Author Topic: One party to the right of Likud  (Read 1087 times)

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Offline ram770

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One party to the right of Likud
« on: March 26, 2020, 02:05:07 AM »
One party to the right of the perpetual split in any election must owe a huge waste of resources, votes and time. The amount of small parties
And mediocrity prevents any possibility of stable rule, and disproportionately increases the power of small parties
Facing the big party that makes up the government.
The political structure in Israel ensures stagnation at the top of the parties, with the sole power always in the hands of the individual MK.
Consolidating all right-wing bodies in Israel under one umbrella will address the fundamental problems that exist in Israeli politics,
And will ensure stable rule.
The goal is to build a body similar to the Republican Party in the United States, which is under the basic principles
Its pious religious piety and complete secularism, various stylistic minorities and other extremist political opinions
Who have the most moderate political opinions.
Principles on:
Eretz Israel, the people of Israel according to the teachings of Israel.
Settlement of the Land of Israel by the Jewish People.
A liberal economy.
Party structure:
The new party will give home to anyone willing to declare allegiance to the party's super principles.
The party will allow two types of overseas:
A. Functional - The landlord is filled with a party to pick and choose.
B. Registered supporter - who has the right to vote for the party's primaries for the Knesset list and for the leader.
Any party or extra-parliamentary movement that wishes to enter the new party will be required to dismantle its existing institutions
And enter as an integral part of the new party.
Basic Law of the Party - There will be no "technical connections" with other parties. The purpose of the party is not to be "anymore"
A party between the right-wing parties but a unifying body for everyone - something new that has not yet been tried in Israeli politics.
Party Elections:
Prior to each election campaign there will be primaries for the leader. May only deal with those who did not previously serve a village
The list.
Elected chairman can run in primaries only one more time. Everything is twice (the world happens to be no more than two
(Successive or cumulative term) led by the party.
a way of action:
Step one: The party will start from the unification of small right-wing parliamentary bodies, while at the same time praying
To increase the base of party members who identify with the idea.
At the same time, the party has plunged to root out the idea and purpose of traditional media and media
The new.
Step 2: Once the membership base reaches 5000 members and registered supporters, the party will begin to turn to the right-wing parties
The little ones in the Knesset, demanding to enter the Great Union. All members registered with each tool will be put under pressure
Possible communication, with public demand for consolidation.
Step C: After the small parties enter, the party will require the large parties to join as well.
Step D: Establishment phase. The party will run for election as it includes all the right-wing bodies
In Israel, and establish that fact as the largest party in Israeli politics

Offline Israel Chai

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Re: One party to the right of Likud
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2020, 05:00:18 AM »
What is your position on abortion? I have recently taken a liking to the Libertarian idea of "evictionism" which states that a woman can't murder her baby because it has rights, but can have it surgically removed from her when it is viable for survival and grown in a tube and then raised by the state.
The fear of the L-rd is the beginning of knowledge