Author Topic: People are mad at Walmart  (Read 1539 times)

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Offline Israel Chai

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People are mad at Walmart
« on: December 31, 2020, 03:50:55 PM »
This is one case where the author is very wrong. Walmart's financial contributions basically all went to Trump for political donations. Yeah attack slave labor, they import from people that use it sometimes, anyways everything's on track and on top of every Walmart store they'll produce everything for them and every mom and pop store in the area in five years if things keep progressing this nicely.

The owners are rich yeah and every family has members that aren't recluse monks, neither am I, but it literally was some dick weed that managed to grow in the social media department and couldn't help losing his job to diss Trump, yo me is well gangster now.

So like follow the money before you write big thinky articles, American thinker. And since when is what happens in twitter like the critical news for everyone to hear? And also are we on the right going to cancel like the left? I mean like the coffee pod machine weenie declared war on Rush Limbaugh for being right wing, and that's a leadership thing, don't help a leftist owned company like them or... twiiter/fagbook. But the company that gives say 88% of its total political contributions to the right has a rogue tweeter, they don't want to be like, "sorry we love Trump really" because the commies will not shop there, and now pitchforks all. Like if you're not doing this out of love, you boycott the people you should and announce it on the leftist companies you should boycott for more noise.
December 31, 2020
Walmart apologizes for offensive anti-Trump tweet
By Monica Showalter

What's gotten into Walmart?

America's biggest corporation, presumably with a reputation to defend, is hiring undisciplined, do-whatever-you-want punks to run its social media operation, or so they claim in what passes for their apology.

The tweet in question was described by Politico here:

    Sen. Josh Hawley traded sharp words with Walmart's corporate Twitter account on Wednesday over his contention of the 2020 election results, prompting the superstore giant to apologize to the Missouri Republican.

    After announcing his intention to challenge President-elect Joe Biden's electoral victory Wednesday, Walmart's Twitter account responded, "Go ahead. Get your 2 hour debate. #soreloser," in a since-deleted tweet. Hawley later shared a screenshot of the tweet, calling out Walmart for what he called "insulting condescension."

    "Now that you've insulted 75 million Americans, will you at least apologize for using slave labor?" Hawley wrote. "Or maybe you'd like to apologize for the pathetic wages you pay your workers as you drive mom and pop stores out of business."

    Walmart's Twitter account later apologized to the senator and said its earlier tweet "was mistakenly posted by a member of our social media team."

That triggered some big calls for a consumer boycott:

    So you don’t want 73 million Americans to boycott Walmart then?
    — Sebastian Gorka DrG (@SebGorka) December 31, 2020

Why, exactly, is Walmart commenting on the inside-baseball affairs of the U.S. Senate and Electoral College?  This is bizarre stuff.

And who the hell is on their social media team who can't distinguish his own personal account from that of the company writing his paycheck?  Who gave this little puke the password and the keys, allowing him to be the Giant Voice of Walmart?  It all makes no sense.  To separate corporate from personal business is what's known as basic professionalism, and in any big company, people have it.

In a giant company like Walmart, known for its global mastery of supply chains and economies of scale, presumably in a position to hire anyone it wants and easily in a position to hire the best, well, they didn't hire the best.  They hired the amateur-hour bozo, someone with all the social media skills of an 80-year-old grandma (except that decent grandmas don't tweet this sort of stuff).

This is, frankly, hard to believe.  To say there was a "mistake" comes off as nonsense.  Why would this jerk be using his personal account on company hours, and why would his boss be tolerating it?

Walmart's corporate apology was inadequate, too, first, for this reason — and apologies for the tweeter's bad language:

    Eat [censored] @Walmart.
    — Salty Cracker (@SaltyCracker9) December 31, 2020

They made a massive tweet insulting 73 million customers and replied with an apology from an account with 62,500?  Color us skeptical.

Here's the other problem: Walmart's claimed sorrow for our "confusion" is insult added to injury.  We read a tweet like that, and we are the ones who are "confused"?  How are we suppose to parse what Walmart "thinks" except by what Walmart says?  No, as a matter of fact, we are not the ones confused; perhaps they are, and ought to mea culpa themselves on that and announce that the punk who made the tweet, assuming it really was unauthorized, was the one who was "confused."

The problem for us is that it was a believable tweet, too.  We all know how Walmart's big shots donate and vote; we know that Walmart has made bank on both China and the pandemic shutdown of all those little rival upstarts; and we know they welcome Joe Biden's coming era (if he gets into the presidency) of permanent lockdowns for Americans with shutdowns for their businesses, as well as anything-China-wants supremacy, all things that are very, very good for Walmart.  Read Andrea Widburg's extremely clarifying blog post on this here.

This doesn't pass the smell test.  We are seeing this kind of behavior more and more from big corporate America — remember the McDonald's tweet against President Trump, which the company claimed was a hack?  No proof of that one, either.

More and more, corporate America is consolidating its power and creating monopolies, with the logical result of expressing contempt for its customers.  It spells out one thing — that something is out of balance, and it's time for some anti-trust action.
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Offline Israel Chai

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Re: People are mad at Walmart
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2020, 04:22:55 PM »
Yeah even their thinking articles today have only been level 2. This one's correct but it applies to vastly beyond them, I too can just get people to go in jeeps and come get me on the deep offroad party, not that I actually need to, but covid rules are basically destroying the middle class and creating more ultra rich and ultra poor than any government effort outside of complete tyranny I can name.

December 31, 2020
Our modern American royalty don't have any skin in the game
By Jeffrey I. Barke, M.D.

They tell us we must stay in our houses and leave only if we have essential business.  They tell us we should not gather with family or friends to celebrate Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's, weddings, funerals, the birth of a child, or any other traditional and important event.  They tell us we cannot eat at a restaurant, send our kids to school, worship at church, or shop at a local small business.

It's for our collective good, we are told, against a pandemic virus with a 0.017 U.S. death rate.  Listen to the scientists, heed the experts, obey your leaders or face consequences.  In Costa Mesa, California, Mayor Katrina Foley has imposed a $100.00 fine if you are caught in public without a face covering — at least you are not thrown in prison or worse, as is the case in some communist countries.  If you are an opinion or political leader in the U.S., however, you are exempt from the rules and consequences.  Think Governor Gavin Newsom's dinner, Speaker Nancy Pelosi's hair salon venture, or Dr. Deborah Birx's Thanksgiving trip.

Winston Churchill famously walked the streets of London while the Nazis (real Nazis) bombarded relentlessly.  Generals MacArthur and Patton were seen close to the front lines while bullets were flying overhead.  The military leaders serving during the Revolutionary War were leading the charge, swords held high.  True leaders sacrifice along with those who follow.  They have skin in the game!

Modern-day politicians do nothing of the kind.  They issue tyrannical COVID mandates that they regularly violate for one thin reason or another but expect their subjects to follow.  They do this while collecting an uninterrupted paycheck and continuing benefits just as their salaried constituents miss theirs.

Clinical depression has reached heights not seen in 100 years, unemployment has decimated families, and the suicide rate has escalated.  The risk associated with social isolation and loneliness far exceeds the risk of COVID.  In the meantime, tyrannical governors continue to mislead, exaggerate, and flat-out lie about our current situation along with a complicit media.  The credibility of our elected leaders has reached an all-time low in no small way because they have no skin in the game — they have made themselves immune to their own restrictions.

We are told to follow the science.  What they mean is follow the scientists who agree with them.  Dissenting scientists, regardless of their credentials, are censured, silenced, and fired from their posts while they are berated by a biased Fourth Estate and by a prejudiced academia.  This centralization of power in so many sectors of government is frightening along with the accompanying crushing of dissent.  The entrenched and at times authoritarian ruling political class is eerily similar to how things work in Communist China.

The World Health Organization (WHO) is now following the former Soviet Union edict: "The future is known, it is the past that is always changing."  The WHO has now changed its past while assuming that it knows the future.  In June 2020, the WHO described herd immunity as "when a population is immune either through vaccination or immunity developed through previous infection."  As of November 2020, that passage has been erased from its history and replaced by "a concept used for vaccination, in which a population can be protected from a certain virus if a threshold of vaccination is reached ... not by exposing them to it."

I am not optimistic that the freedoms and separation of powers enshrined by our Constitution will be available to future generations unless we awaken the revolutionary spirit that threw tea into Boston Harbor or that followed a 33-year-old Thomas Jefferson who drafted the Declaration of Independence.  All of our Revolutionary leaders recognized that the fault with the authoritarian ruling class of England started with the fact that they saw the events in the colonies intellectually, but without skin in the game, they couldn't solve the problems they created.
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