Author Topic: Covid 19 Or The G-d of Yaakov?  (Read 1808 times)

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Covid 19 Or The G-d of Yaakov?
« on: May 10, 2020, 10:34:03 PM »

This latest blog was birthed from the inward struggle of being a human trapped in a real life situation and trying to hang on to the Creator while the storm winds are blowing.

As the quote ‘Pandemic’ has swept across our country, over time many contradiction have come to light and in the wake of this, the liberal left tries to do everything in their power to squash the truth of what is being revealed about what is going on in the United States during this Covid 19 event.

This blog is not about the contradictions nor the liberal cover up that is going on.

Slowly over the past several weeks I have had a growing issue with anger over what is happening to the country I love. The other night while discussing certain events that have happened, a rage swelled up inside of me, a rage accompanied with words that a person trying to walk with the Creator should not have let take control.

That night I woke several times regretting and disappointed in myself for letting this issue get to me the way it has. Each time I woke up I pleaded with the Creator to help me not let this issue or anger over our current situation control me.

In the process of working on righting my mind and attitude concerning the events happening around me and to my country, I began focusing on reality – the reality of Who is in charge of every single moment that happens on this earth. I have had to remind and gird myself in the basic teaching of emuna.

Emuna is the firm knowledge that everything comes from the Creator by way of perfect divine providence, even the tiniest and most seemingly insignificant event and that everything the Creator does is for the very best.

Since my prayers to the Creator the other night, there has been a phrase that I keep coming across, it has gotten my attention.

“The G-d of Yaakov”

For example:

“May the Name of the G-d of Yaakov protect you”

“A stronghold for us is the G-d of Yaakov”

In the midst of a world gone crazy, the Creator had to remind me Who is in charge. In my meditations about this craziness going on, Psalms 145:16 came to mind, “You open Your hand, and satisfy the desire of every living thing.”.

This reminded me that even the wicked have desires and at this time, it is evident that those who think they are in control, think that they are getting what they want. Their plans are like the air in a balloon, when it is popped, the air is gone.

When you look around, you will see who clings to the G-d of Yaakov and those who do not. All you have to do is listen to their words and watch their actions.

Let’s look at another example of “the G-d of Yaakov”

Psalm 146:3-5
Trust not in princes, nor in the son of man, who has no [power of] salvation. When his breath departs, he returns to his earth; on that day his plans come to nothing. Happy is he whom the G-d of Yaakov helps, whose hope is on the Eternal, his G-d.
I am about to say something very bold.

If your life is wrapped up with just talking about or posting on FaceBook what the Republicans or Democrats are or are not doing during this Covid event or spreading fear by telling people to be very afraid of the virus or governmental hidden agendas – If this is the kind of person you have become, then all you are doing is placing your hope in the son of man, where there is no hope! Your eyes are focused in the wrong direction! Quit looking to man for all the answers!!

Happy is he whom the G-d of Yaakov helps, whose hope is on the Eternal, his G-d.

I titled this blog, “Covid 19 Or The G-d of Yaakov?”

It boils down to this simple fact: If you fear Covid 19 and its goons then you do not know the G-d of Yaakov, if you know the G-d of Yaakov, you will not fear Covid 19 nor its political goons!

The choice is yours, which one will it be?

Terry W. Hayes
P.S. There is only one way to know the G-d of Yaakov and that is to go to Yaakov’s children – Zechariah 8:23 (check it out)
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.
