Author Topic: Wikpedian Hitler Removed What I Wrote Defending Judaism From "Mythology" Claims  (Read 2123 times)

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Offline Binyamin Yisrael

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I found this article and started to remove the word mythology and change it to theology. They said it has nothing to do with theology.

We should cause chaos on Wikipedia.

I tried to post the following but a Bolsheivk filter wouldn't let me post it so I put it in the comments section.


« Last Edit: June 14, 2020, 01:34:57 PM by Binyamin Yisrael »

Offline Binyamin Yisrael

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I wrote this in the article now.

Jewish scholars reject the claims of this article.

Palestinian mythology is the belief in the existence of a supposed "Palestinian" people that are supposedly the indigeneous people of the [[Land of Israel]].

Offline Binyamin Yisrael

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I tried to write: You are an Anti-Semite. Wikipedia is by definition a POV organization, despite what it claims. It thinks only Left Wing is truth and everything else is POV. At least put both sides in the article. Other wise you are a Nazi. 

The Nazi (AKA now wrote:

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Offline Israel Chai

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I wrote this in the article now.

Jewish scholars reject the claims of this article.

Palestinian mythology is the belief in the existence of a supposed "Palestinian" people that are supposedly the indigeneous people of the [[Land of Israel]].

Fakestinians are an actual myth.

Look at this crap in the article:

"Many of the Hebrews' neighbors had a "combat myth" about the good god battling the demon of chaos; one example of this mytheme is the Babylonian Enûma Eliš.[19] A lesser known example is the very fragmentary myth of Labbu.[20] According to historian Bernard McGinn, the combat myth's imagery influenced Jewish mythology. The myth of God's triumph over Leviathan, a symbol of chaos, has the form of a combat myth.[21] In addition, McGinn thinks the Hebrews applied the combat myth motif to the relationship between God and Satan. Originally a deputy in God's court, assigned to act as mankind's "accuser" (satan means "to oppose" – Hebrew: שָּׂטָן satan, meaning "adversary"), Satan evolved into a being with "an apparently independent realm of operation as a source of evil" – no longer God's deputy but his opponent in a cosmic struggle.[22]"

This has to be the most stupid thing I've ever read. Hashem said he's saving a big fish for a bbq for all the tzadikim, and they say this is Hashem fighting a fish? This article is written by inbreds. They're basically calling us Xtian. They do it outright when they say that the Satan can possibly fight Hashem. Jewish thought attributes no free will to the Satan, to call it an opponent is idolatry of the highest form.

"National myth
The Patriarchs
Jacob Wrestling with the Angel

The Patriarchs in Hebrew bible are Abraham, his son Isaac, and Isaac's son Jacob,"

So they just straight up call our history mythology. Where does the author say that Jewish history begins and the "mythology" ends? "Samson
Samson destroys the temple
Main article: Samson

Samson was the last of the judges"

So basically the entire book...
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Offline Israel Chai

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They also write that we consider Nephilim evil angels, a very Catholic concept. In reality, because they have no free will they were simply unable to resist temptation when they got Hashem's permission to come, and followed their base desires whenever tempted, as thus lead evil lives, like Og of Bashan.
The fear of the L-rd is the beginning of knowledge

Offline Israel Chai

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Also you typing in all caps and being emotional isn't making you look good to anyone. Logically explain your case without being a caps noob and resorting to ad homenims. That's a good lesson for the rest of your life, talk like a mensch.
The fear of the L-rd is the beginning of knowledge

Offline Binyamin Yisrael

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Also you typing in all caps and being emotional isn't making you look good to anyone. Logically explain your case without being a caps noob and resorting to ad homenims. That's a good lesson for the rest of your life, talk like a mensch.

I just wanted to yell at the censor. There is now way to reason with these people. They only think their way is right. Even on opinions with no right and wrong, they only think theirs is right. With religion and morality, there is a right and wrong. Liberals are the biggest hypocrites. They claim to tolerate everyone but when it comes to the opinions of Rightists, they don't tolerate opinions they don't agree with. They don't even think of it as an opinion. They think their way is fact. Even if you want to play their game, say you want to present both sides and say what the Bible critics say and also say what Judaism says. The same thing happens in articles about Israel. They think it's POV to explain that land Israel won in 1967 is considered liberated by Israel and considered occupied by the Arabs. Instead just just say occupied and if you but liberated, they'll say it's vandalism.

Offline Israel Chai

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I just wanted to yell at the censor. There is now way to reason with these people. They only think their way is right. Even on opinions with no right and wrong, they only think theirs is right. With religion and morality, there is a right and wrong. Liberals are the biggest hypocrites. They claim to tolerate everyone but when it comes to the opinions of Rightists, they don't tolerate opinions they don't agree with. They don't even think of it as an opinion. They think their way is fact. Even if you want to play their game, say you want to present both sides and say what the Bible critics say and also say what Judaism says. The same thing happens in articles about Israel. They think it's POV to explain that land Israel won in 1967 is considered liberated by Israel and considered occupied by the Arabs. Instead just just say occupied and if you but liberated, they'll say it's vandalism.

I know you think that. However, writing in caps isn't screaming, it's just slightly annoying to read and internet people will call you a noob. I think I am right, and they can't reason their nonsense to me. I understand perfectly that their level of understanding of Judaism is so minuscule that they see it as nonsense too. This empathizing shouldn't weaken your resolve, just get more people to vote.

The fear of the L-rd is the beginning of knowledge