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Offline ItalianZionist

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Chaim's prediction was correct as usual
« on: November 07, 2020, 02:52:41 PM »
victims of too much overconfidence

Offline Zelhar

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Re: Chaim's prediction was correct as usual
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2020, 03:26:55 PM »
Maybe, or maybe he will prevail through the courts. Trump is a fighter.

Offline Israel Chai

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Re: Chaim's prediction was correct as usual
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2020, 07:41:43 PM »
Trump had it won. All of a sudden they stopped counting and it all went to Biden. We wont know who won till december.
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Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Chaim's prediction was correct as usual
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2020, 08:03:45 PM »
victims of too much overconfidence

Considering how much Trump's vote count increased over 2016 there was reason to be confident in hindsight.  And this was very close.  These people were actually right that the polls were utterly and completely wrong, and it turned out to be close.  But too close for a Trump victory.

I do think they rigged the result.  I will never be convinced otherwise.  But those who said the polls are wrong and fake, were vindicated.  That was a media psyop to demoralize Trump supporters.  Polls should never be believed ever again.

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: Chaim's prediction was correct as usual
« Reply #5 on: November 08, 2020, 06:52:54 AM »
A few observations

3rd and 4th party votes in 2016 likely voted against trump
Much more Bernie supporters voted against trump this time around. Many sat out in 2016 or voted against Hillary
More young people voted this time around.

These three things gave democrats more votes.

More minorities turned there vote in favor of trump as well. This may have counterbalanced those changes.

Alas those mail in ballots and poll counters who marched with BLM.  Subject to fraud.
We shall wait and see if anything will come to fruition and if it does if the media will negate its existence. Today’s judges aren’t as fair. Therefore it will take a miracle of God to flip this and get it noticed.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

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Offline Nachus

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Re: Chaim's prediction was correct as usual
« Reply #6 on: November 29, 2020, 09:31:49 PM »
 :usa+israel:                                                                                                                        :fist:

All great responses however Chaim sure was “right on the money” with this!

Offline Aces High

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Re: Chaim's prediction was correct as usual
« Reply #7 on: November 30, 2020, 09:05:48 AM »
Trump's sheer arrogance cost him the election.  Down- playing the importance of wearing a mask during this pandemic.  At the time 225,000, people dead form the virus, and he refused to wear a mask or even require the tens of thousands of people attending his rallies wear a mask. The fool even caught it himself.   Trying to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, (alienating 23 million people who depend on this act) and not even having an alternative health care plan to offer, after already serving 3.5 years in office.    He lost millions of votes on these 2 issues alone.  And Biden's attack commercials were a thousand times more effective than Trump's attack commercials. 

I don't think Trump would have a chance if he ran again, unless the economy tanks under Biden.   

Offline Israel Chai

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Re: Chaim's prediction was correct as usual
« Reply #8 on: November 30, 2020, 12:45:28 PM »
Trump's sheer arrogance cost him the election.  Down- playing the importance of wearing a mask during this pandemic.  At the time 225,000, people dead form the virus, and he refused to wear a mask or even require the tens of thousands of people attending his rallies wear a mask. The fool even caught it himself.   Trying to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, (alienating 23 million people who depend on this act) and not even having an alternative health care plan to offer, after already serving 3.5 years in office.    He lost millions of votes on these 2 issues alone.  And Biden's attack commercials were a thousand times more effective than Trump's attack commercials. 

I don't think Trump would have a chance if he ran again, unless the economy tanks under Biden.

Which mask? If someone with covid has an N95 or a cloth mask he might as well not and a surgical mask if he's wearing it outside is not helping anything in five minutes. If it's useful why not go to sports games with a mask? Cause it isn't. The CDC just released their updated numbers and the infection rate was massively increased again, so we're at about .1% death rate officially and JHU's study showed it didn't significantly increase deaths vs. any other year. Also you know for a fact those death numbers are wildly inflated after ignoring that people would have died anyways, and putting car accidents as covid deaths because the victim contracted it five days earlier. Vastly more people hate the lockdowns than believe the population control "scientists" that are the only medical opinion permitted without censorship.

He lost hard on not getting a better plan than Osamacare, but dismantling it didn't make as many people mad as bump stocks. Even Bernie's liberals in his state like guns, Americans don't like people messing with their guns. In group after group, must have been 3-4 thousand people saying it out of 10, so pretty representative of America, bump stocks silencers, bump stocks silencers. It's the poison pill that makes all the "Trump is a fighter for freedom" arguments fall flat, can't debate them. Millions of people did not vote or voted for the libertarian (that is crazy on most other issues while being near-perfect on guns) over that. More importantly, it made it alot harder for the Trump guys to promote Trump with their hearts in it, they generally like guns too.

Despite all that, it's still patently evident he would have won by healthy margins without this African dictatorship level of voter fraud.

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Offline Israel Chai

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Re: Chaim's prediction was correct as usual
« Reply #9 on: November 30, 2020, 01:02:09 PM »
Today literally all the articles on the right are going ohh we lost subtly and begging their readers to still care about them.

This is the most glaring example I could find about it:

Of course the simple response is that if Trump loses like that, the right proves they are incapable of responding to voter fraud, putting your efforts into supporting them serves only the purpose of wasting energy, and you should be focusing on taking political power through  direct means, which the left does as well with groups like antifa and other less open leftist thug groups. That the information right wingers need in order to have an effect on the country is how to clean a gun and not how to vote.

It's also pretty comical that they don't want to support the guy in Georgia because he allows voter fraud, but the question at that point is what does it matter if you support someone or not who will let the left get away with voter fraud?

Right now things are still proceeding nicely, but the right wing media has lost all confidence and are doing everything to beg the new influx of readers to stay if their hero goes. This obviously won't happen, and they're trying to put as many interesting articles that have nothing to do with politics on most of the sites that are usually only for politics hoping to keep getting viewers.

The fraud on the election did for right wing media what covid did for left wing media, and it's wonderful if the real right gets control of the news and Trump wins now, but they need to stop pretending this isn't a 0 sum game. You know how many business owners came out for Trump? Obama hunted them and the left wasn't very happy to learn it. They will help torture anything that winks at a Trump supporter today and the FBI that already ignores it under Trump would change their uniform to sport an antifa logo.

I had the foresight to keep businesses I'm with from coming out for Trump, still lovely and non-political, but those I know that did are done. You can write faggy articles like this to morons used to bowing to authority. For right wing businesses, the people who will get us what we want now are those with guns and not lobbyists.
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Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Chaim's prediction was correct as usual
« Reply #10 on: November 30, 2020, 01:42:06 PM »
Trump's sheer arrogance cost him the election.  Down- playing the importance of wearing a mask during this pandemic.  At the time 225,000, people dead form the virus, and he refused to wear a mask or even require the tens of thousands of people attending his rallies wear a mask. The fool even caught it himself. 

Yes, in addition to the other factors you mentioned, this in particular was incredibly stupid.  Only the anti-mask freaks buy into this.  They think their view is popular, but it is not.  They are a fringe!  A tiny unpopular fringe.  (And yes that includes anyone here spouting nonsense decrying the use of masks). For some reason Trump chose to cling to this unpopular view and alienated many people who simply don't want to get sick or for their friends and family to get sick.  They could not understand why this big doofus is on the television encouraging the anti-mask fringe to keep up their Karen activities at the local walmart and spewing their unwanted germs everywhere.

Offline Israel Chai

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Re: Chaim's prediction was correct as usual
« Reply #11 on: November 30, 2020, 05:26:04 PM »
Yes, in addition to the other factors you mentioned, this in particular was incredibly stupid.  Only the anti-mask freaks buy into this.  They think their view is popular, but it is not.  They are a fringe!  A tiny unpopular fringe.  (And yes that includes anyone here spouting nonsense decrying the use of masks). For some reason Trump chose to cling to this unpopular view and alienated many people who simply don't want to get sick or for their friends and family to get sick.  They could not understand why this big doofus is on the television encouraging the anti-mask fringe to keep up their Karen activities at the local walmart and spewing their unwanted germs everywhere.

You almost pull off acting like a thoughtful individual, but then you leave a nice logical hole at the end to show it's all emotions and no facts. There are karens who don't leave the store when asked and karens snitching on their neighbors because the kid doesn't social distance and demanding everyone also wear plastic gloves when they step into an elevator. To sum up what is now the majority of America, including even massive numbers of people in the most liberal enclaves of California and New York who are sick of all these made in China lockdown procedures as "karens in the walmart" shows you fell into the commie trap. There are tens of thousands of people screaming to end this, basically everyone who has or mostly now had a small business is screaming the loudest. Amazon and all the major corporations on the left are doing as phenomenally as china though. There are more shy anti-covid lockdown people than shy Trump voters also, and even the advocates break their supposed rules without a second thought.

Again "the use of masks". So you are comfortable sending your grandmother with respiratory issues into a room with covid-19 positive people wearing N95s? How bout if they're wearing cloth? Do you agree with the Canadian government's descision to stick one guy in their covid prison camp for removing his mask from under his face shield for a few minutes? Are you happy that the government released massive numbers of violent criminals and refilled the jails with people trying to make ends meet that violated whatever the restrictions were today? Not only are people getting sick of a corporate elite taking over our economy and freedoms though fake prevention measures, there is an entire - very censored - covid criminal class being created right now. As a matter of fact, I've completely dumped the retarded proud boys, as most of their leaders are so stupid they think Islam is a wonderful system and been entirely focused on them. You only think they're a minority like you think Trump voters are because the media censors them.

You can run your elitist face blue, but half the kids in high school go out and break the rules all the time, and the endless police brutality videos on them, while the left is suppressing the hell out of them, are spreading more and more and more and most of the population of America would not resist a violent revolt against it in any way at the very least.
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Offline Israel Chai

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Re: Chaim's prediction was correct as usual
« Reply #12 on: November 30, 2020, 05:52:07 PM »
It must feel good for the death to the economy and freedom happies to be on the side of the left wing for a change.
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Offline Israel Chai

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Re: Chaim's prediction was correct as usual
« Reply #13 on: November 30, 2020, 07:30:24 PM »
Yeah I'm jumping the gun to mention it, but since you bring up the situation, I have 50 year old men with wives and kids now willing to go protest in the street and wear things with anti-lockdown messages with their kids in the park. All the youth looking for action as usual, but here I have people's mothers and nurses and doctors helping with them. The people that want freedom have never had access to so many angry people ready to fight back. You repeat the Nazi propaganda-style lines to promote their big mask effectively, but even the best aren't convincing the general public as they go hungry and get forced to accept a job at walmart that they will never be able to pay off their bankruptcy debt with. Hell I have people who are dumb and believe in this draconian crap, but they put daddy in jail because he didn't want to run back to the car and be late to work running through a hallway and they want to shoot a commie in the face.

You will get more accurate observations of people by talking to them in large numbers with empathetic tactics than by watching what the communist news says people think. Wedding after wedding the mother of the bride is up there saying screw that and everyone gives dirty looks to the guy screaming mask to anyone that puts their cup down for a sec. Just because they smile at him when he looks, doesn't mean he's the majority.
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Offline Israel Chai

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Re: Chaim's prediction was correct as usual
« Reply #14 on: November 30, 2020, 08:13:23 PM »
Here's the best article I saw today to illustrate my point:

Since you dont have a draconian police force to weld peoples doors shut, you think you can make the population comply with guilt and shame. That was a stupid idea even if masks did work, since they dont you have granmothers and 16 year old girls doing what I say to fight the government. Our websites get more hits than jtf. You are the minority, were second, and the majority hates us both and is just scared to get caught.
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Offline Israel Chai

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Re: Chaim's prediction was correct as usual
« Reply #15 on: November 30, 2020, 09:28:12 PM »
Almost everyone knows the lockdown has nothing to do with covid
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Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Chaim's prediction was correct as usual
« Reply #16 on: December 01, 2020, 12:58:07 AM »
Almost everyone knows the lockdown has nothing to do with covid

Case con???  LOL.  That's an argument that doesn't hold up to the facts.  Once again, I am not advocating lockdown.  But to pretend that people aren't dying from Covid anymore is a flat out lie. This is perpetrating fraud.

These are the latest data.  (And don't be fooled by the latest week's downtick, this is partially due to a reporting lag for the thanksgiving holiday.  It would be nice if these numbers would peak soon and come down, but this certainly isn't evidence that they have yet).
See this photo:

A lot of people were hospitalized due to Covid in the past 2 months and a lot have died in the past 2 months.  So semantics over a PCR test and the definition of a word is pretty meaningless in that context.

Making your case against lockdowns by pretending Covid is an illusion is just stupid and a bad leftist tactic of making your case by lying. 

Offline Israel Chai

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Re: Chaim's prediction was correct as usual
« Reply #17 on: December 01, 2020, 03:40:29 PM »
You don't even bother trying to respond. I can find a few covid bacteria in your nose that won't make it in, never get you sick and have a near-impossible chance of spreading. There are people who have covid, .2% don't make it, a bit worse than the yearly flu. There are plenty of people that get airborne particles in their noses that never have any effect, not even what is termed "asymptomatic case", and yet the PCR tests are saying "covid-positive". You debate like a Greek since this covid, it's not about proving a side but finding the objective truth.

Also JHU proved that deaths and elderly deaths have not significantly increased vs. any other year, which of course are results that need to take into account that elderly people were generally kept away from others, but it's clear evidence that for people without comorbidities that aren't old, there was no change in deaths at all.
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Offline Israel Chai

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Re: Chaim's prediction was correct as usual
« Reply #18 on: December 01, 2020, 05:08:41 PM »
Also enough with the commie crap of taking no position so you can attack and not defend. The commies say "wear a mask stay home", not just the first part, they go together. They do because wearing a mask doesn't protect you in a nice big football game. Masks are part of lockdown procedures, they're not considered a standalone solution by any doctor. It's an easy trap, I'm for banning bump stocks but I'm against gun control, your position is obviously contradictory and sticks you in the oblivious rainbow of democrat supporters.
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