The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam
Just look at these animals
She? Who are talking about?
You have repeatedly said that all miracles are merely tricks, or things that the people at the tme could not understand.
--- Quote ---You have repeatedly said that all miracles are merely tricks, or things that the people at the tme could not understand.
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--- Quote from: khaan on September 04, 2006, 07:02:45 PM ---Yet another great example of Israeli tolerance.
Its posts like that that make me glad to be a Muslim.
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It's about time, eh? We tolerated too much... NEVER trust muslims. They're nice one minute and they stab you in the back the next. It's only ignorant to tolerate something that tries to kill you enough times.
Now, if you want "tolerance"... then talk to the left-wing liberals. "Tolerance" is one of those politically correct immoral ideas... no one should tolerate evil or danger.
--- Quote ---Nice of you to have read the other posts i made in this thread.
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Ummm... I did. Notice I didn't give you a peice of my mind in the other forums. You are not welcome here with your little crescent muslim image that looks like a butt-crack. I seriously doubt you are a real muslim, anyway. Most muslims would call you an infidel.
There are no Arab "moderates" (Part 1 of 2)
There are no Arab "moderates" (Part 2 of 2)
--- Quote ---Lebanon could have been handled much better. Sending in soldiers as opposed to bombing the place would have allowed more Hezbollah-killing while sparing more civilians.
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We should have wiped out Lebanon and killed most of the arabs in the south. Mass carpet bombing would have done wonders. I'm not afraid of killing terrorists... and people who harbor terrorists are terrorists.
--- Quote ---I have no problem with Jews. I've got several Jewish friends. What I have a problem with is how Israel handled Lebanon.
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Good for you. I still have problems with muslim nazis. You are no friend of the Jewish people.
--- Quote ---If you think i actuall agree with what other muslims have been doing, ... well ... you're wrong
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Again... you are not a real muslim.
--- Quote ---no one should tolerate evil or danger.
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My sect is neither of the two.
--- Quote ---We should have wiped out Lebanon and killed most of the arabs in the south. Mass carpet bombing would have done wonders. I'm not afraid of killing terrorists... and people who harbor terrorists are terrorists.
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--- Quote ---You are no friend of the Jewish people.
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This, of course, is based on my religion. Nice to know the "Jewish people" you speak of are now discriminatory.
No wonder they're getting screwed from the arabs from all angles.
--- Quote ---you are not a real muslim.
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Oh yes? Because I believe in metaphors?
The majority of muslims on this planet are non-violent. Does that make them non-muslims?
Who are you to judge who is and is not a Muslim without having studied their beliefs?
--- Quote from: khaan on September 04, 2006, 09:17:37 PM ---This, of course, is based on my religion. Nice to know the "Jewish people" you speak of are now discriminatory.
No wonder they're getting screwed from the arabs from all angles.
--- End quote ---
They were getting screwed by the muslims all the way back to its beginning. Discrimination is another liberal word. I'm going to discriminate hitler or any other evil excrement that wants Jews to die. You keep mistaking me for some left-wing simpleton.
--- Quote ---The majority of muslims on this planet are non-violent. Does that make them non-muslims?
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Why is it... I have NEVER heard a "moderate" muslim speak out against terror until you came along? Huh? And then you claim to like Jews and reject jihad. So all I'm saying is that you are NOT following the koran. I know what the koran says - I owned an actual copy and eventually it wound up in the dumpter (seemed to fit right in with the rotting garbage).
--- Quote ---Who are you to judge who is and is not a Muslim without having studied their beliefs?
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Allah is your judge, infidel! lol
I did study Islam. I studied it for years. You are not a real muslim... you're kinda like a westernized muslim wanna-be. I mean, don't get me wrong... that's not a bad thing.
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