Author Topic: Line in the sand  (Read 1767 times)

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Online Hrvatski Noahid

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Line in the sand
« on: April 25, 2020, 01:59:21 PM »

I’m gonna state my stance now, maybe for the record. Whatever.

A time ago, I wrote an article called Absorbing the message: The King. In it, I quoted the book, The Divine Code, where it said that, basically, the king or government owns a certain territory and the people within it. It came across as if this was part of Gentile Divine Law, our law of theft or law concerning justice, or linked to them in some way. As is obvious from some of my series on the book, I’m not a wholesale proponent of the Divine Code. But that’s not the point. But according to some, the government claiming to rule a territory owns all of us; we are its property.

According to people in various countries, especially western ones, we are free, and our freedoms are guaranteed by constitutions and governments. We are supposed to have rights, maybe human rights, inalienable rights.

Then COVID-19 came.

No, not exactly. There’s been signs, pretty clear signs, that people were deluded, thinking themselves free whilst under the thumb of bullies, tyrants and manipulaters and spin-doctors. But the reaction of governments to a presumed “virus,” essentially putting the people under house arrest, dictating the allowances, the reasons it allows people to leave their homes, threatening people gathering, dictating how close you can stand to a person, just highlights that the people are and have always been slaves.

Now I can only say “presumed virus” because, to be honest, I have no personal experience of this virus. I have no trustworthy information or information source about it. In fact, this thing has even caused me to realise that I don’t even know why I accept germ theory. The number of infected, the deaths said to be “from” and “with” this coronavirus, the stories of its source, the questions around the so-called “tests,” the fact that the government and media are pushing a narrative, I have nothing which reliably tells me what is going on across the world.

But I do see the fear and complicity/submissiveness of the sheeple. I see the politicians and the people wrecking their own economy out of fear of dying. I see that all the rights and all the “freedoms” were revealed to be the empty promises of manipulaters and liars to fools. When people are scared, we’ll sacrifice principle for safety.

That bit about “presumed virus” and not knowing anything about it, it reminds me of a part of Jewish Law that Alan Cecil brings up, “putting a stumblingblock in front of blind people” (Vayiqra [Leviticus] 19:14). Governments and politicians have a fantastic track record for lying. When they scream and shout about some invisible enemy, I believe it puts me in the place of a blind(-folded) man. The politician warns of a danger and says, just do what I say and you’ll be safe. I can’t see it , but I may hear footsteps. The politician shouts at me to duck, to move my feet a certain way, to simply run. But for all I know, I could be avoiding empty air and being fearful of nothing, while the person who vied for power over me, the politician, just enjoys the control he has and plans to get more of what he vied for: power.

The politician, the government, the media and the agents of their message amongst the population warn the blind, people who cannot see and don’t know how to recognise actual “viruses” and just follow the changing stories of the experts. We’re the blind relying of the reports of the untrustworthy.

To get somewhere with this article, I wanted to at least record something, record my stance at this time of ignorance and faith, this time of tyranny and obvious undermining of beliefs in government and “freedom.”

I don’t trust the tyrants or their experts. I recognise that it is their actions, not some presumed virus, that tyrannised the people and wrecked the lives of so many. I recognise the cult worship and marketing tactics of the UK government when they give vain slogans and tap into the drug addiction and cultic devotion too many have with regards to the NHS to offer weekly devotionals (applause) to the corrupt and theft-based organisation. I oppose the fear, the tyranny, the governments, the illusory rights and freedoms in laws and constitutions and the people’s faith in such concepts. I oppose the people who have not only clamoured for self-imprisonment and prop up the beast of Nimrod (government is first mentioned in close connection with Nimrod in the Bible) while remaining in ignorance and snitching on their neighbours. Yet I know I am powerless to change the motion of this evil machine. My cursing all of this won’t make a difference, yet I curse it. But there is a good chance that the results of what happened, the choices made, in this time will overtake so many, me included. So my curses may pale in comparison with the natural consequences of the international insanity that may come. And it will be well deserved.

The human mob has shown me how much hope or faith I should have in it: absolutely none.
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.
