shocks his mother who storms out. His wife-to-be goes to the mother and explains to her that they are marrying because they both want children. So, for the sake of their happiness, they are going to have a child and have a marriage while the son will continue to see the man he loves or whatever man he chooses, and the woman will have relations with the woman she chooses. After all this, the mother thinks back on the happy times she had with her son, and comes to the motto of the whole animated story: the only thing that matters is that the son is happy. That’s it! All that matters is a person’s happiness. That is what is promoted nowadays. If you’re happy, it’s ok, good and moral.

Year after year, the tyranny of sexuality and hedonism creeps and spreads, pleasure is elevated to the point where the life of the unborn is no longer safe in its mother’s womb. Homosexuality is protected to the point that to insult or oppose it can mean physical harm or robbery by the state. In some cases, it can mean that you can be bullied by a mob of gays, assaulted and attacked by them, and, when the so-called “authorities” arrive, you are the one taken away in handcuffs because you held the unacceptable views.

But “the law of the state is law,” right? “Oh, but David, that only relates to taxes.” Ha! Empty words. Truly empty!

Western “civilisation” is in decline in so many ways. What it promotes means its own destruction in terms of things like the apparent population decline of white Europeans and the government controlled influx of immigrants from unlike nations and the promotion of relationships that naturally can’t bear children, like homosexuality, whilst this all happens whilst those same white Europeans chant the mantra of tolerance and multiculturalism. The morality of western civilisation has been cut off from Godly roots, Torah roots, and now floats face-down, dead, killed by humanism and naturalism, drifting on the currents of opinion, celebrity, idols of personality and other polluted waters. Too many of its people silently and willingly watch its “Titanic” demise and help push it to the abyss as values such as “tolerance” and multiculturalism seal its fate to compound the effects of its utter opposition to morality. The voting cattle, the citizenry are the agents of their own destruction. And the homosexuality they protect and take pride in is only a symptom of a deeper ailment.

But the agenda of the LGBTQWERTY people (I’ll call them the Alphabet Mafia from now on, taken from Youtuber “The Amazing Lucas”) is like that what I’ve heard to be “the communist.” First they just wanted simple acceptance. “Just let me be me without hurting me!” It was a simple personal request. Even this should have been at least questioned, but hey, everyone wants a peaceful life, right? But give an inch, and then some amongst them, and some amongst their sympathizers, took a mile, and then a county, …They remind me of the proverb:

The horseleech has two daughters: ‘Give, give.’ There are three things that are never satisfied, four that don’t say: ‘Enough’: The grave; and the barren womb; the earth that is not satisfied with water; and the fire that doesn’t say, ‘Enough.’ (Mishley [Proverbs] 30:15-16)

The writer could have included the mindset of the Alphabet Gang and their posse.

They and their sentimental sympathizers applied to the territorial tyrants to enforce their protection. But that wasn’t enough. They wanted a government-sanctioned union like marriage, the civil partnership. Then they wanted the word “marriage.” Now, thanks to state and private media influence and indoctrination, they aren’t even allowed to get their feelings hurt lest government thugs will catch and punish the offender. In these lands of “free speech,” you cannot say something that offends the protected classes.

There’s also the gay or LGBTZZZZ pride parades. Now isn’t that a joke? If the Alphabet Mafia just wanted simple equality and acceptance, then does it makes sense that they flaunt it all over the street? If they want equality and acceptance, to be the same as normal sexual relationships (yes, I’m saying homosexual and “alphabetic” relationships are abnormal), then shouldn’t they have kept it private like normal people do? I would not call for the sort of “equality” that asks for heterosexuals to act as pornographic and decadent and exhibitionist in some “normal sexuality pride parade.” But the joke is that some people in America, Boston I think, tried to get a hetero-parade started, and, unsurprisingly, there was resistance. So much for equality!

What I see it that a public sign of the devolution, the regression, of western civilisation is the tyranny of degeneracy, moral and sexual. And there is nothing obvious (except divine intervention) to stop it. The snowball has been rolling downhill for some time. It’s grown and become swollen and its momentum seems huge. The people continue to feed the state and the state protects the forbidden to gain the popularity it needs to continue wearing its mask of faux-legitimacy.

There’s no point looking to the “noahides” (defined religiously, not Talmudically which calls all non-Jewish humanity “children of Noah) since, of the few there are, too many seem so invested in the political system as it is, they’ll find reasons to support the status quo, parties and candidates that just keep the snowball rolling, especially if the personality reaching for power say they support “Israel.” I’m not speaking about all “noahides” (religiously defined). I’m not speaking of all seven-laws-cognizant Gentiles. But I have memories of a “noahide” online radio station in the past discussing which American political candidate to vote for. I know that more recently, when I wrote articles speaking out against the British political and societal system I was condemned by one “noahide” (religiously defined) and kicked out of a number of “noahide” social media groups. It was not because I spoke out against the seven laws, but because I spoke out against the political and societal system. My experience has taught me about certain “noahides” (religiously def … LOL! Am I gonna say that every time???). I have no faith left in groups, even those claiming to be “righteous non-Jews.” I chuckle at the idea that “righteous non-Jew” has become a label not for how a person actually lives, but the beliefs they claim to hold!

Person A: Hey, I believe that God gave the Torah at Sinai through Moses and that he commanded the seven laws.

Person B: Oh, so you’re a righteous non-Jew then.

Person A: Sure, I guess. But you don’t know me.

Person B: …


Oh dear, I’m going off track.

Let me just end it. By tolerating a little, society has swallowed a lot of rubbish, and I don’t see any way of cleaning it when the momentum of social whim is driving us further into the dirt, and happily so. The tyranny of sexuality … will it get worse before it gets better? I know what I think.

But it doesn’t matter what I think. Life will go where it goes.
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.


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Re: The tyranny of sexuality
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2019, 10:16:11 PM »
If a person believes that the seven laws are from Hashem, he's a Noachide. If he breaks one, he doesn't stop being one, people slip sometimes, there's teshuva and then you go back on the road. Yes people aren't being very moral but even most of the worst want to be, they're starved for love and truth and just acting erratically out of that lack. It's not like other religions where you believe a stupid story, the belief isn't as important as the practice, but if you don't believe the laws came from somewhere and just happen to keep them, you might trip over them, so it ensures you're doing it for the proper reason, because Hashem told you to, and then it will lower your ego that you have an opportunity to get close to an infinite being despite your limitations, instead of thinking you're great because you do stuff now. If there's a country that's Noachide, there could be someone that breaks a law on accident or otherwise, and it still is, as long as he still says they come from a good place and it's good to keep them. There are some excellent Noachide groups. I do not bother following anything or anyone in England, it is painfully obvious what will happen there shortly.

Gays do have a point where they say enough, they want to be actually in charge. The gay tyrant of Uganda before it was muslim would rape men as he pleased and burned some Catholics alive for refusing him. He was happy with that situation. It is a nightmare, and such a society of "flies" deserves the "ox" to wack it with its tail until it wakes up. If it doesn't it gets basically replace like Uganda and other "newly" muslimed countried.

Some speaking out against the British system is kosher, like their hating Israel or loving homosexuals who want kids mutilated, some isn't, like saying there shouldn't be a state, yay anarchy. I don't know what you or they said to judge.
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