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Re: Just look at these animals
« Reply #25 on: September 04, 2006, 02:34:05 PM »
re what Muslims consider "civilians" the same as what Jews and Christians consider civilians?
That would probably change from person to person. Personally, I believe its anyone who hasnt fought. Obviously, ppl like Al-Qayda believe otherwise.

In any case, the Ahmadi religion is indeed heretical to Qur'anic Fundamentalist Muslims, as your leader Mirza Ghulam Ahmad attempted to reform Islam.
Keywords: reform, fundamentalist
Actually, he was predicted by Mohammad. A hadis says that Jesus's second coming (Mirza Ghulam) will arrive in a month in which there is both a solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse. That is when he was born. He also coincides with Judaeo-Christian revelation - after he died, there werre masses of wars (WW1 and 2, Gulf war, Vietnam, Cold war), fires (the recent one in spain, for example), natural disasters (SE Asian tsunami for example).

So, you believe he was Jesus.

Offline khaan

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Re: Just look at these animals
« Reply #26 on: September 04, 2006, 02:47:25 PM »
no, jesus was jesus.

he was what was predicted as "jesus's second coming." we believe jesus migrated to kashmir to find the lost tribes of israel and died at around 90. his grave is there. jesus couldnt literally descend from the heavens, thats one of those metaphors i've been talking about, and simply means that he will be a really realy really really holy person (a prophet).

Heres some info (taken from "A book of religous knowledge" by Waheed Ahmad)

Similarities with Jesus Christ
A question arises as to why the latter day reformer is called "Isa ibn Maryam" (Jesus son of mary) in the hadis of the holy prophet. the reason is great resemblance to Jesus.

1. Relationship with the law giving prophet

jesus christ did not bring laws and came around 1400 years after moses.
mirza ghulam did not bring laws and came around 1300 years after mohammad

2. reason for rejection by people

jews rejected jesus because they were waiting for Elijah himself.
muslims rejected mirza ghulam because they were waiting for jesus himself.

3. objectives
jesus's objective was to reform judaism and not to found a new faith. it is not possible to foind a new faith without giving a law. jesus did not change the mosaic law
mirza ghulam came to reform islam, and not found a new faith.

4. teachings

jesus's teachings emphasised the gentler elements of judaism: meeknesss, humility, charity, forgiveness, and repentence. he de-emphasised the harsher elements, with its restrictions and punishments.
mirza ghulam also emphasised the gentler aspects, such as patience, meekness, humility, friendship, forgiveness, charity, and prayer. he de-emphasised the harsher elements like jihad with a weapon (jihad in the sense of what im doing, posting on forums, was emphasised)

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Offline Shlomo

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Re: Just look at these animals
« Reply #27 on: September 04, 2006, 06:06:08 PM »
no, Jesus was Jesus.

We have a rocket scientist in here... oh wait! There aren't any muslim rocket scientists... no those are all Jews and Christians!

So those are the best anti-Semitic propaganda pictures you can post? A couple of kids picking on an evil muslim and a kid who wet himself (isn't that common)? You can't even see if the guy's an arab in the other pic. Geez... big contrast to the pics where muslims stone and mutilate other muslims.

Furthermore, if it were up to me, those lebanon pics would look a LOT different... there would be NOTHING there. The Israeli government were self-hating cowards and should have utterly destroyed Lebanon, Syria, and Gaza. That would solve this entire problem of having HUNDREDS OF ROCKETS WITH BALL BEARINGS launched into Israel targeting innocent Jews. The muslim swine are just barely one step above the animals.

Peaceful muslims? You are kidding, right? Where? OH.. like you? Like a muslim coming in here and posting pics that wouldn't exist if the muslims either acted part human or if they were thrown out of Israel?

You think Jews walk around wanting to destroy everything, you moron? So self defense is no longer a justification for war? Go back to your mosque and inject more "I'm a victim and have no personal responsibility" crap into your feeble mind.
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Offline khaan

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Re: Just look at these animals
« Reply #28 on: September 04, 2006, 07:02:45 PM »
Furthermore, if it were up to me, those lebanon pics would look a LOT different... there would be NOTHING there. The Israeli government were self-hating cowards and should have utterly destroyed Lebanon, Syria, and Gaza. That would solve this entire problem of having HUNDREDS OF ROCKETS WITH BALL BEARINGS launched into Israel targeting innocent Jews. The muslim swine are just barely one step above the animals.

Yet another great example of Israeli tolerance.
Its posts like that that make me glad to be a Muslim.

OH.. like you?
Nice of you to have read the other posts i made in this thread.

You think Jews walk around wanting to destroy everything, you moron?
Lebanon could have been handled much better. Sending in soldiers as opposed to bombing the place would have allowed more Hezbollah-killing while sparing more civilians.

I have no problem with Jews. I've got several Jewish friends. What I have a problem with is how Israel handled Lebanon.

wouldn't exist if the muslims either acted part human or if they were thrown out of Israel?
If you think i actuall agree with what other muslims have been doing, ... well ... you're wrong

"LOVE FOR ALL. HATRED FOR NONE" - the primary motto of the ahmadiyyat, the sect of Islam I belong to.


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Re: Just look at these animals
« Reply #29 on: September 04, 2006, 07:41:57 PM »
Acording to khaan God, who can do anything, can't do miracles, according to him, miracles don't exist...

He also beleives that Jesus was put on the cross, had a spear driven into him, was taken down from the cross, and then traveled to india... How, could a human body survive hanging by nails through the wrists from a cross for hours, and then having a spear driven through it's side, without dieing...

He will also tell you that Islamic beleives and the declaration of human rights are all but one and the same.

At the same time, he'll say that Israerl deserves to be destroyed for defending itself when hezzbollah attacked it.

He is a friend of mine still, but he really fails to make sense.

Offline khaan

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Re: Just look at these animals
« Reply #30 on: September 04, 2006, 08:02:39 PM »
Acording to khaan God, who can do anything, can't do miracles, according to him, miracles don't exist...
Maybe I should start annotating our conversations ...

Miracles are simply something not able to be explained by science at the time. There are fewer miracles in modern times because science can explain stuff and people are less superstitious. I never said god cant do them.

He also beleives that Jesus was put on the cross, had a spear driven into him, was taken down from the cross, and then traveled to india... How, could a human body survive hanging by nails through the wrists from a cross for hours, and then having a spear driven through it's side, without dieing...
Its been calculated that the spear missed any major arteries.
furthermore, jesus was gods prophet, and god wouldnt let a prophet die before he had completed what he came to do. jesus still had stuff to do after he was crucified, so god wouldnt let him die.

At the same time, he'll say that Israerl deserves to be destroyed for defending itself when hezzbollah attacked it.
I never said that.
And if I did it wasnt because of that, its because I think that small countries of that size or less are essentially pointless and the fact that there are borders for such small countries make war more likely. And thats not israel being destroyed, thats removing borders

However, I think that the government should be changed to a less brutal one.
And before you say anything, I think most ME governments should be changed to less brutal ones. The Islamic countries are not of my sect and I dont agree with everything they do so I'm not going to defend them.

but he really fails to make sense.
Awww. How sweet.  :D

"LOVE FOR ALL. HATRED FOR NONE" - the primary motto of the ahmadiyyat, the sect of Islam I belong to.


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Re: Just look at these animals
« Reply #31 on: September 04, 2006, 08:11:29 PM »
How is it physically possible to calculate that the spear missed any major arteries, the event happened nearly 2000 years ago, even Islam, whicih might want to suggest that the spear had missed major arteries wasn't around till over five hundread years after the event, there is no way you could calculate this.

And your idea that miracles are just "trciks" that people don't understand at the time.. What is the point in God if he does not do anything?

Offline khaan

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Re: Just look at these animals
« Reply #32 on: September 04, 2006, 08:15:40 PM »
What is the point in God if he does not do anything?

Yeah, you're right, god didnt create everything and then manipulated it so that humans could evolve, and he didnt create souls and the like so humans could think freely, did he?


there is no way you could calculate this.
When I find the article it was written in, I'll show you. But you'll have to wait, coz i think I lost it.

"LOVE FOR ALL. HATRED FOR NONE" - the primary motto of the ahmadiyyat, the sect of Islam I belong to.


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Re: Just look at these animals
« Reply #33 on: September 04, 2006, 08:24:33 PM »
So now, you are saying that God has done something...

Offline khaan

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Re: Just look at these animals
« Reply #34 on: September 04, 2006, 08:26:48 PM »
When did I say she didnt?

"LOVE FOR ALL. HATRED FOR NONE" - the primary motto of the ahmadiyyat, the sect of Islam I belong to.


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Re: Just look at these animals
« Reply #35 on: September 04, 2006, 08:28:59 PM »
She? Who are talking about?

You have repeatedly said that all miracles are merely tricks, or things that the people at the tme could not understand.

Offline khaan

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Re: Just look at these animals
« Reply #36 on: September 04, 2006, 08:48:55 PM »
You have repeatedly said that all miracles are merely tricks, or things that the people at the tme could not understand.


"LOVE FOR ALL. HATRED FOR NONE" - the primary motto of the ahmadiyyat, the sect of Islam I belong to.

Offline Shlomo

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Re: Just look at these animals
« Reply #37 on: September 04, 2006, 09:00:32 PM »
Yet another great example of Israeli tolerance.
Its posts like that that make me glad to be a Muslim.

It's about time, eh? We tolerated too much... NEVER trust muslims. They're nice one minute and they stab you in the back the next. It's only ignorant to tolerate something that tries to kill you enough times.

Now, if you want "tolerance"... then talk to the left-wing liberals. "Tolerance" is one of those politically correct immoral ideas... no one should tolerate evil or danger.

Nice of you to have read the other posts i made in this thread.

Ummm... I did. Notice I didn't give you a peice of my mind in the other forums. You are not welcome here with your little crescent muslim image that looks like a butt-crack. I seriously doubt you are a real muslim, anyway. Most muslims would call you an infidel.

There are no Arab "moderates" (Part 1 of 2)

There are no Arab "moderates" (Part 2 of 2)

Lebanon could have been handled much better. Sending in soldiers as opposed to bombing the place would have allowed more Hezbollah-killing while sparing more civilians.

We should have wiped out Lebanon and killed most of the arabs in the south. Mass carpet bombing would have done wonders. I'm not afraid of killing terrorists... and people who harbor terrorists are terrorists.

I have no problem with Jews. I've got several Jewish friends. What I have a problem with is how Israel handled Lebanon.

Good for you. I still have problems with muslim nazis. You are no friend of the Jewish people.

If you think i actuall agree with what other muslims have been doing, ... well ... you're wrong

Again... you are not a real muslim.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2006, 09:13:20 PM by jeffguy »
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Offline khaan

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Re: Just look at these animals
« Reply #38 on: September 04, 2006, 09:17:37 PM »
no one should tolerate evil or danger.
My sect is neither of the two.

We should have wiped out Lebanon and killed most of the arabs in the south. Mass carpet bombing would have done wonders. I'm not afraid of killing terrorists... and people who harbor terrorists are terrorists.

You are no friend of the Jewish people.
This, of course, is based on my religion. Nice to know the "Jewish people" you speak of are now discriminatory.
No wonder they're getting screwed from the arabs from all angles.

you are not a real muslim.
Oh yes? Because I believe in metaphors?
The majority of muslims on this planet are non-violent. Does that make them non-muslims?
Who are you to judge who is and is not a Muslim without having studied their beliefs?

"LOVE FOR ALL. HATRED FOR NONE" - the primary motto of the ahmadiyyat, the sect of Islam I belong to.

Offline Shlomo

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Re: Just look at these animals
« Reply #39 on: September 04, 2006, 10:01:14 PM »
This, of course, is based on my religion. Nice to know the "Jewish people" you speak of are now discriminatory.
No wonder they're getting screwed from the arabs from all angles.

They were getting screwed by the muslims all the way back to its beginning. Discrimination is another liberal word. I'm going to discriminate hitler or any other evil excrement that wants Jews to die. You keep mistaking me for some left-wing simpleton.

The majority of muslims on this planet are non-violent. Does that make them non-muslims?

Why is it... I have NEVER heard a "moderate" muslim speak out against terror until you came along? Huh? And then you claim to like Jews and reject jihad. So all I'm saying is that you are NOT following the koran. I know what the koran says - I owned an actual copy and eventually it wound up in the dumpter (seemed to fit right in with the rotting garbage).

Who are you to judge who is and is not a Muslim without having studied their beliefs?

Allah is your judge, infidel! lol

I did study Islam. I studied it for years. You are not a real muslim... you're kinda like a westernized muslim wanna-be. I mean, don't get me wrong... that's not a bad thing.
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Offline khaan

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Re: Just look at these animals
« Reply #40 on: September 04, 2006, 10:11:09 PM »
Nice to know the "Jewish people" you speak of are now discriminatory.
I meant that you instantly said I was an enemy of the Jewish people without even knowing me (and without me knowing that many of the jewish people) simply because I said I was muslim even though  I said I have a few jewish friends.

Why is it... I have NEVER heard a "moderate" muslim speak out against terror until you came along? Huh?
The majority of Islam websites written by muslims share my point of view. All you have to do is go on google and look for them.

reject jihad
I dont reject jihad - what do you think Im doing now typing at you?

Allah is your judge, infidel! lol

you're kinda like a westernized muslim wanna-be. I mean, don't get me wrong... that's not a bad thing.
Thanks .... I think ....

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Re: Just look at these animals
« Reply #41 on: September 04, 2006, 10:11:35 PM »
Israels actions with Lebanon were particularly disgusting. Yes they were they should have leveled everything.
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Offline khaan

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Re: Just look at these animals
« Reply #42 on: September 04, 2006, 10:14:14 PM »
all of you seem to want to destroy lebanon. including the innocent people (yes, there are inncoent people in arab states).
I think wiping out Hezbollah, Al-Kayda, then replacing the governments in Iran and Syria (and others), and then convincing muslim extremeists that their religion should be taken metaphorically: may be more effective in the long run (as you wont get every other country in ME nuking you), although its harder.

"LOVE FOR ALL. HATRED FOR NONE" - the primary motto of the ahmadiyyat, the sect of Islam I belong to.

Offline Shlomo

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Re: Just look at these animals
« Reply #43 on: September 04, 2006, 10:24:10 PM »
all of you seem to want to destroy lebanon. including the innocent people (yes, there are inncoent people in arab states).
I think wiping out Hezbollah, Al-Kayda, then replacing the governments in Iran and Syria (and others), and then convincing muslim extremeists that their religion should be taken metaphorically: may be more effective in the long run (as you wont get every other country in ME nuking you), although its harder.

You are smoking crack. Are you actually listening to what you are saying?

#1. Ya... innocent my tush. They dropped leaflets... the "innocent" people could have left but they were too busy helping Hezbolla.

#2. And then we should invent a cure for AIDS and cancer, learn to make gold out of water, and use time travel to communicate with aliens from other worlds.... that would also be more effective in the "long run". Getting one of these ignorant discusting excuses for human waste to listen to reason is about are far out there as... well... you being a real muslim.
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Re: Just look at these animals
« Reply #44 on: September 04, 2006, 10:31:44 PM »
all of you seem to want to destroy lebanon. including the innocent people (yes, there are inncoent people in arab states).
I think wiping out Hezbollah, Al-Kayda, then replacing the governments in Iran and Syria (and others), and then convincing muslim extremeists that their religion should be taken metaphorically: may be more effective in the long run (as you wont get every other country in ME nuking you), although its harder.

 There were innocent people at the World Trade Center . The peacefull Muslims didn't have much concern for them.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2006, 10:35:07 PM by cjd »
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Re: Just look at these animals
« Reply #45 on: September 04, 2006, 10:33:10 PM »
There is just one problem as fast as you kill these human roaches they breed more and more, you just have to exterminate all of them or slip some kind of birth control in their food and water.
They are making it that it's either we kill them first or they will kill us.

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Re: Just look at these animals
« Reply #46 on: September 04, 2006, 10:36:53 PM »
There is just one problem as fast as you kill these human roaches they breed more and more, you just have to exterminate all of them or slip some kind of birth control in their food and water.
They are making it that it's either we kill them first or they will kill us.

I could not agree more!!!
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Re: Just look at these animals
« Reply #47 on: September 04, 2006, 10:59:14 PM »
How about if Israel annexes southern Lebanon, and claim that it is done to serve as a buffer against Hezbollah terrorists?

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In thy power Almighty, trusting,
Did our fathers build of old;
Strengthen then, O Lord, their children
To defend, to love, to hold
That the heritage they gave us
For our children yet may be:
Bondsmen only to the Highest
And before the whole world free.
As our fathers trusted humbly,
Teach us, Lord, to trust Thee still:
Guard our land and guide our people
In Thy way to do Thy will.

Offline khaan

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Re: Just look at these animals
« Reply #48 on: September 05, 2006, 04:17:38 AM »
the "innocent" people could have left but they were too busy helping Hezbolla
Hezbollah said theyd shoot if they left. They werent busy helping - they had no choice.

And even if youre right - Its Hezbollah, not Israel, whos helped rebuild Lebanon. If Israel had contributed even a little bit its rep would have gone up.

There were innocent people at the World Trade Center . The peacefull Muslims didn't have much concern for them.
I never said I supported that.

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Offline kahaneloyalist

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Re: Just look at these animals
« Reply #49 on: September 05, 2006, 07:12:12 AM »
Anyone who gives aid and comfort to the enemies of the Jewish people deserves death. Anyone who allows the enemies of the Jewish people to live among them deserves death. My only regret regarding Lebanon is that we spared anyone and didnt annex the territory.

Jeff, when you talk to this guy always remember Takiya, the muslim religious duty to lie to the infidel to make Muslim world conquest easier, maybe thats why he talks about peace and yet everything he supports would lead to Jews being dhimmis or another Holocaust altogether.
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