Author Topic: The genius Zionist Conspirator  (Read 1237 times)

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Online Hrvatski Noahid

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The genius Zionist Conspirator
« on: January 03, 2021, 10:24:10 PM »
1)If there is no such thing as objective reality, then no one is really "oppressed."
2)If there are no objective universal truths, then "oppression" isn't even wrong.

3)An application of critical theory to critical theory shows that it (CT) is merely an artificial construct created to assert power over and to oppress others.

4)The fanatical racial/ethnic patriotism/nationalism advocated by the "Left" for "people of color" is nothing other than Right Wing Extremism.
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Offline Israel Chai

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Re: The genius Zionist Conspirator
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2021, 02:22:29 PM »
I started, and while reading wistfully thought back to watching funny cat videos and staring at blank walls for the enormous ammount of neural activity that takes place during those activities in comparison to lowering my brain to that level of stupid to work out how they're tricking you on the way back up. I'm not submitting myself to that unless you pay me. In universities on those questions you can just talk about promoting homosexuality to black people and they can't give you a failing mark no matter what else you write, so long as it doesn't offend their eerie political pieties. You can get a specialty in critical race theory and not know what it is, I guarantee it. So there is no need for anyone to know what it is, other than whoever cares enough to figure out the tricks and deprogram the brainwashed.

Just should be noted that liberals have started saying deprogram to mean "use force to indoctrinate people with our ideology in gulags", which obviously is the opposite of the concept of presenting information about how their minds were tricked in a gradual and palatable way to jump start their ability for self-reflection in the area where they were brainwashed into accepting something illogical. Another word they've lathered their demonrat toxins on is disinformation, which they translate as "facts that lead people to conclusions that are not useful to promote our ideology", when it really means presenting a small truth to distract from a larger one, like changing "America imported tens of thousands of Nazi war criminals after WW2 comprising virtually the entire leadership from their war machine" into "America imported a few Nazi scientists because they helped".

The fear of the L-rd is the beginning of knowledge