Author Topic: Serbia's Vucic announces intention to open 'official state office' in Jerusalem  (Read 16102 times)

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Offline Noachide

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Serbian diplomatic mission to be opened in Jerusalem together with Chamber of Commerce office

At AIPAC's annual conference, Serbia's President Alexander Vucic announced the intention to open an 'official state office' in Jerusalem.

The country would open a Chamber of Commerce office in the holy city, Serbia's president announced, and a diplomatic office would follow, bearing Serbia's national flag.

"That's our way of showing respect to Jewish people as well," he said, drawing a standing ovation from the audience with his short speech.

He also spoke on the historic importance of the Israeli-Serbian ties, pointing out that Serbia has long supported the right of the Jewish people to have their own state, starting from the Balfour declaration.

He mentioned Israeli President Rivlin's visit to Serbia in 2016, which saw the two leaders open a street named after Theodor Herzl.

"We have always been together throughout person, and we support each other today," he said, pointing at Serbia's passing the Holocaust property restitution bill in 2016 -- first in Europe -- and at commemorating the Holocaust Remembrance day.

Offline Israel Chai

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If Serbia has a way to get a massive kosher slaughter group, Israel's market can handle tons of meat. All those weapons you keep buying off of Russia, Israel can mod the crap out of them and make them like buying weapons more than twice as efficient. In agricultural and medical tech, Serbia would have to conduct a study to figure out just how many things Israel has that she can use, definitely pays itself off there.

If Serbia wants to see how commerce goes before doing it, whatever not the worst game to make money for friendship, there's money. Lets play what could Serbia and Israel do to make money together.
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Offline Slobodan

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Amazing news!
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Online Joe Gutfeld

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Does anyone know how many countries have reconized Jerusalem as Israel's capital?

Offline Noachide

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"We were very happy to hear President Vučić announcing a plan for the opening of the official Serbian state office in our capital Jerusalem. It truly is an important and friendly move, which further broadens and deepens bonds between our two states and our two peoples. We hope and encourage others to follow in the same, right direction." - Alona Fisher-Kamm, the Ambassador of Israel to Serbia

Offline Noachide

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Offline Noachide

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If Serbia has a way to get a massive kosher slaughter group, Israel's market can handle tons of meat. All those weapons you keep buying off of Russia, Israel can mod the crap out of them and make them like buying weapons more than twice as efficient. In agricultural and medical tech, Serbia would have to conduct a study to figure out just how many things Israel has that she can use, definitely pays itself off there.

If Serbia wants to see how commerce goes before doing it, whatever not the worst game to make money for friendship, there's money. Lets play what could Serbia and Israel do to make money together.
I would be very happy if we trade more.

Offline Slobodan

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We will. As I posted in the Serbian Army topic:

Serbian president announced that Serbia will buy weapons from Israel:

Vučić said the Serbian purchase of weapons from Israel will “not be a small delivery.”
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Offline Israel Chai

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You should make a bunch of crappy click-bait news sites like the Russians did and use them to educate voters on issues that Serbians care about or are an offense to them. If people care about your survival they'll think of a way to make money with you themselves.

There are major shortages in trades in Israel, welder plumber electrician carpenter, things like that. Israel brings in Asians that don't want to leave and Arabs that want to take 5 or 10 innocent people with them G-d forbid. If Serbia proposed to send people and they'd be honorable to just do the contract, grab their money and go back, that could be an option, especially if there are teachers that could train people in trades there.

With all the border wall security Israel made for America, maybe it could benefit Serbia too. Tons of drones too.

Israel's exports are largely controlled by a few exporters. If import export companies from Serbia moved in, even to sell stuff from Israel to other countries, there's a big market opening there. Alot of countries make a big deal about past '67 borders, and if Serbia doesn't, tons of stuff there to make money with.
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Online Hrvatski Noahid

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I actually agree with Zuroff. Israel should not get involved in this conflict and should stick to trade. The expulsion of the Serbs might have had something to do with Serbian ideological peculiarities. Before you scream Croat man bad, look it up for yourself:
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Offline Slobodan

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I actually agree with Zuroff. Israel should not get involved in this conflict and should stick to trade. The expulsion of the Serbs might have had something to do with Serbian ideological peculiarities. Before you scream Croat man bad, look it up for yourself:

Ustaša strikes again.

There is no such thing as "Greater Serbia" being a program of any Serbian Government ever.
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Online Hrvatski Noahid

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Ustaša strikes again.

There is no such thing as "Greater Serbia" being a program of any Serbian Government ever.

I reported you for that personal insult. 

The Greater Serbia idea is alive and well and was the main reason Serbian radicals tried to conquer Croatia. When someone believes Croats don't exist and most of Croatia is Serbian land, it doesn't make him popular. On the other hand, about ten thousand Croatian Serbs defended Croatia during the war. They are respected in Croatian society, as well they should be.   
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.


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Ustaša strikes again.

There is no such thing as "Greater Serbia" being a program of any Serbian Government ever.

Not nice.  Keep it civil

Offline Slobodan

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I reported you for that personal insult. 

The Greater Serbia idea is alive and well and was the main reason Serbian radicals tried to conquer Croatia. When someone believes Croats don't exist and most of Croatia is Serbian land, it doesn't make him popular. On the other hand, about ten thousand Croatian Serbs defended Croatia during the war. They are respected in Croatian society, as well they should be.

Oh, how cute. Ustaša playing a "civilised" person with "facts" and getting "insulted" for being called out for what he really is. It might fool someone, though.

"The Greater Serbia" does not exist. Never existed as a program of any Serbian Government, ever. Even the name is translated wrongly. It is "Velika Srbija", which translates to "Great Serbia" (like Great Britain), not Greater. Word "Greater" was made up ny NATO propaganda machine, which you know very well, since you speak Serbian.

"Serbian Radicals" (Serbian Radical Party) was an oppossition party untill 1998. They where not the part of any Government. So, an oppossition political party can not "try to conquer Croatia".
Only Serbian Radical Party had a Great Serbia as their party program, no other party. From 1998 to 2000 while they where a part of FR of Yugoslavia Government, nothing regarding Croatia was happening.

"When someone believes Croats don't exist and most of Croatia is Serbian land"
Croats exists, but most of today's Croats are Catholic Serbs, that Vatican proclaimed as Croats centuries ago. Which you also know very well.
Most of Croatia is Serbian land, yes. When Serbia created Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenians (later Kingdom of Yugoslavia), Croats and Slovenians only had a small part of land, the rest was Serbia. Later, Hitler gave you wast lands to occupie, and after that Tito gave you 3 times the land you ever had (before WWII),including almost all of the Yugoslavia's sea coast.

And btw, you owe your independence and freedom to Serbs. If it wasn't for Serbs, neither you nor Slovenians would have your own country today. You would have been Austrian slaves.
Si vis pacem, para bellum.

Online Hrvatski Noahid

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Oh, how cute. Ustaša playing a "civilised" person with "facts" and getting "insulted" for being called out for what he really is. It might fool someone, though.

"The Greater Serbia" does not exist. Never existed as a program of any Serbian Government, ever. Even the name is translated wrongly. It is "Velika Srbija", which translates to "Great Serbia" (like Great Britain), not Greater. Word "Greater" was made up ny NATO propaganda machine, which you know very well, since you speak Serbian.

"Serbian Radicals" (Serbian Radical Party) was an oppossition party untill 1998. They where not the part of any Government. So, an oppossition political party can not "try to conquer Croatia".
Only Serbian Radical Party had a Great Serbia as their party program, no other party. From 1998 to 2000 while they where a part of FR of Yugoslavia Government, nothing regarding Croatia was happening.

"When someone believes Croats don't exist and most of Croatia is Serbian land"
Croats exists, but most of today's Croats are Catholic Serbs, that Vatican proclaimed as Croats centuries ago. Which you also know very well.
Most of Croatia is Serbian land, yes. When Serbia created Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenians (later Kingdom of Yugoslavia), Croats and Slovenians only had a small part of land, the rest was Serbia. Later, Hitler gave you wast lands to occupie, and after that Tito gave you 3 times the land you ever had (before WWII),including almost all of the Yugoslavia's sea coast.

And btw, you owe your independence and freedom to Serbs. If it wasn't for Serbs, neither you nor Slovenians would have your own country today. You would have been Austrian slaves.

Slobodan Milošević and Aleksandar Vučić are specific recent examples of the Serbian government promoting the Greater Serbia ideology, and you are a specific example that the ideology is still popular in the Serbian public. So thanks for proving my point.

I'm not an Ustaša, I don't speak Serbian, I'm neither a Catholic nor a Serb, Croatia is not Serbian land and I don't owe you anything. I reported you again and I hope that you get banned. 
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.


Offline Israel Chai

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Like OK, clearly don't want to get involved in a conflict, just saying celebrating a day where Croats killed a bunch of Serbs isn't doing that, thanks for that little drama, everyone can know more of what to say without offending both of you.
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Online Hrvatski Noahid

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Like OK, clearly don't want to get involved in a conflict, just saying celebrating a day where Croats killed a bunch of Serbs isn't doing that, thanks for that little drama, everyone can know more of what to say without offending both of you.

Denying my identity and personhood is not a little drama. It is deeply offensive and unhealthy. Ultimately, the ideology of people like Slobodan harms Croatian Serbs, too.
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.


Offline Israel Chai

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Denying my identity and personhood is not a little drama. It is deeply offensive and unhealthy. Ultimately, the ideology of people like Slobodan harms Croatian Serbs, too.

Yeah I'm not a drama person. Slobodan's been cool on everything I talked to him about.
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Online Hrvatski Noahid

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Yeah I'm not a drama person. Slobodan's been cool on everything I talked to him about.

So you're just going to ignore the disgusting things he wrote to me, including accusing me of being a Nazi? That's just cool in your eyes? I like many things about JTF, but supporting Greater Serbia ideologues is not one of them. It's beyond sad that no one here understands that. Have fun with your cool friend.

Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.


Offline Israel Chai

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So you're just going to ignore the disgusting things he wrote to me, including accusing me of being a Nazi? That's just cool in your eyes? I like many things about JTF, but supporting Greater Serbia ideologues is not one of them. It's beyond sad that no one here understands that. Have fun with your cool friend.

I didn't see him call you a Nazi. Is that the random word in Serbian he called you? He said the Nazis gave Croatia land and stuff for that. If that's true like I can't imagine Hitler YS"V thought he was bettering the world. I hope they're using it for good.
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