unfortunately, many blacks and white-trash are on welfare.... so they are oblivious to what's happening.
This is a good point. The more and easy welfare you have the more Democrat voters you have. But it is a very unforfilling existence.
Even a cleaning lady or helper in construction has a feeling of beeing needed and a feeling of appriciation as well they have new chances everyday to get new sources of income. New contracts, new small jobs under the hand to earn more.
The Demonrat on welfare has nothing like this.
One thing nobody sees is, that all groups are affected by the big gouvernment. Some less some more. You can see this on every field. Divorce rates, lazyness and other things going in general up. Jews and Asian less, blacks and whites more. But all have the negative trend. Immunity is not there. Nobody can say it is not affecting me. Imo it has a very strong spiritual component of corruption.