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National Right Platform:
« on: February 09, 2020, 09:24:25 AM »
National Right Platform:
A. Full sovereignty over the entire country, the occupation of all territories,
Abolishing Hamas and Fatah's Control and Pro-Israeli Rulers on Gaza and Judea and Samaria
B. Changing the law of purity of weapons to allow security personnel to kill neutralized terrorists
C. Changing the method of appointing judges for appointment by the government
D. Cancellation of the Oslo Accords
E. Cancellation of the arrangement with Hamas
F. Citizenship of citizens who identify with the PLO
Defining the Wizard and Hamas as terrorist organizations
H. Imprisonment for a citizen who identifies with terrorist organizations
T. Outlaws of organizations that denounce the country abroad or compromise the security of the state together with anti-Israeli organizations
Deportation of families of terrorists into areas designated by the defense establishment
Hand. Adding the Zionist Druze and the non-Jewish Zionist communities serving in the army to the national law
Commitment to never talk about handing over territory or giving autonomy or state in territory under our military control

A. Welfare-financial aid for disadvantaged families
Changing the policy of removing children from families to foster families except for difficult cases involving violence or life-threatening children
B. Comparing wages in the economy between men and women
C. Compensation for populations who were discriminated against because of the group to which they belonged, especially during the establishment of the state
D. Giving NIS millions in grants to citizens who donate to the state by profits from gas prices
Which would allow citizens to pay their debts to buy homes to start businesses and build the economy.
E. Strengthening the Family Cell by Repealing Laws Discriminating between Men and Women Divorce, including Preschool
F. Finding Abducted Children for Families in the State's Estimation
A significant cut in the wages of Knesset members of the judiciary, army and police officers and other public servants who receive an excessive salary from the state
H. A significant cut in the costs of public ceremonies
T. Comparing the allowance of the disabled and the elderly to the minimum wage
J. Collection of weapons from criminal organizations, including those in the Arab communities
Avoiding the pollution of the air and the soil water and anything that affects the environment and the health of human beings and plants
12 Distributing labor jams from Africa across the country while relieving South Tel Aviv residents and other places of overload
Keeping the kibbutzim and moshavim stealing property and cattle and buying products from them and not from Gaza and Turkey and other places that host Israel
Handling a significant reduction of the bureaucracy in front of government offices
Tu. Establishing more hospitals
Tz.Increasing the salary of teachers and nurses
Sometimes. Strengthening the connection between tradition and the Jewish people by studying Judaism
Linking the connection to the land by traveling in Israel and knowing the modern and ancient history of the region
Strengthening the relationship between the various sectors of society by meeting and recognizing the uniqueness and needs of each group
Kah. Correcting the Law of Return by adding the word correctly that recognizes only Orthodox conversion to recognize a person as Jewish and eliminating the grandchild's branch allowing Jewish grandchildren

Offline Israel Chai

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Re: National Right Platform:
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2020, 09:09:54 PM »
A. And what of the Arabs living there. They become Israeli?
B. good. Also gun rights for Jews, please.
c. the government can be corrupt, I favor an election of judges by the people as in America. Still better that way.
d. Oslo made us give land. What does cancelling it do now?
e. what agreement?
f. You want to give PLO supporters Israeli citizenship? If so I oppose. They should be kicked out.
g. The Wizard? Hamas is already a terrorist organization.
H. good, expulsion better.
I (T). Good
J. Are these areas not in Israel? If so good. If not who cares.
K. ?
L. good. I don't care that much if you talk about it and always say no and why though.

A. Details?
- What other reason do they put kids in foster care for?
B. Young women earn more than young men. Older women may earn less overall due to maternity leave, but they're not actually working. If there is some discrimination, fine look into it, but I am worried it might turn into a scam issue where every small business has to go bankrupt paying women to work there that aren't even working there.
C. Compensation to Mizrachi and Temani Jews? Interesting proposal. Bribing citizens with their own money is funny, but if it was in the form of programs to help them get jobs, or things to help businesses of right wingers that were discriminated against by the left, could be wonderful.
E. ? You don't want to force religious Jews to get divorced outside of halacha, do you?
F. ?
G. Agree for knesset. Disagree for army or cops, it's not like they're paid that much and they risk their lives. Whoever decides how our troops should be cared for should think money grows on trees.
H. Fine. You can also just make them profitable.
I. You want welfare to equal full time minimum wage work? If just for disabled and retired, maybe. For others, I'm personally in favor of a system that gives a quick cash payout without too much paperwork and finds you a job the same day, making people fill out paper for months to get welfare makes them see it as a job. I also am in favor of schools and programs that try to understand disabled people better and get them jobs or treatments and other jobs they can be happy in.
J. Half the mosques have armories, if you're not afraid, raid!
K. Pollution is a real issue. Carbon and changing the temperature of the planet with it isn't. A good example can be derived from Canada. Stephen Harper spent $CAD 10 million on planting aquatic plants in a river called the St. Lawrence to clean it and make the water better. Justin Trudeau dumped hundreds of tonnes of raw sewage into the river when he got elected, killing the plants, and put a carbon tax that made his buddies billions. If you're a real nature lover and want to help improve it I'm with you, if you're some ivory tower elite who can't see the world well from his pedestal and wants billions in carbon bucks, I am against you.
L. You want to spread the Sudanese around? What, you think they're going to assimilate? I disagree entirely, a little crime everywhere is equally bad to alot in one place,  just deport.
M. You want to protect the property of kibbutzim and moshaivm, or keep them from stealing it and cattle? Good to buy Israeli, and especially from "disputed" parts of our land.
N. good. Hospitals too.
O. If needed fine, don't build a hospital where a clinic would suffice though.
P. Not so much about giving current ones higher salaries, offer higher salaries to new candidates so only the best apply to heal and teach. At the current level of qualification the salary is acceptable, especially teachers that are highly qualified should be sought and given salaries to match their skill.
Q. Studying Judaism where? Chaim's plan here is just an hour of Jewish education daily in high schools, I support that plan. What is yours?
R.? Who are you going to make travel Israel and study the history? Everybody?
S. I met religious Jews who wanted religious leaders to stick it to the seculars, and seculars who wanted secular leaders to stick it to the religious. Everyone looked at me like a freak when I said "both are bad, we should make a system that is as fair as possible for everyone. If this is your vision as well, I support it.
T. Extremely good.

What do you intend to do about the Russian mafia and the not-Jewish Russian immigrants?
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