Author Topic: Brain data and cash collection scam - BrainTap™  (Read 1472 times)

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Offline Israel Chai

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Brain data and cash collection scam - BrainTap™
« on: January 08, 2021, 06:56:13 AM »
So all the people who think they're genius wear this happy headset called the braintap. You basically buy the headset, and then they want you to pay monthly for the ability to turn lights on in it, if you get all the libraries you can push $100 a month. If that didn't scare you, now you have to download an app from either the google store that wants to scan your body and mine you for data, or the apple store which is basically the same but they have less power so they get caught and sued less. Now you have to make an account with your name and email. So now you have your credit card, your contact info and the data of what brain songs you use. You can simply put a certain type of program on to make it appear that you have a certain problem and google or the company or whoever is hacking them will sell it to a threat who now will have incorrect information.

Basically the only way is to download the .apk file for the app and then download the libraries separately and add them, and never connect the device to the internet, and it can be useful, but it's this massive gaping security risk if used any other way.
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Offline Israel Chai

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Re: Brain data and cash collection scam - BrainTap™
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2021, 01:05:12 PM »
I can confirm the machine detects and transmits data about your emotional states to a server. It also can detect if you play your own music to the light sequence, presumably to find ways to augment their own programs, if we're in denial that brain data miners aren't benign. Thing is, there are four other products that are lesser competitors with inferior machines that all have that exact same capacity, so it's quite possible this machine is sending more info on your brain than that.

Anyone thinking they need your brain data to improve needs to understand that their business model is designed for them to never achieve a perfect program. If they now declare that these even 10 programs in sequence will manage ADHD or insomnia, for instance, now there is no incentive to pay a monthly fee for new programs, you have ones that work. More financially interesting than that is it guarantees that customers will connect their device to the internet, and data from their devices can be revived from the programs. Even if you know how to set up an emulator, they can access this data even when you have lynux, without some pretty programs, in the data transfer of the new programs.

It's incredibly frustrating because the technology has real potential, and setting up the business in a way as to maximize profit and punish success, while making it a data mining project for everyone and forcing you to have a China and everyone hacked cellphone plugged into a device on your brain is a black hole of a security risk before we even talk about what the company may try to profit from.
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Offline Israel Chai

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Re: Brain data and cash collection scam - BrainTap™
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2021, 08:08:02 AM »
Here's a similar product that is extremely effective, endlessly peer reviewed, and not an eerie and ominous commie scam like BrainCrap. Oh and wonder of wonders, they managed to stick a $5 memory device in their device instead of requiring your cell phone and app store and monthly payments on your credit card for a nice lead to sell, and obviously the incentive for their product to never be complete. This one doesn't require a hundred wires so you can do heavy workouts and play piano more awesome, but doesn't have the light sequences, so please halo make another one with lights like that.

On a side note, talked to the company, they laughed in my face. CEO got embarrassed by enough people in the natural health community that he realized not to do it the doctor and proof way anymore, and now the search results are pumped with his fans and anyone who has anything else to say is pages past where anyone looks. Doesn't have any reason to make less money, better product not interested and betterment of humanity well I help them enough and I'm not a billionaire yet so I deserve more of their money even with a worse product. Found the weakness in the natural health community, a gazillion voices and you can get enough to drown out the others, and they need cash.

Despite all the wonderful things about it, the company model and owner keep those from growing and use them all for as much scamming as they can, and again, you aren't going to solve your 9 year old's ADD by making him plugged to a 5g internet phone. You can with his exact same product modded, so I'm going to go ahead and put a major call out to any company to copy that mean guy's idea and make sound and light patterns that are good. Also don't decide your butt is special and different than other butts and decide to narrate the meditation sessions yourself if you are just a greasy nerd. There are many wonderful nerds and many are my friends, but if you are greasy get someone less gross to talk.
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Offline Israel Chai

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Re: Brain data and cash collection scam - BrainTap™
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2021, 02:18:32 PM »
Ok currently deciding between this product and that last one:

Did I mention I wasted $700 on this braincrap thing? I was able to get $500 back, and I'll live, but the poor parents who realize leaving their kid with this scam doesn't cure ADD, that's like a few weeks eating pasta only two meals a day. And the quality of the plastic  is so low you should keep your cat from stepping on it so it doesn't get crushed.
The fear of the L-rd is the beginning of knowledge